Wednesday 4 May 2016

Kanye West is crowned artist of the year for 2016 Webby Awards

The Webby Awards crowned Kanye West as the Artist of the Year for 2016 all thanks to his digital achievements and worldwide recognition.  The Webby awards gave him the award because it recognized the record-breaking release of his album The Life of Pablo through streaming media.After being streamed 250 million times via Tidal in its first 10 days, TLOP later became the first Number One album to top the Billboard 200 off of mostly streaming-equivalent albums.

He was cited as an influential and powerful figure in the music industry due to his individual and changing methods of how music is released and shared.

Biya Consulted Buhari Against Biafra, Southern Cameroons Resolve to Fight Together – Says Biafra Leader

President Biya and Buhari hold a join Press Conference in Abuja

 President of Biafra Nation Youth League, Prince Chimezie Obuka, has condemned President Biya’s visit to Nigeria, alleging that the secret behind the meeting was to foment a cooperation pact with Nigeria’s Buhari aimed at destabilizing the cooperation that exist between Biafra Youth League and Southern Cameroons.
“On our own side, Biya’s visit to Buhari is to break our link with our people of former British Southern Cameroons. They have resolved to gang up against us”
“Paul Biya, a dictator, has been molesting and intimidating the people of former British Southern Cameroons, I’m not surprised that he is supporting the Buhari’s led administration and we are not bothered, we are only concerned about their failure to consider the condition of the internally displaced people of Bakassi Peninsula.” Obuka wrote in a letter to The Cameroon Journal.
He is further calling for intensified cooperation between Biafra youth and the youth of Ambazonia extraction so they can move like one force.
“There are many ways we can catch a rat, first Biafra youth in Nigeria and the youth of Ambazonia extraction must maintain unity for us to move like a force.” He wrote.
source: Cameroon Journal

Emma Watson's Met Gala dress was made out of recycled plastic bottles

Emma Watson made a statement on the Met Gala red carpet on Monday night by participating in the Green Carpet Challenge, and on Instagram, her stylist, Sarah Slutsky, explained that the five piece look created by Calvin Klein with some contributions from Watson herself and Eco-Age, a company that helps businesses introduce sustainable solutions. The dress she wore was a black and white gown made completely out of recycled materials. The gown was made of repurposed plastic bottles to keep with the "Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology" theme. The body of the gown was made using three fabrics, all woven out of yarns made from recycled plastic bottles. Even the smallest details, like the zippers, were made from recycled materials and the linings were made of organically grown and crafted cotton and silk.

Watson wrote on Facebook that the gown is made up of three pieces including a bustier, trousers, and a train, all of which she pledged to re-use and wear again in the future. 

Body of woman who received a face transplant after Chimp attack is rejecting tissue from the transplant

The Connecticut woman who underwent a face transplant five years ago after being attacked by a chimpanzee is back in a Boston hospital after doctors discovered her body is rejecting tissue from the transplant. Dr. Bohdan Pomahac, director of plastic surgery transplantation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said Wednesday that Charla Nash is experiencing a “moderate rejection episode” and the transplant is not in jeopardy.
Nash was taking part in an experiment in which doctors had tried to wean her off the anti-rejection drugs she had been taking since the 2011 operation. Anti-rejection drugs can have serious side effects, and the military had funded the experiment in hopes of using the findings to help soldiers who had transplants after returning from Pomahac said doctors have removed Nash from the experiment and put her back on her original medication. He said she will most likely leave the hospital in the next day or two.
“We expect this rejection episode to be resolved within the coming week,” he said in a statement.
Nash, 62, recently discovered several unusual patches on her face, said Shelly Sindland, her publicist. Doctors on Monday did a biopsy and determined her body was rejecting the transplant, she said.
“I gave it my all and know my participation in the study will still be beneficial,” Nash said in a statement to The Associated Press. “I’d do it all over again, if I could. The men and women serving our country are the true heroes.”
The immunosuppression drugs that transplant patients are typically given for the rest of their lives carry such risks as cancer, viral infections and kidney damage. Because of those dangers, many transplants of non-vital body parts, such as thumbs, are not considered worth doing. But doctors say that could change if the drugs don’t have to be a lifelong commitment.

The Pentagon, which also paid for Nash’s transplant, has provided grants to 14 medical facilities across the U.S. through its hand and face transplantation program. The face and the extremities are the most frequently injured parts of the body in war.
“I’m just happy I had the chance to help,” said Nash, adding that she feels fine. “I wish I could have done more. I believe in the power of prayer and appreciate everyone who is praying for me.”
Nash lost her nose, lips, eyelids and hands when she was mauled in 2009 by her employer’s 200-pound pet chimpanzee in Stamford, Connecticut. Doctors also had to remove her eyes because of a disease transmitted by the chimp.

She later received new facial features taken from a dead woman. She also underwent a double hand transplant, but it failed when her body rejected the tissue. When she began the experiment involving the suspension of anti-rejection drugs in March, 2015, doctors said it would eventually include other patients and its findings could potentially affect hundreds of thousands of people, military and civilian alike.

Source: TIME Mag

Caitlyn Jenner to feature on Sports Illustrated cover wearing only US flag

Caitlyn Jenner is to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated, dressed only in an American flag and her Olympic gold medal in a rare acknowledgement of her previous life as a champion male athlete.
Her appearance on the magazine’s summer cover is being timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of her world record-breaking victory at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, when she won the men’s decathlon event as Bruce Jenner.

It will be the first time Jenner, will appear publicly with the medal since he transitioned last year as a woman.

Child who wore Lionel Messi plastic bag shirt forced into exile by Taliban as family fear he could be kidnapped

Murtaza Ahmadi, the 5 year old child whose picture of him wearing a plastic bag jersey with Lionel Messi's name and number went viral early this year, has been forced into exile as his family fear he could be kidnapped by Talibans.

Now I want you to invite me so I can come and meet you." Then In February, UNICEF confirmed Murtaza had been sent a signed Argentina shirt by the World Player of the Year.

According to the boy's father, talibans in the area thought Messi must have also sent the boy some money alongside the signed jersey, so his family have had to relocate him amid fears he could be kidnapped and then Lionel Messi contacted to pay a ransom. Mohammad Arif Ahmadi told the BBC, "A few days ago I got a call from a local gangster," he said. He thought that since my son had received these T-shirts from Messi that maybe he also got money and asked for his share." The family have moved to neighbouring Pakistan after selling their possessions and are currently in Quetta. Source : BBC

10 things women say when they are not into you

Sometimes, women may not be able to tell men what and how they feel because they do not want to hurt their ego. Men on the other hand do not know when to press women for some issues and when to hold on and give them space to breathe.
There are some things women say when they are not into men; owing to the coy nature of the women, there are certain hints they drop when communicating with men they do not want to date. The extremely smart ones may be more diplomatic in their dealings and therefore avoid being quoted.
In this present age and time, women are being lectured on the need to be polite when turning down proposal from men. Younger women are being taught not to abuse men who they do not want to date.
As a result of these, men may not get the direct answer they are waiting for. It is pathetic watching many men hang on to straws because they simply cannot interpret the signs the women give when they ask them out. In other cases, the men are simply filled with hope and continue to wait on the ladies until they become hopeless.
Owing to this, we have decided to look into this issue and analyze the things women say when they are not interested in you:

1. I would love to focus more on myself for now

things women say when they are not into you
Many men must have heard this line before; women imply that they had better focus on themselves and channel their resources into more productive things other than being with you.
Please do not take this personal, just know that she is not into you as she would have loved to explore with you if there was an iota of interest in the first place. Move on bro; do not waste your time.

2. I am not ready to go into a relationship now

things women say when they are not into you
What exactly is she waiting for? When a lady says this and go on to rant about things she wants to do first or the emotional blockages she has to deal with, then know that she is only buying her way out of the situation.

3. I have never seen you in that light

things women say when they are not into you
This is a polite way of telling you no. She has built a place for you in the friend zone and do not want you to get out of it. In cases where the men are older, this could put a sense of guilt in the men and make them feel funny for going after a younger girl. Pay no attention to this; she is simply not interested in you.

4. I do not know what the future says, but this is not the time

things women say when they are not into you
When ladies say this, they want you to stick around and keep showering them with attention. Obviously, they are not ready to date you at the moment but want to keep the option open.
Ladies who are perpetual time wasters say this. They feel good about themselves as a result of the attention they get from men they tell this and carry on with their lives without paying them attention.

5. I have someone I’m seeing at the moment

things women say when they are not into you
This is crystal clear; you do not need to linger around for any reason except you want to play second fiddle. She is in a relationship and does not have your time. Even if she is not in one and you know it, then it is a sign that she would rather be with someone else other than be with you.

6. I’ve got other things doing

When a lady says this to you, it is a sign she does not want to hang out with you. It is a polite way of turning down the date you took your time to prepare for. She means she has more important things to do and would rather concentrate on them. Do not take this personal, she does not want to be with you. Move on.

7. When your calls go unanswered

things women say to men they are not interested in dating them
When you call a lady severally and she does not pick, send a text to show she is busy or call back, this means you have become a pest and she would rather be alone than talk to you on the phone.
Do not try wasting your time any further, she has no regards for you and believe you would get the hint someday. This is her innocent way of making you draw your own conclusions.

8. I am busy

things women say to men they are not interested in
It is possible for a lady to be busy with the usual hike of going to work and moving around. It is also possible for her job to be demanding as she could have little or no time to reach out to her family members.
But when she says she is busy and does not provide a date when she would be available, then she probably does not want to meet with you at all not to talk of dating.

9. When her responses are short

things women say to men when they are not into them
Imagine sending a lady a long text message only for her to give a monosyllabic answer; if this becomes a habit, it is a sign she is not interested in dating you. In some cases, the messages may never be replied while some may take eternity for the responses to come.

10. I do not think we fit

things women say when they are not into you
For a lady to have said this, she must have tried using any of the above signs initially. A lady out of frustration may be forced to vent by saying this to a guy point blank in order for him to leave her alone.

Lupita Nyong'o reveals the inspiration behind her ‘hairstyle’ to the 2016 Met Gala

Lupita Nyong’o hairstyle choice to the Met Gala was one of the most talked about hairstyles on social media, during and after the event. Not because it was nice but rather weird looking in a kind of way. The actress took to her IG page today to show off the inspiration behind the hair. 

Khloe Kardashian reveals the traits she finds sexy in a guy. "The sexiest qualities in a man are drive and ambition"

Khloé has revealed all the traits she looks for in a man as well as dating deal breakers.
"I find a lot of different things sexy in a man," Khloé wrote in a blog post for her website and app on Tuesday. "Obviously, I have to be physically attracted to some degree, but I've learned that really comes and goes. If the guy doesn't have a good personality, then the physical connection will get old really quickly!"

For the 31-year-old reality TV star, an awesome personality is far more important than looks. In particular, she values a great sense of humor, and someone who continuously proves their ambition.

"It sounds corny, but I 've dated really cute guys with absolutely no substance and it just doesn't work. The second we get on the phone and try to have a conversation, it's like, 'Okay, this isn't doing it for me"

She loved being with a man with goofy personality.

"I like a man with a sense of humour. I mreally silly and goofy, so I need someone who can appreciate that and serve it back to me. But I dont want him to be too out-there and so quirky that we don't share the same kind of jokes,LOL"

On what turns her on, she wrote:

"Honestly, to me, the sexiest qualities in a man are drive and ambition. I want someone who has structure to his days- he doesn't necessarily have to be on my schedule, but if he's working towards a goal and is driven, it's a turn-on."

Mum has sex while in labour & experiences 'best orgasm of my life' while giving birth to her son

A woman Sangeeta Freeman claims she had 'orgasmic birth' while giving birth to her son and claimed it was the 'best orgasm of her life' as she moaned "Yes, yes, yes!" as surges of pleasure shot through her just moments before her newborn arrived.

Orgasmic birth can be defined as a pleasurable experience of intense pleasure experienced by a small percentage of women during child birth. 
"During my contractions, I was thinking 'I want more of this' and it would be wonderful for it to go on as long as possible," 42 year old Sangeeta said.

"I didn't want one of these quick labours," she said. "I wanted one I would remember. And it was definitely that.

"It was like I was on a high, but so much better than any orgasm I had ever had."

When Sangeeta became pregnant 16 years ago, she says she did not plan to experience a climax while going through labour, according to her the feelings are as sweet and intense as that felt during sex.

"I was so happy when I discovered I was pregnant, I knew something really extraordinary was taking place inside my body, and I wanted to understand it on every level and make the most of the experience," she explained.

Two days before her due date in November 1999, Sangeeta started to go into what would be a 27-hour labour, but unlike other women, Sangeeta enjoyed her contractions so much, rather than feel pain or agony as her partner put his sexual organ into hers..

"Although there wasn't much space inside me, it was just about manageable, and very pleasurable indeed," she said.

"The love I felt for my partner felt truly profound and deep."

"I felt like I was opening up and there was no stopping it, it was absolutely incredible," she said.

"It was painful, but at the same time there were surges which were totally sensual.

"It felt like pleasure and pain merged into one. I couldn't say which was stronger - pleasure or pain.

"Then from out of nowhere I began shouting "Yes, yes, yes!".

"It felt like the best feeling in the world, a powerful and primal feeling that felt exhilarating and deeply significant, far more pleasurable than just an orgasm."

Source : Mirror UK

President Buhari holds State dinner for President Paul Biya and his wife (photos)

Nigerian President Buhari held a state dinner in honour of the President of Cameroon, Paul Biya and his wife at the Presidential villa in Aso Rock, Abuja. The two Presidents used this occasion to once more announce their determination to eradicate the Boko Haram insurgency while expressing their deep felt sympathy to the families that have fallen victim to Boko Haram attacks. Biya and his wife are currently on a 2-day state visit to Nigeria.

See more photos below. 

Super Eagles player Leon Balogun's ban reduced to 2 games, to pay €10,000 fine for violent conduct

The German Football Association has reduced the ban of Super Eagles player Leon Balogun from 3 games to 2 games after his club, Mainz, appealed his punishment for violent conduct in the 2-1 defeat  to Eintracht Frankfurt.

Balogun deliberately used his knee to hit Frankfurt's Carlos Zambrano in the closing stages of the match but the incident was missed by the referee which prompted the German FA to act and ban him for 3 games but after a successful appeal by the player and his club the ban has been reduced to 2 games.

The statement on the official website of the German FA reads:
“After a verbal hearing with the German Football Association’s sports tribunal, Leon Balogun’s suspension for blatant misconduct in the form of violence against an opponent was reduced to two games and a 10,000 Euro fine after the charge was reduced to careless conduct.
“The panel reduced the decision of a three game ban that was originally given out by a single judge. Balogun as well as the club Mainz 05 agreed to the new judgement.
“The change means that the centre-back will be available for Mainz’s final home match of the season against Hertha BSC (Saturday 14th May).”

'I am one of the best managers in the world'- Man U coach Louis Van Gaal says

Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal says he is one of the best managers in the world amidst criticism from various media outlets against his approach and tactical decisions at some matches this season.

Man U have lost 3-0 to Arsenal and Liverpool this season, lie fifth in the premier league table and are in the F.A Cup final against Crystal Palace but Van Gaal says he is one of the best football managers in the world that's why criticism comes his way.

"I can cope with it when the media is writing for six months I am sacked already. It is not new for me," Van Gaal said at United's Player of the Year awards dinner.
"For my players, it is not so easy. They are reading it every day. How do you think that affects my authority? What do you think about the way they want to follow my advice, when their coach is portrayed like a nobody because I cannot do anything?
"But I am not like that. I am very arrogant. I am one of the best managers of the world. We have to meet the expectations of the biggest club in the world. Expectations are too high," he added.
"We are in a period of transition. It is not so easy. We're still in a position to qualify [for the Champions League], and we're in the final of the FA Cup.
"We've fought back many times [this season], so you can applaud the players, because they've done it.. I came to England to win a trophy, but first we have to qualify for the Champions League."
Louis van Gaal has coached Ajax, AZ, Barcelona, Netherlands, Bayern Munich and Man U during his career and has won 19 trophies during his career.

Beyonce's Cousin addresses Beyonce and Jay-Z's marital issues

According to Beyonce 's cousin, Shanica Knowels, Beyonce and husband Jay Z have endured a number of "silent separations" over the years. The actress claims that the album Lemonade is Beyonce's way of dealing with all the hurt and anger from Jazy's alleged infidelity.
Speaking to heat magazine, she said:

"Beyonce has been encouraged to write about the affair rumours to help her deal with it all and help her determine whether she could work through everything or have to end the marriage. This has been a long process and I've heard they've had to deal with silent separations and splits over the past few years, but Bey is praying this album will actually save her marriage.": "She's been through the intense anger and I think she's now learning to forgive Jay. The next few months are going to be the test - this is make or break for them - but he's determined to do everything she can to make it work."


The American porn star competed against two other women one of which was the former world record holder who had sex with 759 men in a day. She achieved this record by having sex with 919 men over a period of 12 hours. That would mean she spent only 45 seconds having sex with each
man, which is about 13.5 seconds longer than is often necessary. On the day Lisa Sparks won the competition by only 21 men…

Chantal Biya to partner with Nigeria’s First Lady on women development (photos)

Cameroon's first couple is current in Nigeria for a 2-day state visit which started yesterday. The Wife of Nigerian President, Mrs Aisha Buhari, revealed in a meeting with Cameroon's first lady, Chantal Biya that she would collaborate with Mrs. Biya, in the areas of women and children development.

Mrs. Buhari said this when she received Mrs. Biya, who is on a two-day official visit to Nigeria with her husband, President Paul Biya.
“We can also discuss on how we can partner to enhance the activities of our foundations (pet projects).
“As wives of leaders, our humanitarian service is like bridging the gap between the government and the people of the country,” she said.
Mrs. Buhari's pet project, “Future Assured” with the help of governors’ wives and associates and that the pet project was aimed at improving the health of women and children in the country.
Chantal Biya's Foundation would work with "Future Assured" to better the lives of women and children in both countries.

“I am very pleased to meet you, Mrs. Buhari. It is like a family matter,” she said.
See photos below...

Italy's highest court rules that stealing small amounts of food out of desperation is not a crime

Italy's Supreme Court of Cessation, the highest court in the land has ruled that theft of small amounts of food out of hunger is not a crime. The landmark ruling was given in the case of a homeless man named Roman Ostriakov, who in 2011 was caught stealing a sausage and some cheese from a Genoa supermarket.

Ostriakov had hidden the goods, worth about $4.50, under his jacket as he paid for breadsticks. He was arrested after a customer informed the store’s security of the theft; and in 2013, he was convicted and sentenced to six months in jail.

The highest court in the land has however overturned his conviction on the grounds that stealing small amounts of food to stave off hunger is not a crime.

The court said: “The condition of the defendant, and the circumstances in which the seizure of merchandise took place, prove that he took possession of that small amount of food in the face of an immediate and essential need for nourishment, acting therefore in a state of necessity,”

Carlo Rienzi, president of a Consumer rights group praised the court's ruling, he said: “In recent years the economic crisis has increased dramatically the number of citizens, especially the elderly, forced to steal in supermarkets to be able to make ends meet.

“The supreme court has established a sacrosanct principle: a small theft because of hunger is in no way comparable to an act of delinquency, because the need to feed justifies the fact."

Bello bestows Abuja citizenship on Cameroonian President

Biya in Abuja
The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Muhammad Musa Bello, yesterday conferred honorary citizenship of Abuja on the President of Cameroon, Mr. Paul Biya, and presented him with the key to the City of Abuja.
Bello said that the key to the City of Abuja confers on him (Mr. Biya) the Honorary Citizenship of Abuja, with all the rights and privileges.
The Nigerian Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbanjo, received the visiting Cameroonian President, at the Presidential Wing of the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, Abuja.
Professor Osibanjo led a high-powered Nigerian team to welcome the visiting Cameroonian President whose aircraft touched down at exactly 11:15am.
Meanwhile, the Minister, who welcomed the Cameroonian visiting President to the City, described Abuja as the symbol of national unity of the country.
He emphasized that the honour has been bestowed on the visiting President as mark of respect for the strong friendship and cordial relationship between the people of Nigeria and Cameroon.
Responding, the Cameroonian President, Mr. Paul Biya, who led a strong delegation of Cameroonian Government and people to have audience with President Muhammadu Buhari, appreciated the honour done to him.
Biya reiterated that Nigeria and Cameroon have long standing historical and diplomatic relationship that ought to be strengthened for the mutual benefit of the two countries.
According to him, he and his entourage are in Nigeria for a two-day visit to have audience with the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari.
The First Lady of Cameroon as well as ten cabinet Ministers were on the entourage of the Cameroonian President that arrived Abuja.

Footballers Kaka, Lucio and President Rousseff endorse Rio games as Olympic torch arrives in Brazil ahead of Olympic games

The Olympic torch flame has arrived in Brazil this morning for the start of a torch relay that will culminate with the opening of the Olympic Games in Rio in August. The torch was flown inside a small lantern on a special flight from the Swiss city of Geneva to Brazil and was lit by embattled President Dilma Rousseff.

President Rousseff who might not last till the beginning of the games as president said, 'Brazil is ready to host the most successful Olympics in history.'

Other football stars like Kaka, Lucio and a host of athletes were present and endorsed the Rio Olympic Torch's arrival.
The torch will be carried around Brazil by 12,000 runners. It will pass through more than 300 towns and cities from the Amazon to Brazil's southern border, arriving at the Maracana Stadium in Rio on 5 August for the kick off of the Olympic games.   

More photos...

Photo Credit: AFP, Reuters, Adriano Machado and Rio Torch Snapchat.

Pope condemns paedophilia as new details of 6 year old girl's murder and rape emerges in Italy

Pope Francis used his weekly Sunday message to denounce paedophilia, following the emergence of new details surrounding the alleged rape and murder of an Italian girl- child in 2014.

The Pope’s comments followed new revelations in the case of a six-year-old girl who died in June 2014, after allegedly being thrown from an eighth-story balcony in Naples.
A 43-year-old man is being held in a prison in Rome charged with throwing the girl from a housing block in a deprived area of the city after raping her, following a re-opening of the case. The man has denied the charges.
“This is a tragedy. We should not tolerate the abuse of minors,” said Pope Francis, in his message and blessing at St Peter’s Square.
“We must protect our minors and severely punish abusers.”
The Pope has vowed a “zero tolerance” for abusers in the Church, however victims groups have accused him of not doing enough.

Source: Belfast Telegraph UK

Presidents Biya, Buhari Merge Ambitions

Biya and Buhari - Abuja2
The two leaders expressed their determination at a State banquet in Abuja organised in honour of Cameroon’s Presidential couple.
It took well over two hours for Cameroonian and Nigerian leaders, President Paul Biya and Muhammadu Buhari respectively to go through the items programmed for the State banquet organised in the Nigerian capital, Abuja yesterday evening.
Accompanied by their wives, Mrs Chantal Biya and Mrs Aisha Muhammadu Buhari, the evening’s ceremony which took place in the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, witnessed a medley of activities epitomised by the speeches of the two Presidents. It was equally spiced by five different dance groups, one of which came all the way from Cameroon.
As one would have expected, the two Presidents used this occasion to once more announce their determination to eradicate the Boko Haram insurgency while expressing their deep felt sympathy to the families that have fallen victim to Boko Haram attacks.
They equally renewed their commitment to identify the diverse areas through which they can hinge cooperation between the two nations and enhance economic development. This will among others take the form of regular economic forums organised in both countries with the aim of strengthening and formalising trade between the two countries.
Cameroon Tribune 

Lol..Brazilian fashion fan recreates Rihanna's pic from Needed Me video

This man doesn't have See what he did with Solange's Met Gala look after the cut...

Hot modelling photos of Brazilian identical twin sisters...18+

The Brazilian models are identical twin sisters, Suzane and Suzana Massera and they like to take very sexy modeling photos. See more photos of the gorgeous sisters after the cut...


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...