Saturday 20 February 2016

Drake and Rihanna re-enact steamy scene...6 years later

A sneak peek of Rihanna's new video for 'Work' featuring Drake was released yesterday and there's a part the former lovebirds re-enacted their steamy scene from their 2010 collaboration 'What's My Name'. These two should get married and have babies. The video for Work will be out this Monday.

At Least 19 Dead in Suicide Attack in North Cameroon

Members of the Cameroon security forces along with civilians remove a body following a suicide attack last Saturday. (PHOTO: AFP)
FILE: Members of the Cameroon security forces along with civilians remove a body following a suicide attack last year in same region. (PHOTO: AFP)
 Two suicide bombers killed at least 19 people and injured 50 others in a market in Meme, northern Cameroon, on Friday, military sources told Reuters.
Two men walked into the market and blew themselves up, one of the officials based in northern Cameroon said, adding that the number of dead and injured is subject to change.
There has so far been no official claim of responsibility for the attack, but officials pointed the finger at Nigeria-based Boko Haram, which has been blamed for a campaign of suicide attacks in neighboring countries Cameroon, Chad and Niger over the past year.
Boko Haram violence in Cameroon has caused about 1,000 deaths, according to the Cameroon government and military sources.
Boko Haram is thought to have killed about 15,000 people and driven more than 2 million from their homes during its six-year insurgency in one of the world’s poorest regions. The U.S. military now calls it the most lethal violent extremist group in the world.
Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Benin have set up an 8,700-strong regional force tasked with wiping out Boko Haram. The United States has also sent troops to supply intelligence and other assistance.

Doula Airport to be Shutdown for Rehabilitation

airport(ASKY) – ASKY, the Pan African Airline informs its esteem passengers that due to rehabilitation work of the Douala International Airport, the Airport will be closed beginning March 1st, to the 21st, following a communique from authorities.
ASKY, wishes to reassure passengers that the airline in collaboration with Cameroonian authorities have made all necessary arrangements to ensure continuity of service and flights via Nsimalem International Airport in Yaoundé during this period.
Customers are advised to contact their usual ASKY ticketing office or travel agency for more information on flight rotation.

Kanye West breaks up fight between photographers at LA airport (photos)

The 38 year old rapper played peacemaker when he broke up a fight between two photographers at the Los Angeles airport on Friday.

Kanye was mobbed by fans when he touched down at the busy terminal. He was all smiles until he noticed two photographers pushing each other. Both men got into a heated altercation and attempted to snatch one another's camera equipment.

As soon as he noticed, he quickly stepped in to break up the scuffle and did so by restraining one of the photographers. The photographer graciously thanked Kanye with a huge hug.
More photos...

Brides share pictures of hideous wedding gowns they ordered online

The nightmare is a very familiar one. You see something that looks good online, you order it, it arrives and to your horror, it looks like the ugly twin sister of what you ordered. The problem is compounded when it has to do with a bride's big day! Women have taken to the internet to share their stories. More photos after the cut...

These brides have learnt the hard way that good things don't come cheap. They spot a designer wedding gown online, the price is too steep so they plump for a cheap look-alike but looks can be deceptive, when the gown arrives, they realise it is far from the real thing.

 Now, aggrieved brides-to-be are sharing their horror stories on Knock Off Nightmares, a website devoted to 'showing consumers the reality of ordering their formal wear online'.

More photos...

Dog walker finds severed human leg while walking his dog

Simon Clarke was walking his dog, Ollie, when he came upon a severed human leg in Weston Park East, Somerset, UK. Officials are investigating the discovery and have sent the foot for forensic analysis. The appendage appears to have been severed inches above the ankle.

Mr Clarke said the foot looked like it had been dug up. Detective Inspector Lorette Spierenburg said : 'This investigation is at a very early stage and we are keeping an open mind as to how the foot came to be in the park. We are doing everything we can to identify the person whose foot it is and are liaising with the local hospital and reviewing missing persons as part of our investigation.

'I would like to reassure the local community that we have increased patrols in the area and anyone with any concerns is invited to speak to officers.'

Woman tweets the things her boyfriend says in his sleep

Partners can be warm and cuddly but also annoying, whether it's snoring, hogging the sheets, or shoving you off the bed. One woman who wants the world to share in her sleepy musings took to social media to post the things her boyfriend has been saying in his sleep. She went to the trouble of creating a Twitter account just for his ramblings while asleep. See more tweets after the cut...

Caitlin Jenner files a trademark to launch makeup line

Caitlyn Jenner wants to launch her own makeup line. According to TMZ, she recently filed a trademark for exclusive rights to hawk makeup under her name.
"It's not just cosmetics ... Jenner's application covers fragrances, makeup remover, nail polish, and skin care. Cait doesn't have a clear plan on how or when she will break into the beauty business. She wanted to secure the trademark before anyone else got the idea."

Police share photos of burnt bed, sheets & phones, warns of dangers of charging cellphones under pillows

NYPD 33RD Precinct shared the photos on their twitter account. "Dont' put your cellphone under a pillow while sleeping or when charging your device. Please share this tip and be safe" they warned.


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...