Tuesday 12 January 2016

All 5 teen suspects accused of New York gang rape in custody

New York City police on Tuesday interviewed all five teenagers accused of raping an 18-year-old girl in a Brooklyn playground last week, officials said. Photo above is that of 14 year old Denzel Murray who for some reason has a smirk on his face while been charged to court.

Four of the teenagers range in age from 14 to 17 and have been charged with rape and other related counts. The fifth suspect, age 18, was taken into custody around 11 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

Police identified four of the accused rapists as Denzel Murray, 14; Shaquell Cooper and Ethan Phillip, both 15;17-year-old Onandi Brown and Travis Beckford, 18.
The 18 year old victim and her 39 year old father, who were drinking together in the park in the downtrodden Brownsville section of Brooklyn on Thursday night, told police one of the teens forced him to flee at gunpoint before they took turns raping her.
Two of the suspects told police the father and daughter were engaged in sexual activity in the park, Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said at a press conference. But he emphasized that officers had found no evidence to support those statements.
Two of the minors allegedly told police they had consensual sex with the 18-year-old woman  

While conflicting reports had surfaced regarding whether a gun was involved, Boyce said the victim and her father gave matching accounts. Video showing the suspects leaving the park a few minutes after the reported incident supported the father's and victim's story, Boyce said.
Travis Beckford
The fifth suspect was named Tuesday afternoon as 17-year-old Travis Beckford. Classmates of the boy expressed shock at his arrest with one telling the New York Daily News: 'Travis wouldn’t - trust me. 'It was probably his friends. He was probably there, but he didn’t do it. Travis is mad sweet.'
Police have not recovered a firearm and are awaiting DNA results from tests taken at the hospital.
"She gave a very credible report to us," he said, adding that she suffered cuts and bruises consistent with an attack. "She was traumatized."

Reuters/Daily Mail

An 11-year-old just earned the highest IQ score possible

Kashmea Wahi, an 11-year-old student from the UK, just earned a place among the world’s intellectual 1 percent by getting a perfect score on her IQ test. The test’s maximum score is 161 for adults and 162 for test-takers below the age of 18. To make her achievement even more impressive, her score of 162 puts her two points higher than the likes of Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein.

After stumbling upon the Mensa test while surfing on her iPad, Wahi decided to test herself as a way of proving a point to her parents, both IT management consultants at the Deutsche Bank in London. She 
figured an impressive score might be an effective way to stop her parents from nagging her to study.

Wahi is currently a student at West London’s Notting Hill and Ealing Junior School, where she helped her team secure third place at last year’s Oxford Maths challenge. She plays chess amongst other hobbies and has competed on the national level. She is thought to be one of the youngest test takers ever to achieve a perfect score, partly because participants have to be at least 10 and a half to take it.

Source: India Today

Police finds toddler walking alone who said she couldn’t wake mummy up

An off duty police officer made a tragic discovery after he picked up a little girl who said she was walking alone because she couldn’t “wake mummy up.”
The off-duty officer, who has not been named, was driving with his wife when he spotted the toddler near Trent, last Wednesday.

He approached her to ask her where she was going and she replied: “I am going to nursery. I can’t wake mummy up.”
The girl then led him back to her home in Shobnall Road, where her mum, Nicolla Rushton, 30, was discovered dead.

The heartbreaking details emerged yesterday as it was revealed police were not treating the death of Ms Rushton as suspicious.

Chief Inspector Steve Maskrey, from Staffordshire Police, has since praised his officer and said his actions showed police “are never off duty.”
He said:
“This is a brilliant piece of work by him that shows that we are never off duty. "The officer and his wife took the time to look after the little girl and stay with her until emergency services arrived. “Sadly nothing could be done to help the woman. “My thoughts are with the family and friends of the deceased at this difficult time. "The little girl is now safe with family.
“I must also praise the community who all came together and helped the police with their inquiries. Thank you.”
Nicolla's devastated mother Stacey Inchley was too upset to comment at her home in Stretton, Staffs.
Speaking outside her house, Nicolla's brother Anthony Rushton, 28, said:
"The family just needs time to grieve at the moment. "My mum is absolutely heartbroken and it's too much to talk about at the moment.
Staffordshire Police said they were called to the house by colleagues from West Midlands Ambulance Service after Ms Rushton was found, shortly before 11am. She was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after they arrived.
A spokesman for the West Midlands Ambulance Service said:
"An ambulance and a paramedic officer were sent to the scene. “On arrival, crews discovered a woman patient. "Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that nothing could be done to save her and she was confirmed dead at the scene.”
A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said Ms Rushton was very ‘quiet’, and added:
“She just kept herself to herself. “I am gobsmacked, I didn’t know her that well but from what I saw she seemed very happy and loved her little girl.
“She was the quiet type and it is just really upsetting. "It is so shocking when it happens on your doorstep. "It is just awful.”

Another neighbour, who didn't want to be named, said:
"I didn't really know Nicolla. She kept to herself but seemed happy when I said hello to her.  "I used to see her taking her little girl to the nursery up the road. "I'm so shocked about what's happened. I left a bouquet of flowers when I heard. "My heart goes out to the family. It's so sad."
A report is being prepared for the coroner.

Source:Mirror Online

Michelle Obama goes out with a bang for her final State of the Union appearance in a $2000 dress

First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama certainly made a statement with a bright dress for husband's optimistic final State of the Union address.
Michelle Obama opted for  a show stopping sleeveless yellow wool and silk sheath dress from Narciso Rodriguez's Fall 2015 collection - priced $2,095. According to The Week magazine, the dress has already sold out! We can say she is the most stylish first lady in modern era. More photos after the cut..

Photo credit: Getty Images

2 US Navy boats, crew held by Iran but will be returned - Pentagon

Iran is holding 10 U.S. Navy sailors (9 men, 1 woman) and their two small boats that drifted into Iranian waters with mechanical problems. Iran accused the sailors of trespassing but American officials said Tehran has assured them that the crew and vessels would be returned safely and promptly.
The sailors were expected to be transferred to U.S. custody Wednesday morning local time.
Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told The Associated Press that the riverine boats were moving between Kuwait and Bahrain when the U.S. lost contact with them.

U.S. officials said that the incident happened near Farsi Island in the middle of the Persian Gulf. They said some type of mechanical trouble with one of the boats caused them to run aground and they were picked up by Iran. The sailors were in Iranian custody on Farsi Island at least for some time, but it's not certain where they are now.

The semi-official Iranian news agency, FARS, said the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's navy has detained 10 foreign forces, believed to be Americans, and said the sailors were trespassing in Iranian waters. FARS also reported that one of the 10 sailors was a woman.
"We have been in contact with Iran and have received assurances that the crew and the vessels will be returned promptly," Cook said.
The incident came amid heightened tensions with Iran, and only hours before President Barack Obama was set to deliver his final State of the Union address to Congress and the public. It set off a dramatic series of calls and meetings as U.S. officials tried to determine the exact status of the crew and reach out to Iranian leaders.

Secretary of State John Kerry, who forged a personal relationship with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif through three years of nuclear negotiations, called Zarif immediately on learning of the incident, according to a senior U.S. official. Kerry "personally engaged with Zarif on this issue to try to get to this outcome," the official said.

Kerry learned of the incident as he and Defense Secretary Ash Carter were meeting their Filipino counterparts at the State Department, the official said.
The officials were not authorized to discuss the sensitive incident publicly so spoke on condition of anonymity.

The incident came on the heels of an incident in late December when Iran launched a rocket test near U.S. warships and boats passing through the Strait of Hormuz.
Meanwhile, Iran was expected to satisfy the terms of last summer's nuclear deal in just days. Once the U.N. nuclear agency confirms Iran's actions to roll back its program, the United States and other Western powers are obliged to suspend wide-ranging oil, trade and financial sanctions on Tehran. Kerry recently said the deal's implementation was "days away."




Et pourtant, le débat qui anime la téléphonie mobile au Cameroun est focalisé sur le concept de la 4G. Pour ou contre la 4G, oui ou non avec la 4G.Les spécialistes rivalisent d’adresse, les analyses à donner le tournis sont relayées par la presse au sujet de ce qu’il convient d’appeler la nébuleuse 4G. On attendait nexttel sur ce champ. Que non « Nous pensons que ce dont ont besoin nos abonnés, c’est un service de qualité en temps réel et partout » Tel semble être le credo dans l’entreprise camerouno-vietnamienne installée à Douala il y a un peu plus d’un an. Plutôt, à la direction de L’entreprise de téléphonie mobile, il se murmure que le chiffre de 3 millions d’abonnés actifs a été atteint cette première semaine de janvier 2016. Réalité ou coup de pub ? Toujours est-il que dans les couloirs de la direction générale au centre des affaires du quartier Akwa, on n’y prête pas attention et on semble tourner le journaliste venu à la source en dérision « ce serait une bonne nouvelle. Un bon cadeau de fin d’année que nous donnent les abonnés au service desquels nous nous déployons »
Un 3eme opérateur mobile qui fait bouger les lignes.
  • Des explications glanées ca et là feront comprendre que l’abonne est celui ayant effectué une transaction dans les 90 derniers jours en émission ou réception. Pris dans ce sens, une performance de 3 millions d’abonnés confirmerait la stratégie mise en œuvre il y a quelques temps par le 3e opérateur consistant à recruter massivement de nouveaux abonnés en zones urbaine et rurale tout en ciblant les abonnés déjà utilisateurs de réseaux concurrents. De fait, le marché Camerounais est constitué à plus de 25% , d'abonnés ayant deux SIM (dual SIM market). Apres un an d’existence, nexttel aura réussi à bouger les lignes dans un univers de la téléphonie en proie à une concurrence effrénée. Cette montée en puissance du 3e opérateur est le résultat d’ « un déploiement méthodique, patient, au service de la satisfaction client » impulsé depuis juillet 2015 par son
directeur marketing et commercial Joel Awono- Ndjodo, qui a engagé une mue de sa communication en renforçant sa présence en affichage, en télé (crtv, canal2, DBS), en radio (crtv) et sur le Web (page facebook, YouTube, instaurant, Google+).

Des services de qualité
Bien plus, la réforme amorcée des canaux de distribution a considérablement amélioré la disponibilité du crédit de communication nexttel auprès des consommateurs (partenariats avec Campost, pmuc, Easypay, Afrikpay,... ).
Mais aussi, la professionnalisation du recrutement des nouveaux abonnés confiés en partie à des tiers expliquerait cette performance exceptionnelle de 3 millions d'abonnés actifs après 16 mois d'activité. Le processus d'identification des abonnés se poursuit avec détermination malgré les challenges opérationnels.

Iranian goalkeeper arrested for posting 'Indecent' photos of himself with women..despite claiming he was hacked

The Goalkeeper for Iranian team, Persepolis and member of Iranian national team, Sosha Makani, was arrested for posting indecent photos of himself with women not veiled in Islamic hijab. In the photos, some women appeared to be dancing with him and some looked like they were posing as fans.

According to the Iranian cyber law, posting indecent photos online is a crime that is punishable by law.

In the effort for the Iranian government to control the public and private lives of its citizens, it prohibits mingling with the opposite sex and unrelated couples. The law regarding Internet crimes in Iran says if someone directly posts indecent photos of himself or others online, then a crime has been committed. Those who are caught posting indecent photos face legal action. Also, any person who posts or publishes pictures of others on the Internet without their permission, in such a way that causes them harm or disrepute, will be punishable from 91 days to two years in prison or fined from five million rials (about $168) to 40 million rials (about $1340) or both.

Makani has since denied posting these pictures, claiming that his social media accounts were hacked, and somehow the hacker managed to acquire the photos and shared them. He faces up to 2-years in jail if found guilty.

Makani’s lawyer, Behnam Ali-Mohammadi, said that the presiding Judge, Judge Hosseinzadeh has asked the Iranian Cyber Police (FATA) to investigate the case.

Below are the 'Indecent' photos that led to his arrest...

Adorable pics of Diamond Platnumz, his babymama & their daughter

The Tanzanian singer shared these photos of himself and his babymama Zaria with their daughter Tiffah on the daughter's Instagram page. Yes Tiffah has an Instagram page with 380,000 followers. *Yimu*. See more after the cut...


Sammie, the last child of Pastor Kujiyat, first met his wife, Saratu, over 16 years ago at his father’s church when they were about 12 and 10 years old respectively.

However, life soon took them on different paths until they reunited two years ago. They soon started dating.
The couple describes their relationship as a story of love that’s meant to be.
At their wedding on December 19 in Kaduna Nigeria, they could not stop gushing about each other.
Their stylish wedding was attended by friends and family. The groom wore a blue suit and the bride a beautiful lace gown.
Their bridesmaids and groomsmen cut a fashionable picture. The bridesmaids’ hair were put up in afros accessorised with red roses.
Check out the beautiful photos by Mahogany Obododozie.


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...