Monday 18 April 2016

'I felt like a monster, I was thinking suicide' : Chris Brown talks about life after Rihanna assault

The 26 year old music star in his new documentary called Welcome To My life, revealed how he felt after his problem with Rihanna. Chris says the assault on Rihanna changed his life forever as he watched the media go after him and seven years on, his actions on that night still haunt him.
Speaking in the trailer for the new documentary, he said:
"I went from being on top of the world, number one songs, being kind of like America's sweetheart, to being public enemy number one.
 "I felt like a f***ing monster. I was thinking about suicide and everything else. I wasn't sleeping, I wasn't eating. I just was getting high."
Other stars like Usher, Jennifer Lopez, Ludacris also spoke about how anger got the best of him.

His mother, Joyce Hawkins, also talks about the incident. She said:
"That was the worst day of my life and probably his life...I felt like I was going to lose my child."
Watch the trailer below

Woman talks about her experience with a rapist and also shares photos of horrific injuries inflicted on her by the man

A 31 year old woman has posted images of injuries she allegedly received while being raped by a man she met on a dating site called plenty of fish.
In a facebook post Kat Berry, from Victoria in Australia, talked about when and how she met the man , how he attacked and raped her, the injuries she sustained from the attack, how she reported the case to the police but was let down and finally advised ladies to be careful. Read her post after the  cut.

Photos: Man who beheaded his partner, smashed her head and flushed it down the toilet is jailed for life

A jealous man who decapitated his long-term partner and flushed the head down the toilet at their east London flat has been sentenced to life in prison and must serve a minimum of 21 years.

Dempsey Nibbs, 69, killed Judith Nibbs, his partner of 30 years, after he became angry when she admitted to having affairs.

The crane driver, from the Charles Estate in Hoxton attacked Ms Nibbs with an iron bar in April 2014, the Old Bailey heard. He told jurors he only meant to "slap her around a bit" but she died in a struggle while he was trying to cram a metal bar in her mouth.

He said he could tell she was dead from the way her eyes had "rolled over in her head", but the court heard evidence from a doctor that she was still alive at this pint.

Nibbs, who has prostate cancer, claimed he had acted in self defence and that he thought Ms Nibbs was a "snake" - but jurors heard he had shown no sign of mental illness.

During the trial, Crispin Aylet QC said:
"In the end you chopped her head off and smashed it up and flushed it down the lavatory because she betrayed you" 
"Bearing in mind you spent a large amount of your life with this woman, the mother of your two childre, with whom you spent many happy years, how do you feel?" he asked.
Mr Nibbs replied:
"I feel terrible. Still, she let me down. She betrayed me. When she died that was me finished. Me, myself I'm dead because I did not see a way out for me. I cut off her head because I' m finished, I 'm dead.. She was going to leave me anyway, so what can I say."
The Recorder of London Nicholas Hilliard QC told him:
"I'm sure you don't regret your wife's death save for its effect on your own comfort and well-being."
Defence lawyer Ian Henderson QC told the court that Nibbs acknowledged that his ill health meant he would die in jail.

Nibbs attacked the mother of his two children after she had taunted him that she had had affairs. After knocking her unconscious with the iron bar, he then cut off her head before attacking it with a mallet.

He then wrote a note to his son and called 999 to say two bodies would be found at the property. When police arrived, Nibbs was attempting to stab himself. Officers broke the door down before grappling with Nibbs who was armed with a shotgun and knife.

Jurors heard that their relationship soured when he suspected Ms Nibbs of having affairs. Their son said that since his mother no longer had to care for his younger sister, Nibbs felt she had changed and was not the "housewife" she used to be.

During a row Ms Nibbs admitted seeing other men, taunting her partner by saying:
"I have had sex eight times."
The next day she inadvertently predicted her own killing as she left work with the words:
"If I'm not in Friday, I might be dead."
But Judge Hilliard rejected Nibbs's claim he only initially "tapped" his wife on the head with a metal bar to get her attention.

Cutting her head off was an act of "grotesque savagery" in revenge for her perceived "treachery", Judge Hilliard added.

                                                               Photo of the victim
Source: Metropolitan Police/BBC

Donald Trump is threathening to sue artist who painted nude with a tiny pe*nis (photo)

The genius behind the infamous painting of Trump in the buff — and with a tiny penis — says Trump’s legal team has threatened a lawsuit.
“I don’t believe I did anything wrong,” artist Illma Gore told the Daily News.“It’s my work and I’ll stand by it no matter what.”
Gore, who is currently living in Los Angeles, painted the birthday suit Trump in February and titled it “Make America Great Again.”
She wrote this artist’s statement for it:
“Because no matter what is in your pants, you can still be a big prick.”
The work became an instant viral sensation, and according to The Guardian, it attracted bids over $141,770 after it went on display in the Maddox Gallery in Mayfair, London this month.

But Gore said Trump’s legal team has tried stripping away her artistic freedom. She said his lawyers have called her twice threatening lawsuits over the hateful huckster’s right of publicity.

Besides legal wrangling, Gore said the painting has also brought her “threats of rape,” “detailed death threats” and stalkers at her home.
But the blowback hasn’t silenced her she said she has another painting inspired by the presidential campaign arriving next week, though she's keeping the dirty details under wraps.
She told the News: “I'd ruin it if I told you now

Two friends fall to their deaths as they tried to take the perfect selfie

Two friends, 12 year old Arandari Paola Garcia and 17-year-old Mariana 'N' who were camping with their families on an isolated beach in Mexico, fell to their deaths after climbing onto dangerous rocks to take selfies.
Police say the friends who were from Mesa De Otay in Tijuana Mexico wanted to take pictures of the sea and climbed on to rocks at Rosarito in Baja California to take selfies.

The Police think one of the girls may have slipped and fallen while trying to take the selfie and the other tried to save her but fell with her instead.

The alarm was raised after their families realized they had been gone for over 40 mins. They went in search of them and found some of their belongings on top of the rocks but couldn't find the girls so they called the Police.

The Police found one of the girls drowned in the ocean and the other was killed by a severe head injury and found trapped between rocks.

The local council had recently placed warning signs in the area telling visitors that it was unsafe to swim there.
A spokesman for Rosarito Red Cross said it looked the girls went too close to the edge of the rocks to take a selfie and they both fell.

Source:Daily Mail

Kylie Jenner shows off bod in cut out Louis Vuitton swimsuit

Kylie Jenner who seems to be having a great time in Coachella, showed off her abs in a cut out Louis Vuitton swimsuit. She also shared photos with her boyfriend-Tyga. More photos after the cut...

Man sues his ex-fiancée who won't return $30,000 engagement ring

A 45 year old New York man Philip Langer, who proposed to his ex fiancée 43 year old Ashley Jae Chesler is suing her for dumping him but refusing to return the $30,000 engagement ring he bought for her.
Langer proposed to Chesler just three months after they met at a Manhaatan bar with the $30,000 ring which featured a 2.52-carat diamond surrounded by 34 rubies and another 55 smaller diamonds.
According to New York Post, Langer claims the custom made ring cost $30,000
Langer claims in court papers that Chesler is required by state law to return the ring to him after the engagement ended. 

He wants a judge to force Chesler to give him the ring or pay him the $30,000 it cost to make the ring. 
The case is still in court.

Amber Rose steps out in Floral print dress

Amber Rose who is also at the Coachella music festival stepped out with her 2 assistants wearing a cut out floral dress. Another photo after the cut..

Brazilian lawmakers vote to impeach President Dilma Rousseff

Brazil's lower house of Congress voted late Sunday to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, with at least 342 of 513 deputies voting in favor, to move her impeachment for fiscal irresponsibility forward. That threshold was passed shortly after 11 p.m. Brasília time Sunday, delivering a major blow to a long-embattled leader who repeatedly said there was a coup to remove her as president.
Rousseff is accused of mismanaging the federal budget to maintain spending and shore up support. She has said previous presidents used similar maneuvers and stressed that she has not been charged with any crimes or implicated in any corruption scandals.

The measure now goes to the Senate. If by a simple majority the Senate votes to take it up and put the president on trial, Rousseff will be temporarily suspended.

By default, if impeached, her vice-president, Michel Temer, would become president. He abandoned her side weeks ago. Third in line is Eduardo Cunha, president of the lower house who administered the vote today but both men work under a cloud of corruption accusations. So until then Rousseff remains in power until the impeachment proceeding is complete, which could take weeks. If she is impeached, the Senate would have 180 days to conduct a trial against Rousseff.

About 60 percent of the 594 members of Congress are facing corruption and other charges.

In the streets of São Paulo, massive balloons floated above the thousands of Brazilians gathered in what looked by all appearances to be a celebration for the impeachment process. In Rio de Janeiro, pro-government protesters filled the beachside road in Copacabana, while those against the government gathered in front of massive TV screens propped up on the beach to watch the voting. In Brasília, despite oppressive heat, Brazilians gathered in front of the Congressional building. A wall was constructed to separate the two sides.

Rousseff has hinted that she would appeal to the Supreme Federal Tribunal, Brazil's highest court, on the grounds that the accusations are false.

They argued the only way  is to remove Rousseff, the country's first female president, whose popularity ratings have dropped below 10 percent in recent months.

The deepening crisis comes as Brazil grapples with problems on multiple fronts. The economy is contracting, inflation is around 10 percent and an outbreak of the Zika virus, which can cause devastating birth defects, has ravaged parts of northeastern states. Rio de Janeiro is gearing up to host the Olympics in August, but sharp budget cuts have fueled worries about whether the country will be ready.
There is a "Car Wash" investigation into a kickback scheme in the Chamber of Deputies that has seen dozens of top politicians and businessmen in jail already.
While Rousseff herself has not been implicated, the kickbacks at state oil company Petrobras allegedly happened on her watch and that of former President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva. While many lawmakers and regular citizens blame her for letting the graft happen, many sitting lawmakers are accused in the scandal.

Critics said she comes off as stand-offish and arrogant, and her unwillingness to engage in back-slapping and wooing of opposition leaders cost her as the economy started to decline and she was unable to gather support for reforms.
"Impeachment is the way that the political system found to get rid of an incompetent leader," said Luciano Dias, a political consultant based in Brasilia.

Source: AP

Kris Jenner's sweet words to Kourtney K as she turns a year older

Kris Jenner shared this TBT photo of her first child Kourtney Kardashian, wishing her a happy birthday as she celebrates her birthday in Iceland with sister Kim K, Kanye West and some friends today. Read the sweet words she wrote to Kourtney after the cut...

Kylie and Kendall Jenner look a lot like their mum in this photo.


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...