Friday 12 February 2016

Adam Johnson's gf walks out of courtroom as attorney reads out text messages between the footballer and 15year old girl

28 year old Footballer Adam Johnson who was sacked by Sunderland F.C last night arrived Bradford Crown Court accompanied by partner Stacey Flounders to defend his remaining two charges of sex involving penetration with a schoolgirl contrary to Section 9 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 of the United Kingdom for which maximum sentence is 14 years.

During the hearing today...his girlfriend, who has so far shown him support, walked out of the courtroom as the prosecuting lawyer read out love messages between Johnson & the teenage superfan

Johnson admitted to two charges of child grooming and sexual activity with a minor but denied two other charges of sexual penetration with a 15 year old girl.
At the time of the alleged incident, Johnson lived in County Durham with his girlfriend Stacey Flounders who was pregnant in December of 2014 but she walked out of the court proceeding today when the sexually intimating messages between her boyfriend and the under-age girl were read out.
The prosecuting attorney Kate Blackwell QC told the court Johnson’s alleged victim was a teenage superfan.

She said: “Her real passion was Sunderland Football Club. She was a season ticket holder and rarely missed a home game. Her favourite player was Adam Johnson.

“After matches, she would hang around waiting for a glimpse of him, wanting to get a photograph, often sporting a Sunderland shirt with Johnson’s name emblazoned across the back.”

“His is the success story many young people can only dream of”,

“What has brought the defendant to this courtroom is a sexual desire for the victim, an excessive arrogance and an unwarranted level of expectation.

“He has abused his revered position in society and, having met her, this 15-year-old girl, at Sunderland Football Club and on social media, and knowing that she looked up to him, made a conscious decision to act in a way that he knew was both morally and legally wrong.”

“This is not a case of one person’s word against another”.
“The age of consent is to protect young girls from older more sexually experienced men and to protect young girls from themselves.”

“She often waited for him after home matches, hoping to catch a glimpse of him before he drove away, keen for any contact, an autograph or, even better, a photograph.

“She had one enormous crush on him. He was her absolute hero. She idolised him.' the prosecuting attorney continued.

She said the victim’s Facebook profile picture was a photograph of the victim wearing her Sunderland jersey with Adam Johnson’s arm around her.

According to Kate Blackwell, when she first contacted him on facebook and they started chatting,the footballer told her to delete the contact and chats between them ,but the girl was just so delighted to be chatting with the footballer that she even showed her messages to her friends.

The pair began to exchange messages on Whatsapp and the prosecution says that the defendant was made aware that the victim was 15, with almost another year to wait until she became 16,but he couldn't wait for her..

The footballer asked her: “You in the last year of school?”
She replied: “Year 10”.
When discussing New Year’s Eve plans on December 31 the teenager told him she was going to a family party, the court hears.
“Are you allowed to drink?”, Johnson asked.
He also asked the 15-year-old: “Where do you go out?”
She said: “I am not old enough to go out haha.”
Johnson replied: “You look old enough though.”
The teenager told him: “No one believes I am just 15.” He asked her when her birthday was.
The girl even wished him congratulations on the birth of his baby with partner Stacy .
“I love the name it’s so cute”, she told him.
Johnson asked: “Are you going to be forward with me?”
“I’m not shy”, the teenager replied.

The teenager messaged Johnson to say she was drinking vodka, Ms Blackwell tells the court.
“It takes away the nerves of meeting people at the party”, she said.
Johnson replied: “I thought you meant something else.”
The girl asked: “What?”
Johnson: “You know what or do you need me to show you?”
The girl asked again: “What?”
Johnson: “You won’t say that when I see you.”
Following the pair’s 20-minute meet-up at a secluded car park in County Durham, Johnson and the girl again exchanged messages, the court hears.
Johnson said: “Thought I would have got a thank you kiss for the shirt.”
Girl: “Didn’t ask.”
Johnson: “Well I’ll come get one.”
Girl: “Really?”
Johnson: “If you want me to.”
Johnson: “Am I only getting a kiss?”
Girl: “Depends what you’re asking for.”
Johnson: “Depends what you’re up for - a little bit more than kissing. A bit of feeling.”
Girl: “Maybe.”
Johnson messaged the girl: “It was class - just wanted to get your jeans off.”
It was at this point that Adam Johnson's girlfriend walked out of the courtroom as she was getting pissed off by the explicit messages.
Ms Blackwell,the prosecuting attorney says when the schoolgirl was in the car with Johnson she took a snapchat video of the conversation to prove to her friends she was there.

Johnson asked the teen for a kiss before putting his hand down her jeans and then moved the car to a more secluded spot where he told the girl to perform a sex act on him.The Court is told.

Johnson set up a new Snapchat account to stay in touch with the teenager.

During a message exchange, Johnson asked the girl: “Any chance of a rude one?”
She replied: “Maybe”
He then wrote: “Ha, well I will be waiting patiently, lol”

The Prosecutor says after Johnson was arrested, his phone was searched.

Police found the footballer had searched the “legal age of consent” online and viewed articles around the subject,the court heard.
“By February, there was significant conversation going on and it would seem the defendant was keen to check the age of consent and searched ‘legal age of consent’ on February 3.”

The prosecution allege that this was not because of his worry over what he had done but his intention to go even further with the teenager.

The police have warned the public not to in anyway either through social media or otherwise reveal the identity of the girl involved in the case and that who ever is found guilty will be severely punished.

Source: MirrorUK

Man who killed his unborn child by kicking and stomping on the stomach of pregnant ex-girlfriend jailed for life

A father to be brutally assaulted his pregnant ex-girlfriend by stomping on her stomach which resulted in the death of their unborn son was jailed for life on Thursday, February 11.

Kevin Wilson, 21, a teaching assistant, of Stansfield House, Longfield Estate, Bermondsey had previously been convicted of child destruction and grievous bodily harm with intent on Malorie Bantala after planning the attack because he did not want to be a father.

A 17-year-old from the Bermondsey area recruited by Wilson to help in the assault was also found guilty at the Old Bailey of child destruction and GBH was given an extended 14 year sentence; 10 years in custody and four years on licence. The judge lifted reporting restrictions and he can be named as Taffari Grant, of Fairby House, Longfield Estate, Bermondsey.

Shortly after 20:00hrs on 15 June 2015, heavily pregnant Malorie was walking down Talfourd Place, Peckham when she was approached by two men who appeared out of the bushes wearing motorbike crash helmets. They pushed her to the ground and continually kicked and stamped on her stomach. The suspects then ran off, still wearing the crash helmets, in the direction of Denman Road and made off on a motorcycle or scooter.

Malorie, who was 32 weeks’ pregnant, was rushed to King's College Hospital but her unborn baby boy could not be saved and was stillborn by emergency C-section. Malorie, aged 21, needed life-saving surgery to control bleeding from a major artery and also suffered fractures to her right hand as she tried to protect her stomach during the attack.

The court heard Malorie and Wilson had begun a short relationship in the summer of 2011 while at university. After they split up they stayed on good terms, occasionally seeing each other. In December 2014, Malorie discovered she was pregnant and told Wilson over the phone. He said he was not ready for a child. Malorie decided she wanted to keep the baby and informed Wilson who responded: "Why are you doing this to me?"

Two days later Wilson arranged for Malorie to have a consultation at an abortion clinic in Blackfriars. She was asked what treatment she wanted and explained she thought she was there just to discuss the options. Wilson was angry as they left together, saying he could not have a child and urging Malorie to do him a "favour" by terminating the pregnancy. Malorie said he could just leave but he replied that it wasn't an option and she needed to get rid of the baby. He called her selfish and a bitch. 

They met again a few days later where Wilson tried again over dinner to persuade Malorie to have an abortion. Their relationship deteriorated. Wilson began denying he was the father, even after Malorie informed his mother. Two weeks later, on 25 May, Wilson made his first call to the 17-year-old. From then, there were regular telephone calls between the pair up until the day of the attack on Malorie.

On Sunday, 14 June, Malorie went to buy supplies for a baby shower she was planning and noticed two males wearing motorbike helmets sitting on some railings close to her home. Other neighbours also spotted the males in the area throughout that day. The prosecution suggested the pair were carrying out a ‘recce’ in preparation for the attack on Malorie.

Two males wearing the same crash helmets were seen in the area from around 16:00hrs on the day Malorie was assaulted, although Wilson was not one of them, having been caught on CCTV leaving work elsewhere and returning to his home address.

However, the prosecution said Wilson and the 17-year-old then travelled to Peckham, loitering in the area for some time before carrying out the attack.
Malorie immediately recognised one of her attackers as Wilson and called out his name as he made off, causing him to turn and look back at her. Wilson, learning he was wanted, attended Walworth police station on 16 June 2015 and was arrested.

The 17-year-old was arrested on 24 August 2015. Searches of his home and the surrounding area found two motorbike helmets, one in a communal bin. A registration document showed he had owned a scooter, but he claimed he had since sold it on. Police later disproved this and also his alibi that he was out for a meal with relatives at the time of the attack. Both defendants were subsequently charged.

Detective Chief Inspector Rob Pack, of the Homicide and Major Crime Command, said upon conviction:
"This has been a truly shocking case. Shocking that a man would plan and carry out such a violent and abhorrent attack with the sole intention of destroying the life he had helped create. Also, shocking that any person would help him in committing this crime. But Wilson was not a willing father-to-be. The court heard how selfish and manipulative he is. He didn't want a baby or the responsibility one would bring. But Malorie loved baby Joel and was looking forward to motherhood. So Wilson threatened her - he threatened her emotionally that he would commit suicide or that he would move to Ghana; and when none of these tactics worked he took matters into his own hands and brutally assaulted her with such tragic consequences.

"Wilson carefully planned this attack. Just as he had manipulated others he similarly sought to thwart the police investigation by laying a false trail to evade justice. It's clear that the jury saw through Wilson's account. Today is not about Kevin Wilson. Instead it is very much about achieving justice for Malorie and Joel. No one who hears or reads Malorie's statement about the impact this has had on her, can fail to be moved by the hopes and dreams she had for Joel. All of those hopes which have been so cruelly taken away from Malorie before Joel even had a chance to start living his life. Our thoughts are very much with Malorie and her family at this time."

In a victim impact statement Malorie said:
"People often refer to me as the "victim" of a horrific attack, which I honestly hate. I feel like I'm the only person who feels that I'm not the victim, the real victim of this attack is my son Joel; an innocent baby who did nothing bad to anyone. My attackers had the opportunity at a life, they've lived, they've loved, they've travelled, and they've had life-changing experiences. My son will never have that.

"Joel never got to meet me properly, he'll never know how much I love him, I'll never get to see him smile, see his first set of teeth, watch him struggle as he learns to crawl or watch him take his first steps. I'll never take him to his first day at school, attend a parents' evening or watch his Year 6 play. I'll never watch him set off for his first day at secondary school, meet his friends who he'll refer to as brothers, meet his first girlfriend and buy his suit for prom. I'll never be able to teach him how to drive, we'll never get to argue about the state of his room, about why he constantly keeps plates and cups in there, or even why he chooses to leave the toilet seat up. I'll never get to embarrass him at his 18th birthday party, or watch him go on his first lads' holiday. We'll never get to take him to university and then see him graduate. I'll never get to be the mother of the groom and watch my first baby marry a woman that he loves a little bit less than me. I'll never get to meet my grandchildren. I love my son so much, words cannot even describe it.

"These are only some of the things that I envisioned in my life with Joel, and that was taken away from me in a split second. The moment Joel died inside of me I lost everything, literally. Life as I knew it no longer made any sense, I lost myself, I often thought I no longer had a purpose in the world, if Joel isn't here then why am I?

"So now I'm left with a suitcase full of his clothes, hand prints and foot prints, and some pictures. Till today I regret not holding my son when I had the opportunity to. However, at the time it was all too painful physically and emotionally. Out of this whole experience the worst part was the funeral, the thought of burying him was unbearable, so when I had to do it I can actually say that was the worst day of my life, till today I choose not to speak about it.

"Yet I have to live with these ugly scars, which are a permanent reminder. I think about what has happened to me 24/7, it's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing before I sleep. You can only imagine some of the dreams and nightmares I endure. Then there's a gaping hole inside that will always be filled with nothing but pain, loneliness and anger. I'm going through all of this at the age of only 22 years.

"If I was given the opportunity to raise Joel I know that I would have raised a wonderful, responsible, strong man. A man that would have been 100 times the man Kevin could ever be. But due to the assault which led to the death of my son, an inhumane, brutal and sickening attack on my son, I nearly died also. I very nearly lost my womb. I don't think I would have been able to live if that had happened, if Kevin and the youth had taken from me my right to be a mother. I thank God that I'm still alive and I still have my womb. Kevin and the youth didn't care; they didn't care for the consequences of their actions. I was a 32-week pregnant woman and those two stamped and kicked my belly.
"I constantly think of what happened without having to be reminded. But I am reminded and I have had to relive with people other than my friends and family. I have had to recount everything and relive the worst day of my life for the police investigation and now for the trial at court. My personal life has become public knowledge when I didn't want it to be, I am a private person, and I didn't want my intimate details shared with everybody, but it has.

"I have had the press visit my family home and speak with my family when I didn't want them to and they have come and found me where I didn't want to be found. My pictures and personal life has been spread across the national media, I didn't give them permission for this. Strangers now know who I am and I don't want them too. I have had to move home, away from my family, further away from my friends and I don't know how I can go back to work, my life has been turned upside down. Because of Kevin and the youth, my privacy was taken from me; they have changed my life forever. 
"I have been the last one to find out evidence in the case, I understand why, but I haven't been allowed to know the detail of what happened to me, what happened to my son. I haven't been allowed to mourn as should have been allowed me. I have had to put my life on hold so that Kevin Wilson and the youth could stand trial for killing my son.

"But now, eventually I have learned how they had planned the attack, how they tried to interfere with the police investigation and lied and how Kevin has used other people to lie for him and how he has dragged them to his disgusting level. I have learned how they were not brave enough to admit what they did to me. Kevin is still deceiving everyone, he wasn't even brave enough to admit to his mother that he was the father, even at trial I found out that he was still deceiving people, all due to his selfishness.

"I have never known the youth and I have no reason why he would have wanted to hurt me and my son, perhaps I will never know. But he had no reason to kill my baby and he should have known that. Kevin did have a reason to kill my son; he never wanted to be a father to his child. It was always about him and how it was going to stop him having the life that he wanted, it has always been about Kevin and the life that he wanted to have.

"Now that Kevin and the youth are guilty of killing my son, attacking me, I want them to be suitably punished by the law for their lies, their lack of guilt, their deception and most importantly for taking the life of my son Joel from me. They have taken a healthy life and taken a part of me that I will never get back. I want them to pay in return for what they have done, for killing a baby before it had any opportunity to live life."

Source - Metropolitan Police

Kanye says he didn't diss Taylor Swift, insists he made her famous and claims she gave her blessings for the lyrics!

How can Kanye take credit for Taylor's fame? Wasn't she famous before that VMA stage crash? See more of his tweets after the cut...

Please read from bottom up...

Photo: Twin sisters give birth to daughters 6 minutes aparts at the same hospital

Twin sisters in New Jersey delivered their babies just six minutes apart. Stephanie Edginton and Nicole Montgomery welcomed their daughters Cora and Louisa on February 9 at Virtua Hospital in Voorhees. The hospital shared the good news on their Facebook page writing:

"Congratulations to twin sisters Stephanie and Nicole, who both gave birth to daughters at Virtua Voorhees yesterday. ‪#‎CutieCousins‬"
Stephanie was actually due on Friday, Feb. 5 and she was advised to go to the hospital three days later during a doctor's appointment. That same day, her sister happened to be on her way, too.
"We actually had a doctor's appointment today because we were due on Friday, so we got there and they were like 'you have to go to the hospital' and we get a call that Nicole and Rich are on their way, too," Stephanie said.
Stephanie and Nicole say they themselves were born three-minutes apart.

New Music - Gada Ma Men Dem by Marc Cedric (audio)

Hip-Hop is the new anthem in Cameroon. In all nooks and crannies of Cameroon, there an enormous appreciation for the genre which is welcomed by the majority. Here is a 'rocket rising' Cameroon artist who is invading the streets of Molyko in particular and Cameroon in General with his hit track, #GaDaMaMenDeM released under WatchDogCity.
On this wonderful collaboration of Marc Cedric (aka Molyko Boy) and Wiz Snickers, #GaDaMaMenDeM is gradually but surely invading the streets of Molyko. This track was produced by Genuis FreshMan, a Buea based Producer who is gaining the admiration of all Buea based artists with his mind blowing beats.
The Video centers around solidarity amongst all youths and the hustle they pass through on a daily basis in Cameroon and Africa. The punchlines are up to date and the flow is perfect.
While waiting for the release of the Video, which was shoot by Dr Nkeng Stephens, Listen to #GaDaMaMenDem Prod By Genius FreshMan.

Photos: ISIS publicly cut off the hand of man accused of theft..

A new video reportedly released by the Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria, shows a man accused of stealing being punished by having his hand cut off. See pic of his hand after it was cut off after the cut..

His hand is in the bag! Photo credit: Terror Monitor

OMG! See where an African migrant was caught hiding

Spanish authorities arrested two Moroccans in Spain when their routine checks revealed a man tied underneath the bumper. The authorities used a high-tech heartbeat sensors on the Renault Clio and were stunned when they tore the car apart and found the 20-year-old man from Guinea that was being smuggled into Spain by the Moroccans.

BIZARRE! 16 Girls Get Pregnant After A Boy Ejaculated In A Public Swimming Pool

FLORIDA – 16 young teenage girls between the age of 13 and 17 years of age have become pregnant after a pool party went terribly wrong, reports the Tallahassee Herald this morning.
A simple weekend pool party turned to tragedy when one of the young men (Tommy Coulter) attending the birthday celebration ejaculated in the pool without warning the house guests, accidentally ending up impregnating half of the girls present at the celebration.

“I’m glad I didn’t have my swimsuit that day,” remembers Daliah Jennings, present during the celebration. “It was a surprise party to celebrate my 15th birthday, let’s just say that a baby in my womb is the kind of present I’m glad I didn’t get” she acknowledges, visibly relieved of not getting pregnant.
“Nothing like an orgy”
Tommy Coulter claims there was no sex at the party at all and that he only ejaculated in the pool by accident.
“Some people in town say we had some kind of wild sex orgy going on and that’s how I got all those girls pregnant, but I’m proud to say that I am still a virgin and that if anyone doesn’t believe me, I’m ready to undergo medical examination to prove it if that’s what it takes,” says the 15 year old. “I’ve become some sort of a local celebrity. People come up to me all the time and shake my hand and congratulate me, but I didn’t do anything!” he adds, visibly sincere.
“Highly” potent sperm
Dr. John Suzukima of Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare Hospital, who was the first to link the multiple births to a single cause, believes Tommy Coulter has a rare medical condition calledspermafortis which makes his semen unusually potent.
“Clinical tests have proven that people who suffer from spermafortis have sperm counts close to a thousand times more potent and rich in spermatozoids than the average man,” he explains. “This kind of semen is fairly similar to that of common water mammals, such as dolphins, manatees and seals and has properties that make it incredibly resistant to water. This condition could definitely explain what happened in this case but clinical trials and further tests would be needed to prove this theory,” he told local reporters.
Most of the 16 girls are scheduled to undergo an abortion although two of the impregnated girls’ families have reportedly admitted that they have decided to bring the birth to term being devout Christians.

These photos of Floyd Mayweather & his bodyguards are hilarious

Floyd Mayweather and his 'Egbon, e kapa le' just funny to look at. The small statued boxer who is worth about $300million, surrounds himself with four heavy set bodyguards who dwarf him. His security squad was pictured accompany the 5'6' multimillionaire on a luxury shopping spree in London on this week. See more photos after the cut...

You think these two will get back together? (photos)

Khloe Kardashian and her estranged husband Lamar Odom were pictured gazing lovingly into each other's eyes and flirting at Kanye's show last night. They look like they want each other back.

Lamar was hospitalised for three months following a near fatal overdose in October 2015 and Khloe was there for him all through. She's since ended her relationship with boyfriend, James Harden.

Gabrielle Union shares cute selfies with husband, Dwyane Wade

They are a cute couple!

20 year old model hanged herself after her boyfriend dumped her by text

Nina Paunova, a fashion student known as the 'Beauty of Beverley' cut her wrist then drove her car through a hedge into a nearby field where she hanged herself after she got a break up text message from her boyfriend.

Nina, who is the daughter of a respected professor at the University of Hull was discovered dead close to her home on the 8th of September, 2015. Further investigations into her death revealed that she was in a rocky relationship with her boyfriend Sam Scott, and had previously threatened to throw herself off a balcony.

Sam Scott dumped her by text when he was forwarded Nina's messages claiming she would  ditch him after he spent £2,000 on gifts for her 21st birthday.
Mr Scott, who is from a wealthy family , told an investigator that he had already spent £10,000 on jewellery and clothing, £4,500 on trips to London and Paris and at least £2,000 on holidays to Croatia and Menorca. But he ended the relationship when he was sent Nina's texts to her friend Elizabeth Gough, via Miss Gough's boyfriend.
"I told you what my plan is. Straight after my 21st and after he has spent £1,000 to £2,000 I'm gone. 'After all the s*** I've put up with. I will literally take my presents and the week after my 21st end it and delete him." The messages said
In the hours before her death Miss Paunova, drove to her boyfriend's house to confront him but was refused entry. She then drove her car through a hedge at more than 60mph into a nearby field and hanged herself after cutting her wrists. Her parents warned her not to get back together with her boyfriend after a two month break but they had rekindled their relationship and were supposed to go on vacation together.
Nina had sent a text to her mother before she killed herself :
"I guess I should have listened sooner." the text read
Miss Paunova, who was moved to the UK from Bulgaria at the age of five, studied art and design at Bishop Burton College where she received a triple distinction in her final exams. She had also won a scholarship for university and was due to start her final year of a fashion and marketing degree at Manchester Metropolitan University. Her heartbroken family described her as stunning, bright and hard-working.

Source: UK Daily Mail

Read the story of how Suzy Hamilton went from being an Olympic athlete to number two escort in Las Vegas

Suzy Favour Hamilton went from being a sweet, young middle distance runner that represented the U.S in the Olympics to being ranked the number two most sought after escort in Las Vegas.

How did she get here? The mother of one who comes from a family with bi-polar disorder explains her predicaments in an interview with BBC. Read her story after the cut...

''There is a history of mental illness in my family. My brother lived with bipolar disorder and the household was often chaotic as a result. Our family never discussed it. To the outside, we looked like the Brady Bunch. Looking back, there were signs something was not quite right with me either. 
"'I did everything at a mile a minute and couldn't focus for the life of me. Growing up, I lived with an eating disorder, had suicidal thoughts and a suicide attempt in college, then experienced severe anxiety when I raced. But I kept it all in, trying to maintain the facade of the perfect Midwestern girl, strong and powerful.
 If others noticed any problems, they looked the other way. I usually won, and they liked it that way.
''Running seemed to be the one thing in life that quieted my brain, and because of that, I loved to run and grew to obsess about it. 
I saw my winning races have a positive effect on my family, namely my parents. I strangely grew to feel that my success could make this a happy family, and take away any silent pain we were experiencing as a result of my brother's odd behaviour.''
''My running career was highly successful. I won more NCAA Championships than anybody ever had. I won seven US Championship titles between 1991 and 2004, set a couple of American records, and made the 1992, 1996 and 2000 Olympic teams.'

''I won a lot, but tended to "choke" at the big, big meets. I didn't know why and it ate at me. My body would just tighten up on me unexpectedly towards the end of a race. Like I was running with a piano on my back. I even fell on purpose in the 1500m final at the Sydney Olympics when, as the favourite, I knew I would not medal with 50 metres to go.
That was easier to swallow than failure. I wanted so badly to win that one for my family, to ease the pain of losing my brother Dan to suicide the year before.''
''Incredibly, I never thought of myself as having any kind of brain disorder. All I knew was that I dreaded competing. Filled with anxiety most often, I could not wait to retire, but I marched on to please others.
Finally, in 2005, I got pregnant. Having a child would be my way out. This was my excuse, and I could not wait to be a mom. I would have a baby, maybe two, and live a life of perfect happiness. But that's not what happened.''
''Months after having my beautiful daughter, I was in a dark place.
''A new "real world" job in real estate, a suddenly strained marriage, a disintegrating relationship with my siblings, strain with my parents, a miscarriage, then another, feelings of inadequacy of being a mother. It was building up.''
'All I knew was that I had to hold my daughter all the time. I could not let go. I had no motivation to run. I rocked myself constantly. I was irritable like never before. And then I decided I wanted to run my car off the road, into a tree. I just wanted the pain to stop.Thankfully, I thought of my daughter, resisted those thoughts, made it home, and told my husband.''
''Soon, I saw a doctor, was diagnosed with post-partum depression, put on anti-depressants, and things improved. Years passed. Triggers intensified. I was getting by, but had grown to detest the side-effects. I felt fat, sluggish, unmotivated. I stopped taking the drug that had been keeping me somewhat stable.''
''It didn't take long, but before I knew it, I was in that dark place again. Suicidal. Triggers everywhere. My marriage was deteriorating. My family was driving me crazy. I had a modest speaking career, but they insisted I not publicly speak about my mental illness or my brother's bipolar and suicide. I hated my real estate job. I just wanted to escape.'
My doctor put me on another anti-depressant. The effects were immediate. I felt great. I felt beyond great. I felt alive. I wanted to live. Time for my fantasies to now become a reality.
''Our 20th wedding anniversary was coming up. A nice dinner date out on the town with flowers perhaps? Not for me. I wanted to go to Vegas, jump out of a plane, hire an escort, have a threesome. Bucket list stuff I never thought I would actually do. Never. I wanted it now.'
Skydiving was amazing, something I would never dare do, but I was doing it. Then the threesome. Now this was life changing. I was a new woman.
''How had I been missing out? Freedom. I wanted sex. It was all I could think about. Our marriage was on fumes.
I asked for and was granted permission to stray. An open relationship we would try. Divorce was not an option, not for my daughter or for business. To keep things steady, or at least seemingly steady.'
''Over the next six months, I made several trips to Las Vegas on my own. First meeting with a male escort, then hooking up with men I met at casino bars, then insisting on gifts in exchange for sex. And then the light bulb flashed. I wouldn't hire the escort. I would be the escort.
Within months, I was the number two-ranked escort in Vegas (yes, there actually are rankings out there), and top 10 in the world. I was never happier, never higher, never more alive.''
''For the first time in my life, I was independent, could take care of myself. I loved the taboo, the riskiness, the slight danger to it all, and I always had to take it a step further. It was never quite enough.''
The money was intoxicating, but not the driving force. It was the thrill, the risk, the taboo, the attention, the power, the sex. All the while, an infuriated Mark covered for me, protecting my reputation, raising our child, keeping the real estate business going on his own, while I was off, totally out of control.
A year into my life as an escort, I was outed by a jilted client. A tabloid told of my activities to the world. My life had been taken away.Suicidal thoughts crept back in. The world came crashing down on me. My husband would leave, take my child, my parents would abandon me, as would my friends, or so I believed.
To save these relationships, I felt compelled for once to seek help, even if for appearance sake.
''Admittedly, I was beginning to feel there was something wrong with me after months of denial. This was the first time I had ever visited a psychiatrist. I tried my best to fool him that I was fine, that I could continue with my life "as is".
But within a couple of weeks, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder weaned off the anti-depressant that the doctor believed had driven me to a mostly constant manic state over the past year and a half.'
''The process of recovery would begin, slowly, with several bumps and relapses along the way.
My husband did not leave. He did not take my daughter from me. My parents failed to understand why, but they stuck with me, loved me the best they knew how.
Friends bailed on me, but many remained, though confused by it all. I had some support in the athletics world, but some considered me an embarrassment to the sport and wanted me to just go away. I also had to quit the real world job as it was not good for my bipolar.
My bipolar is manageable now. I learned to feel no shame for what I did. Regrets yes, but no shame. Shame holds you back and prevents recovery.
What hurts most though is what I put my loved ones through. My journey, as odd as it was, moulded me into a person I'm happier with.
''I have more of a voice. I'm more independent. I'm a better wife, mother and friend as a result. I teach yoga and I am a public speaker on mental health matters. I'm healthier than I ever have been, I believe. I've found healthy coping mechanisms. I'm more compassionate than ever as I know what it's like to be shamed and shunned on an intimate level.'
''I'll never be cured, and I'll live with bipolar for the rest of my life. I know it won't always be smooth sailing ahead. But I'll always know that as dark as things might get in the future, it always gets better'

Source: BBC

Janet Jackson and husband spotted out in London (photos)

The 49 year old and her 41 year old husband  Wissam Al Mana, were spotted leaving the Lazarides art gallery in London on Wednesday. This will be Janet's first public appearance after denying she had cancer. A mystery illness had forced her to reschedule the dates on her Unbreakable tour, giving way to speculations she had cancer..

Photo of Regina Askia's oldest daughter in a bikini

Regina Askia's oldest daughter, Stephanie Hornecker, pictured in a sexy bikini while on holiday in Cuba. She shared the photo on IG. Steph is in her mid 20s...

13-year-old girl drowns while trying to rescue her younger brother at a beach

Holly Nicholson died after getting into trouble in rough water at Williamson's Beach, Australia when she went to rescue her younger brother on Thursday, February 11.

Nicholson's 11-year-old brother was swimming at the beach in Dalyston just after 8:00 when he got into trouble in rough water.

He was rescued from the water and taken to hospital with minor injuries. But Holly found herself in difficulties and later died despite efforts by her family and emergency services to save her.

Her death has devasted students and teachers at her school. Wonthaggi Secondary College principal Garry Dennis said the loss was very distressing for the school community:
"Holly was such a gentle and caring student, we're all feeling the loss today and our thoughts are with her family," he said.
"She endeared herself quietly to all those around her, students and staff, the huge impact she had in our school is being reflected in response to the news that we've had here today.
"The school will do all it can to support family and friends."
Mr Dennis said he had spoken to Holly's closest friends at the school, who said the 13-year-old had been an amazing friend:
"She was always helping others, she was kind and loving and she always found a way to make everyone else feel good, She would light up anyone's day with her smile ... we will miss Holly."
An investigation will be launched into the handling of the triple-0 call made when Holly drowned. Police arrived at the scene before paramedics, who were dispatched more than 20 minutes after the call was made.

The Minister, Ms Garrett said the investigation would look into the way the call and dispatch of emergency services occurred and not Ambulance Victoria.
"My focus has been on what occurred at the ESTA [Emergency Services Telecommunications Australia] side of things and I am very concerned there has been some serious issues with that process",
"There was a call made to ESTA, there was a dispatch of Victoria Police and then there was a dispatch of Ambulance Victoria.
"I do not want to go any further into it because it is the subject of the investigation, but just to say we are very concerned it took some 24, 25 minutes for an ambulance to be dispatched onto the scene of what was clearly a very distressing incident in the water." She said.
The Minister also said she owed it to the family to explain how the sequence of events unfolded.
"I am very saddened, on behalf of the Victorian Government and the Victorian community, that the distress this family is going through is being added to, But I assure them and the broader community this investigation will be rigorous, it will be thorough. It will be done with great respect to that family and all of the findings will be implemented." Ms Garrett said.

Source: ABC News(Australia)

Sexy K Michelle Poses Topless For New Photoshoot | SEE

She shared photos from a recent shoot on her instagram page…

[Dont Open If You’re Not +18 ] See What This Ugandan Comedian Was Caught Doing To Woman On Stage


Hmmm!! Ugandu is a turnt place after alll… While performing at a club Amnesia in Kampala last week, Amooti called a almost na ked lady on stage and offered her a roll in the hay that night as the crowd watched.
According to Eyewitnesses, Amooti was performing his jokes and one involved sleeping on top of a woman.
The unclad lady was identified as Susan Taaka, but that’s none of our business.
Anyway apparently is not the first time Amooti is doing such crazy things.See Pictures Below


Kanye West mocked Ray J during his album release concert Thursday -- about both of them having sex with Kim Kardashian -- but we've learned Kanye called Ray ahead of time to squash any beef.
In one of the tracks, Kanye rapped, "Me and Ray J would probably be friends if we wasn't in love with the same bitch ... you might have hit it first, but I'm rich, though."
The kinder, gentler Kanye must have realized Ray could have taken it badly and launched an attack, so Kim's hubby launched his preemptive strike.
We're told Kanye ran into Brandy and they talked face-to-face, he asked her to tell her brother he meant no harm or disrespect by the lyrics ... he said is was pure fun and he was not talking trash about Ray J's bank account.
In addition, Kanye's rep contacted Ray J's manager, David Weintraub, to reaffirm the message.
As for how Ray J received it, we're told he's cool with both Kanye and Kim and appreciates Kanye reaching out.  
Our Ray J sources say he also wants to make something very clear ... he's also very rich and currently has 4 TV shows on the air. 

Kelly Rowland shares photo collage showing how she's grown

She's not changed much from 2006 till 2016. See the rest of the photos after the cut...

Messi cheekily responds to rumours he out-priced Cristiano Ronaldo for €32 million Ferrari car

Reports emerged yesterday that footballer Lionel Messi splashed out an astonishing €32 million on a super-rare 1957 Ferrari 335 S Spider Scaglietti at an auction.

According to the reports, Messi didn’t only get his hands on the pricey car, he also saw off interest from rival Cristiano Ronaldo to bag the flashy vehicle according to a tweet from the car seller. But taking to Instagram on Thursday, Messi sought to set the record straight in very humorous fashion. Posing with a toy red car Messi posted: "My new car".


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...