Thursday 5 May 2016

High school student whose prom pic was mocked online reacts on FB

Last week, High School student Tayla Jones' prom photo went viral after she posted it on her Facebook page, with many mocking how she looked and making cruel jokes about her appearance. Yesterday, Tayla took to her Facebook to confront those mocking her, and what she wrote got people rooting for her and now showing her support. Read what she wrote after the cut...

"I thought this was going to be the best day in my life . . . but I got laughed at by how I looked . . . I got called names for how I look. I left early to go lay in bed and cry myself to sleep. I hope if anyone else feels the way I feel they keep they head up. be life's too short to want to try and kill yourself or wish u wasn't here . . . we are all God's children and he picked us to be in this world for a reason."

Queen Latifah steps out with her mum...but you would think they were sisters

Queen Latifah, 46, stepped out with her mum Rita Owens to the VH1 Dear Mama event on Tuesday. Ms Owens has been battling heart failure for over 10 years which she's finally managed to put under control. Rita uses a combination of medicine, diet and exercise to stay healthy, according to Latifah!

5 ways women trick men into marrying them

One really cannot blame women who trick men into marrying them; it is a difficult world for them out there. Women are often judged for not being married and are subjected to some baseless hypocritical criticism.

The society has a way of labeling these women and making them feel like they have missed an important event in their lives. Some even brew stories of all sorts insinuating that the ladies must have spent their early years waywardly.
These and all sorts of things push the ladies beyond their limits and make them go to any length in tying a man down. Ladies carefully plan their way into a man’s heart and house. They would do anything just for their titles to change.
Below are some of the things women do to trick men into marrying them:

1. They become obedient

ways women trick men into marriage
Every man wants to marry a submissive woman; a woman who is hardworking, obedient, prudent and understanding. Most women know these and many more traits are the things men want in the women so they act out all these things.
They become a different person entirely and do all they could to please the men. The men in turn, blindly fall for this and choose women that possess all these qualities.

2. They become more religious

ways women trick men into marriage
In the society now, people believe good-natured people can majorly be found in places of worship. Women know this well and act on it; they become frequent fellowship goer and start to partake in the activities that would make them become more noticeable. Not like there are no good girls in the religious centers, they have simply been infiltrated by those looking forward to getting married.
Most men who want to settle down prefer picking their partners from religious groups as they believe they would be good natured and homely. Sadly, most of them are just disillusioned and do not know that it is a coy for the ladies to get married.

3. Getting pregnant

ways women trick men into marriage
Many ladies trick men into marrying them by becoming pregnant all of a sudden. They might not have planned for it but then the ladies would insist on having the baby and start to share different prophecies about them being warned not to abort.
Some innocent men fall prey to this and are forced to marry those women. Six out of every ten men could have married a different person but for the fact that another woman got pregnant for them about that same time.

4. Pretending to be virgins

ways women trick men into marriage
Women also trick men into marrying them by portraying themselves as being virgins. Men love the idea of getting married to women who are untouched; who have never been defiled for reasons best known to them.
So while they must have had lots of fun as bachelors, they still get charmed by the idea of marrying virgins for a change. Ladies use this to work their way into their lives. It is a safe point for them as the men can never ascertain if they are truly virgins until the wedding night.

5. The family’s favorite

ways women trick men into marriage
Some women also act so nice towards the men’s family such that they become everyone’s favorite. They do this so well that they have advocates in the house who would speak for them even when they are not around.
Some ladies plan their ways into the men’s houses by dancing to everyone’s tune and becoming the ideal daughter-in-law in no time.

Rita Ora steps out with her gorgeous mum (photos)

Singer Rita Ora pictured with her mum on Tuesday at a VH1 Mother's Day event. See another pic after the cut...

Lose weight without exercising or going on a diet [Read How]


Making small lifestyle changes can help you lose weight faster without feeling deprived of the food that you love...

Often dieting does not work and later hampers our system when we get back to our normal eating routine. We share some easy tips to help you lose those excess pounds without haunting over the strict diet charts.

Use a smaller plate

A study from the University of Cornell found out that a fixed portion of food when eaten from a larger plate, diners felt hungrier and ate more. While, the same portion of food, when eaten from a smaller plate, the meal seemed substantial and thus eaten less.

Use a bigger fork

It is established from an Italian study that there is a relationship between the fork size and the level of consumption. The research found that diners who used smaller forks ate more than those with larger ones.

Drink water before meals

Drinking water before meals cuts down the level of consumption. It is believed that those who drink two to three glasses of water before each meal lose weight faster than those who drink water after the meal is over.

Eat with men

According to psychologists, women eat less if they are around men! Strange, but quite true. It is possible that small food portions signal attractiveness.

Hide unhealthy snacks

Keeping unhealthy snacks out of sight can benefit loads. Chocolates, crunches when out of reach reduce binge eating.

Avoid peer pressure

Be careful about your friends. Even if they insist you on indulging on those fat-filled snacks and heavy meals, refrain. Remember, at the end you will be the only person to suffer if you give into their pressures.

Don't forget to read labels

Remember to read the food labels before you pick up something. Nutrition labels on food packages eat around 5 per cent less fat than those who do not bother to read them.

Avoid snacking at night

Snacking at night often tends to increase your weight. Since there is no form of exercise done at night, this habit will land you in serious problem if you do not put an end to it instantly.

Beware of skinny friends

Thin people have large appetites. Be careful. Since you do not figure on the same chart, you should be cautious about what you eat so that you don't tend to put on more weight.

Michel Fotso Given Two Life Sentences in Four Days

Former general manager of the Cameroon airlines, Camair, Yves Michel Fotso

It is unprecedented in the history of the fight against corruption in Cameroon! Former general manager of the Cameroon airlines, Camair, Yves Michel Fotso, was within four days sentenced with two life  jail terms, and we gathered from sources within his family, they are afraid he may just be on his way to committing suicide.
The business tycoon and son of a billionaire Friday 29 April, had probably one of the worst days of his life when he was slammed another life jail sentence for embezzling over 10 billion FCFA between 2000 and 2002.
He had suffered the same fate four days earlier from Justice Virginie Eloundou for illegally pocketing 34 billion FCFA while he served as executive head of the defunct national carrier.
Both life jail sentences came on the heels of a 25-year jail term he had incurred back in 2012; all for issues related to management while at the helm of CAMAIR.
It was a little after 5pm that Friday when the presiding judge,  Justice Francis Claude Moukouri, pronounced the verdict on Fotso, also ordering that huge sums of money lodged in some of his bank accounts, notably at BICEC, Afriland First Bank, CBC and UBA, just to cite these few, be confiscated with immediate effect.
The accounts are said to be owned by companies in which Yves Michel Fotso had shares, notably; Fotso Group Holding, Capital Financial Holding, Clean Oil Logistic and Clean Oil Recording.
Fotso’s verdict has created history as he becomes the first accused within the framework of the operation sparrow hawk to receive two life sentences, and in less than a week.
Just like in the pronouncement early last week, that of last Friday was delivered in the absence of  all five of Yves Michel Fotso’s counsels, having decided last February not to attend any more hearings, alleging deliberate attempts by court officials to prevent their client a fair hearing.
Delivering the ruling, the lead counsel of the trial team, Justice Francis Claude Moukouri, ordered the confiscation of about 12 of Michel Fotso’s frozen accounts in both local and foreign banks. He is also to pay 9 billion FCFA to the State as compensation for losses caused by the embezzlement, and 958 million FCFA as the cost of the trial.
The other trial judges were, Fotso’s namesake, Justice Michel Onana and Justice Nyassa Luc; while the Advocates General were Justice Jean Claude Taghim and Justice Ngoupa. Michel Fotso was initially accused of fraudulently obtaining 18.9 billion FCFA between 2000 and 2002.
The suit, filed by Camair’s liquidation committee and the state of Cameroon, concerns 4,051,209,866 FCFA, 4,606,130,515 FCFA, and 8,934,203,742 FCFA, all compensation for the famous Boeing 747 ‘Combi’ aircraft crash in Paris, France on November 6, 2000. He was also charged with embezzling 1,400,000,000 FCFA, being the cost of the wreck of the crashed aircraft he sold.
However, the court struck out the charge of embezzlement of 8,934,203,742 FCFA because the prosecution failed to substantiate it. Earlier, Advocate General Taghim had demanded a life sentence for Fotso and the confiscation of all his seized property.
 Counsel for the Camair liquidation committee, Barrister Ngongo Ottou Martin, asked for 9.05 billion FCFA as losses caused by the embezzlement. Barrister Mujem Fombad, counsel for the State of Cameroun, supported their position.
Michel Fotso, who was absent from both court sessions sentencing him to perpetuity in prison, is said not to be in a very poor state of health.

You woudn't believe what Kim Kardashian has been showing off to her friends

In a new series of Keeping Up With The Kardashians which was launched on Sunday in America, Kim gushed over how good she looks after childbirth. Kim began to give her hubby a run in the ego-maniac stakes as she said during a family dinner.
She said:
“I just showed Larsa Pippen [her friend] my vagina, and she thinks it looks gorgeous and perfect after a baby."I was sitting on the toilet and I just took a mirror, and I said, ‘’Stand here and look in the mirror.’ 

Kanye West flew into a rage & fired a married bodyguard Kim K flirted with?

That is how MediaTakeOut is reporting it via NY Daily News.. Read the report below...
Kim Kardashian has said openly that her idol is Elizabeth Taylor - a woman known for marrying Eight times, and cheating on all her husbands. That didn't stop Kanye West from marrying Kim, and putting two babies inside her. Well he may be realizing his worst nightmare. According to the NY Daily News, Kanye caught Kim flirting with her security guard. Kanye reportedly flew "into a rage" and fired the guard on the spot.
The security guard - who is happily married - denies that there was anything inappropriate with the conversation. But here's what the NY Daily News has to say about it:
“Something happened at the Waldorf Astoria where Kanye just lost it,” said a source who was on the 36th floor of the hotel Monday afternoon when West allegedly got upset.
His rage was aimed at Steve Stanulis — a bodyguard well-known to entertainment industry insiders, thanks to a gig that's seen him looking after stars, including Leonardo DiCaprio and Alanis Morissette.
According to a second source, an assistant from Kim Kardashian and West’s camp called down to the pair’s security detail, asking that one of them bring up a package that was slated to arrive from a local store around 1:30 p.m. When Stanulis volunteered for the task, West, who was in an adjacent room in the same hallway, was heard asking loudly why the muscle for hire was chatting with his wife outside her door and saying, “This isn’t right!”
When West and Kardashian arrived at the Met Gala — each looking like a million bucks — Stanulis was nowhere to be found. We’re told that he’d been cut loose at West’s request shortly after 6 p.m. while waiting along with the rest of the Kardashian-West entourage to drive the stars to Anna Wintour’s big bash at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
If the name Steve Stanulis sounds familiar. He's the same guy that nearly got into a fight with Maino a few weeks ago.

Monyetta Shaw admits to engaging in threesomes with her ex Ne-Yo and giving him 'permission to cheat'

Ne-Yo's ex, Monyetta Shaw is making a revelation about her sex life with the singer. On the latest episode of "Dont Be Scared" podcast with David, Jah and Janee to discuss her new book, the former Hollywood Exes star admits to previously compromising her values during her relationship with Neyo, the father of her two children, including occasionally engaged in threesomes.

"You're in a relationship, you know your partner, I wasn't a prude," she said. "I went hard for my relationship, it kind of happened and that's what it was. The reason why I thought it was important to put it in there [the book] just when my daughter gets old enough to read it, or my son, it's necessary [in the book] because whatever you do — you ain't gon' keep him."

When asked why she agreed to the threesomes, Monyetta said she was willing to do anything for her man:

"I love hard and I went hard for my man, no question, and I feel like I did those things at the time because I felt it was necessary and I was in love."

She however, had one rule regarding their threesomes: no seafood.
"I've never tasted the seafood, let's be clear," she said. "I have no desire to taste the seafood."

She also said she was positive their relationship would never dissolve. "If you would've told me that we weren't going to be together, I would've told you that you were a damn lier," she said. "I knew that he had my heart and I had his heart no matter what."

Also speaking on the concept of "hall passes," she said while she gave the "Because of You" singer permission to cheat as long as he used protection, she doesn't recommend women following her suit.

"Absolutely not. Girl, run! Don't do it," she said. "He was my best friend, it was straight up ride or die. I just saw my family breaking up — I don't know that word, my parents have been together 44 years. So I'm like, what do I need to do? What is it? I know this is your problem so here, this is what you gotta go thinking he'll get over it... Even though I'm dying inside."

She is also not happy with people pitting her against Ne-Yo's new wife, Crystal Renay.

"Let me say this, it’s good to see that I have support but to trash another woman, that’s not cool. It’s not what I want. Let’s just say the internet has no chill, social media has no chill and they’re definitely going to voice their opinions. I’m not everybody’s cup of tea clearly and she’s not, he likes what he likes obviously and he don’t care. That’s whats’s up. Even when I first started dating him it wasn’t all peachy for me. […]
When I first started dating him people started putting me with people I never even met before, I think it just comes with the territory. And then just stepping into his life at the time she kind caught it bad because everybody thought we were going to get back together—hell, I know I did. That’s why, it’s not really good but it comes with the territory. To even be in a relationship with a celebrity you have to have thick skin"

Source: Bossip

Janet Jackson is pregnant!

ET exclusively confirmed that Janet Jackson is pregnant with her first child. Janet Jackson who will be 50 on May 16th, announced last month that she will be postponing her tour to start a family with husband Wissam Al Mana.
She said:
“We’re in the second leg of the tour and there actually has been a sudden change,” Jackson explained in a video posted to Twitter on April 6. “I thought it was important that you be the first to know. My husband and I are planning our family, so I’m going to have to delay the tour.”
At first there were rumours that she was going to use a surrogate but ET confirmed that she is indeed pregnant with her first child.

Congratulations to her and her Husband.



Justin Bieber's pop-up shop in SoHo is drawing a HUGE crowd looking to drop dough on his gear.
The Biebs set up shop for two days at VFILES on Mercer Street hawking merchandise from his current Purpose tour. Check out the photos ... shirts and hoodies are up for grabs on a first come, first served basis.
We'd say beat the rush, but ... 

source: TMZ



There’s no way the other lady was worth this happening to his Some ladies are gangsters tho!

Buhari and Biya's at a press conference in Abuja (photos)

President Buhari and Cameroonian president, Paul Biya pictured at a Communique Signing /Press Conference at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel in Abuja today May 4th. According to reports, Buhari's regime has promise to abide by the International Court of Justice(IJC) judgment on Bakassi peninsula. More photos after the cut...

Kanye West and the Kardashians vacation in Cuba

Kim Kardashian, her husband Kanye West and their daughter North, Khloe and Kourtney and Kourtney's son Mason Disick all arrived Havana, Cuba on Wednesday. They all hit the city in vintage pink convertibles. They visited a museum where they all looked overdressed and ate at the same restaurant President Obama ate when he visited Cuba, San Cristóbal Restaurants. The restaurant owners put the photos of the Kardashians on their website and their Facebook page. More photos after the cut...

Blac Chyna files papers to trademark her name

Blac Chyna's has made moves to block strippers and others from using her name so she has filed papers to trademark her name. According to TMZ's exclusive report, a trademark application was filed last month so that no other person will have the right to use her name for any business venture. Including TV shows, movie deals and party appearances.

Chyna's attorney, Walter Mosley, said she filed the trademark because she was getting multiple film, TV and endorsement offers and she wanted her name protected.


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...