Friday 4 March 2016

Former Somali journalist who worked for AlShabaab sentenced to death for the murder of 5 journalists

A Somali military court on Thursday, March 3, sentenced a former journalist and media officer for Islamist group Al-Shabaab to death for the assassination of his fellow journalists. The court ruled he should be executed by firing squad.

Hassan Hanafi Haji, 30, helped the jihadi group in identifying possible targets among the journalists between 2007 and 2011.
Hanafi worked as a media officer for the Somali Islamist group's radio Andalus, arranging news conferences in the years when the militants controlled the capital Mogadishu. 

While working for for Radio Andalus, he would target journalists and threatened them with death if they refused to join the group. Many journalists were forced to flee Somalia after receiving threats from Hanafi. And according to the Committe to Protect Journalists (COJ) more than 25 journalists have been murdered in Somalia since 2007.

Eventually the Islamist fundamentalists were pushed out of Mogadishu by African Union peacekeeping forces in 2011 but they have continued to launch frequent attacks in attempt to disable the western-backed government.

Hasan Ali, chairman of the Somali military court in Mogadishu, told reporters that Hassan Hanafi had admitted to killing one reporter and had been found guilty of killing five others. Several local journalists sat through the court proceedings, with the verdict welcome in a country where many feel those targeting journalists have not been held accountable.

"He will be put to death as soon as possible," Ali said.

Hanafi, 30, has said he joined al Shabaab in 2008 when he was working as a journalist for a local Somali broadcaster. He was arrested in neighboring Kenya in 2015 and then returned to Somalia for trial. He had been promoted to commander in 2009. The following year, he was seriously injured in fighting.

"Al Shabaab killed many journalists, but personally I killed only one," Hanafi said after the sentence was announced. "But I am indifferent if you kill me. You will see if killings will stop even after my death."

Photos: 17 year old footballer damages spinal cord while playing football and may never walk again

A promising 17 year old footballer Ellis Robinson who plays for Rochdale FC has been told by surgeons that he may never walk again talk more of playing football after he injured his spinal cord while playing 5-aside football with his uncle and players from local side Limeside King George last week.
He fell on the floor and a player mysteriously landed on his back, after which he immediately felt unable to move his body from the chest down. Footballers like Phil Neville and Joey Barton have already contributed cash to his rehabilitation after surgeons today announced he might not be able to walk again.

His club Rochdale Fc released a statement ;
''Our thoughts and prayers are with Ellis and his family at this time, and we are offering our full support. 
''Ellis has a long journey in front of him as he begins the fight to walk again, and his family and friends are raising money to aid his road to recovery. They’ve set up a GoFundMe page for donations.''
''Rochdale Football Club will also be raising money for Ellis – full details will announced in the coming days. 
''You can show your support on Twitter by tweeting @teamellis and using the #teamellis''.
From everyone at Rochdale Football Club, we wish Ellis the very best in his recovery. Get well soon, Ellis! 

His uncle Chris Robinson, 32, who was with him at the time of the accident said: “We can’t believe it.
“You just never think something like this will happen.
“Even his doctors have been left flabbergasted, they have seen injuries like this from rugby but never football.
“It’s obviously devastating for all of us.
“But the response and the support we’ve received has been absolutely amazing.
“Even people we don’t know have been so kind.
“I know it means a lot to Ellis and it’s helping him, and us, prepare for what we know will be a long road ahead.”

New photos reveal Adam Johnson's wild parties with model just days before child sex court case

New photos have emerged showing embattled footballer Adam Johnson partying with model Julie Hall in a yatch just days before his first crown court ­appearance for child sex charges. The same time his then girlfriend now ex Stacey Flounders was nursing their 5month old baby at home.

28 year-old Johnson, who faces 5-10 years imprisonment for having sexual contact with an underage girl, took Julie, 27, for a romantic trip on a yacht and was pictured partying with her in May last year with his fellow club mates.

Johnson and Julie said their farewells on June 1 as the footballer headed to the airport for his flight home. Two days later, he appeared before Durham crown court for the first time.

BREAKING NEWS: Troops Deployed Down Town Yaounde Over Impending Terror Attack

Cameroon's army forces patrol on Febuary 16, 2015 near the village of Mabass, northern Cameroon. Cameroon's army announced on February 17, 2014 having killed 86 Boko Haram militants and detained 1,000 people suspected of links to the Islamist group, as central African leaders held talks on how to combat its bloody insurgency.  Five Cameroonian soldiers were also killed during the clashes in the Waza region near the border with Nigeria, defence ministry spokesman said. AFP PHOTO REINNIER KAZE
FILE: Cameroon’s army forces patrol on Febuary 16, 2015 near the village of Mabass, northern Cameroon. Cameroon’s army announced on February 17, 2014 having killed 86 Boko Haram militants and detained 1,000 people suspected of links to the Islamist group.

Several security meetings are being held in Yaounde, Cameroon’s capital following threats of terror attacks from Boko Haram.
Joseph Beti Assomo, Minister of Defence yesterday March 3, sent out a note to top ranking officials of the ministry including Jean Baptiste Bokam, Secretary of State in charge of the National Gendarmerie, Rene Claude Meka, Army Chief of Staff, among others, with instructions on how to prevent such an attack.
The defence minister’s message titled “terrorist attacks threat” outlined measures that should prevent any surprise attacks on the capital. The minister, in text number 00536/MP/MINDEF/01 ordered the reinforcement of security in strategic buildings, particularly that of the Ministry of Defence, located a few kilometers from the National Assembly building and the military headquarters.
Assomo also ordered the immediate sealing of the Northern entrance to the Defence Ministry which faces the French Embassy in Yaounde. He also requested the erection of speed breaks in front of the military hospital.
Going by the instructions, a copy of which The SOURCE stumbled upon, the minister’s orders included the deployment of foot soldiers and motorized troops for surveillance at ministerial buildings in the city center and places hosting public gatherings. He also urged all soldiers to improve their level of vigilance.
Another move which the minister suggested could avert any possible attack was that the army infiltrates a dreaded Muslim neighborhood in Yaounde known as Briqueterie.
Unconfirmed sources say there are 80 Boko Haram insurgents in Yaounde who have sent out threats that they are going to carry out attacks in a major city in Cameroon. Apart from Yaounde, The SOURCE could not confirm what is being done to avert possible attacks in Douala, the economic capital.
As we were about going to press, the publisher of L’Oeil du Sahel, a weekly publication based in Yaounde reported a Boko Haram/ Cameroon army shoot-out ongoing in Kerawa, Far North region, along the border with Nigeria. He said 3 insurgents have been killed in the attack.

Check Out Photo Flavour & Chidinma Just Share On Their Instagram Could this be real

Flavour and Chidinma both uploaded this photo to their Instagram accounts with no caption. The duo have previously collaborated musically.

Rapper Rick Ross blasts Chris Rock over Oscars monologue, says he isn't his fan

Rapper Rick Ross who's been off the media for a while recently spoke to Washington D.C.’s 93.9fm and blasted Chris Rock for his edgy Oscars monologue, where the ace comedian made fun of some black actors and singers.
"Chris Rock, he a cornball. Let’s keep it real,” Rick Ross said, during the interview. “I ain’t even finna kick it with y’all like that. Chris Rock a cornball. And I’mma leave it right there. It wasn’t funny. He ain’t the one. I’m not a fan of his.”
Ross also spoke about his new record deal with Epic Records, and his upcoming work with boxer Adrian Broner.

“I just closed my new situation with Epic Records,” he said. “I’m doing big things over there at Epic Records. Me and Broner, we just sat down and we doing some big things. Cause 2016, I wanna see his dreams come to fruition on the musical side, ya dig…I wanna make sure that this year, people will get to see that other side of AB. Of course, him being the incredible fighter that he is, but the other side of him, which is a great businessman, a great family man.”

This granny, mum and daughter think they look like sisters (photos)

A 65 year old grandmother, Gwen Slade from Central London, a 44 year old mother Jemima and a 16 year old daughter say that despite being almost 50 years apart in age, they party together, talk sex and still enjoying wearing each others clothes. They say they regularly get mistaken for sisters.

All 3 women wear the same size dresses and work in the same hair Salon despite Grandmother-Gwen's age.

Jemima says:
I’ll buy a dress, shoes or top and have to keep it under lock and key until I can wear it first, otherwise Mum or my teen daughter steals it. 
'If I do let them wear it I guarantee one of them will wear it better and look better, sexier or hotter in it,’

Jemima, also admits some people would probably criticise the three of them for sharing the same outfits and all having enviable bodies. She said she has a red dress that she wore and her Mum and daughter wore as well.
'I am proud, but also a little jealous, that if Mum or Llly wear it they look as good or better than me. But that’s what keeps me on my toes, and I'm proud of our unique, three-way transgenerational relationship.

Source: UK Daily Mail...

Photo: Look at what waist trainer did to Kendall Jenner's figure

Kendall and pal Gigi Hadid pictured in Paris yesterday...the waist trainer gave her figure some boost

5 Lessons Marketers Should Learn From Trump's Campaign

First things first -- as a lifelong Republican, I can't stand Donald Trump.
His racist rhetoric, misogynistic tendencies and divisive diatribes are shamefully embarrassing. Worse than that, his plans to weaken the First Amendment protections of journalists in this country are downright frightening.
He's more believable as an "evil" manager of some wrestling heel in the WWE's next Wrestlemania pay-per-view than as a presidential hopeful.
He's a dumpster fire in a $10,000 suit.
Safe to say, I'm not a fan.
However, like it or not, Trump's performance on Super Tuesday was stunning and provides at least five marketing takeaways for anyone building a brand or a business.

1. Shock sells.
Whether it's radio shock jocks Howard Stern or Don Imus; sports bad boys Dennis Rodman or Alex Rodriguez; performers Rob Zombie or Lady GaGa in a meat dress -- the ability to shock is a proven way to cut through the clutter and garner attention.
It's a common tactic within the entertainment and sports industries but was a rarity in politics until Trump.
His shocking comments about Hispanics, women, foreign allies, the GOP field of candidates, the country of Mexico, the Pope, etc., have taken political discourse to a shockingly low level.
Yet, he continues to win.

2. Free is better than paid.
According to media reports, of the seven remaining candidates seeking the presidency, Trump is tied in last place as far as raising money at $27.3 million; however, his media coverage and total number of media impressions are 40 percent higher than that of his closest competitor, Hillary Clinton.   
Media outlets can't seem to help themselves. They can't turn away. They broadcast and print every reckless word he utters.

So, while every other candidate is burning through their respective campaign war chests pouring millions into advertising to get their messages out, Trump has claimed to be getting "too much" attention during recent debates while he spends campaign dollars like a miser.
Trump is a coifed three-clown-car pileup on the highway that the media is compelled to cover, at virtually no cost to him.

3. Simple is better than complex.
Never in the history of televised U.S. politics has a candidate advanced so far on so little substance.
Here's the Trump platform in a nutshell: blockade Mexico, overhaul healthcare to something better, cut taxes for everyone, stop corporations from leaving the U.S., force corporations to make products here in the U.S., fix foreign trade, create millions of high-paying jobs, end illegal immigration, fix the education system -- oh, I almost forgot, make America great again.
When pressed for specifics he simply repeats a few threadbare talking points claiming that he doesn't need details -- perhaps that's because the devil dwells in the details and Trump is an avowed Christian after all.
Who knows?
Regardless Trump's grossly simplistic solutions have found itching ears among a broad based, disenchanted electorate.

4. Content isn't king, context is.  
Per the previous point, Trump is not winning because of his innovative solutions to complex issues facing this country. Trump is winning because he's an outsider and his timing was perfect.

For the past eight years populist Republicans have been outraged at their "Party Establishment" for its lack of leadership, ideas and initiative. To steal a line from the 1976 movie Network, the GOP rank-and-file is "mad as hell..." and not taking it anymore. 
If you doubt that, just look at the broad coalition of grassroots GOP support that turned out to the polls on Super Tuesday for Trump. 

This is the only election year that an insurgent presidential candidate could have advanced so far, so fast because the Republican electorate wants to burn down its own partisan house with a Trump-branded flamethrower. 
While the Party's elitist intelligentsia was completely out of touch with its voting base, Trump recognized that swelling emotional wave and may ride it straight to the nomination.
Regrettably, timing and context "trump" content.

5. Reposition competitors.
Trump is a brash bully in the truest political sense, and he would no doubt make Niccolò Machiavelli proud -- or possibly embarrassed.
Regardless, from the start of his campaign Trump has been incredibly successful at defining and repositioning his competition.
Since Trump truly is an outsider, he has no political record to defend and can focus on playing offense all the time. He has relentlessly called every GOP competitor some combination of a  "...liar...disaster...lightweight...fraud...loser...etc." 

And because he sucks all the media attention out of the room, leaving the GOP field gasping for airtime, when competitors do get coverage they're forced to waste their time repairing and repositioning their respective reputations.
Trump is holding a real-time clinic on marketing, proving that these takeaways are useful to consider for anyone building a business or a brand.

He obviously knows about building a business and a brand, but that doesn't mean he knows how to be a decent human being. While the Trump brand seems to be getting stronger by the day, the unfortunate truth is that it inversely weakens our country every step closer he gets to the White House.

Source: entrepreneur 

Man locks his girlfriend in dog cage for four months

A 22 year old California man, Frank Guerra,locked his girlfriend in a cage for four months, beat and bit her and repeatedly rubbed dog feces on her between September 20, 2015, and January 4 this year, police say.

The woman, whose identity is being protected, told officers that Guerra kept her inside the cage for hours on end in his home while he went to work and was forced to relieve herself into a dog bowl while inside the cage, and that on at least one occasion he took her elsewhere in the county while still being held hostage.

Even after the woman managed to escape captivity on January 4, she did not report Guerra to police until a month later after he began threatening her again.

Guerra was arrested and charged with kidnap and also accused of both psychologically and physically abusing the woman, biting her so hard on the back that she will have permanent scarring, The Modesto Bee reports.

At Guerra's court appearance Monday, during which he pleaded not guilty, Deputy District Attorney Beth DeJong said: 'He locked her in a dog crate. He pushed her to the ground and kicked her until she’d go inside.

After the hearing Monday, Guerra was denied bail and given a protective order to keep him from contacting the victim, or from getting within 100 yards of her.

Oscar Pistorius murder appeal denied, now faces up to 15 years for murder conviction

3 years after he fatally shot and killed his girlfriend, South African Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius will now appear in Pretoria’s High Court in April to face sentencing after the Constitutional Court dismissed his appeal “for lack of prospects of success" and found him guilty of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's day in 2013.

The prosecution will argue for a sentence of at least 15 years at next month’s hearing, a spokesman for the National Prosecuting Authority told SA local news media. The court had stated in its arugment in papers filed to the Constitutional Court that it was not in the interests of justice for Pistorius to be allowed to appeal the murder conviction.

Pistorius already served a year in jail, but was released in October, to serve the remainder of his term at home, with strict provisions on when he could leave home and how far he could travel. But now faces 15 years in jail.
The Constitutional Court ruling was made Wednesday but was made public Thursday.

Artist creates sculpture of tragic Syrian migrant child Aylan Kurdi

The heart-breaking picture of the toddler,  Aylan Kurdi's body lying face down taken hours after the four-year-old Syrian refugee drowned in the Aegean Sea, which touched everyone all over the world has now been recreated by a Finnish sculptor.

The sculpture entitled 'Until the Sea Shall Him Free', created by Pekka Jylhä, is on display at the Helsinki Contemporary gallery in Finland.

Do you think it's creepy or touching?

Katt Williams apologizes to Kevin Hart...calls him the current king of comedy

Comedian Katt Williams has been bashing Kevin Hart for sometime now. Calling him a puppet and other names. After he was blasted by fans for hating on a successful black man because he was jealous, Katt Williams backtracked and yesterday showed up on the Big Tigger Show on V103 in Atlanta to apologize to Kevin, dubbing him the current King of Comedy.
“I want to offer a humongous apology to Kevin Hart…I should have never mentioned Kevin’s Hart’s name. He is the reigning King of Comedy if you ask the popular consensus. The fact that he’s a Black man like me and the fact that I attacked him with such vitriol at time when our country is already divided in every way it can be divided…" 
"The fact that I, while being on stage pretending to be higher than that, would then stood down to same level and try to embarrasses Kevin Hart in front of his children and love ones after all the hard work he’s done since the year 2002 is just regrettable on my part so I humbly apologize to not only Kevin Hart, but Hart Beat Productions, the Plastic Cup Boys and anybody associated with Kevin Hart…that was a mistake on my part because I don’t love Kevin. I love Torrie [Hart]. Torrie is my friend…”

Incredible photos show the bond between a man & his pride of lions

World-renowned 'Lion Whisperer' Kevin Richardson, is probably one of the world's most fearless men. He lives, eats and plays with his wildlife sanctuary in Pretoria, South Africa, one of the few people in the world that have the privilege. Kevin and his pride of lions are now the stars of a TV commercial for Mercedes-Benz. See photos shot by photographer Adrian Steirn, during the ad campaign shoot...

Others stay far

Nkambe Catholic Church Recognizes the Founding Fathers of the Catholic Men Association

There was euphoria in Nkambe, Donga Mantung in the North West Region last week when the Founding Fathers of the Catholic Men Association-CMA were canonized. Five of the 12 founding members of CMA, who are still alive were rewarded Awards of Recognition ahead of the Deanery Meeting of the movement for being part of the outstanding initiative that has grown full swing into a national movement. Out of the 12 Founding members, Pa Semuyeh Cyprian Nyugap, Bawe Victor Bawe, Pa Paul Ngie, Pa James Mbunwe and Pa Simon Ngebi were among the five still alive that were honoured. The story goes that in the early 80s, a group of catholic men and women of the Nkambe Roman Catholic Church created a group known as "Samba" . This was when there was no group existing within the church that brings together dynamic christains of the then Roman Catholic Church. According to Pa Bawe Victor Bawe, "at one point, it became necessary for the men to separate from the women". He said when the men finally separated from the women, they lost the name "Samba" yet had to choose between the names such as the Christian Men Fellowship-CMF, Christian Men Organization-CMO and the Christian Men Association-CMA. "The group ended up choosing CMA and at that time we were only 12 members". He regretted the fact that majority of them who brought up this initiative have died. "The church welcomed the idea" and the Rev. Father whom he said was from Tatum gave them guidelines on how the group should function in order not to go into conflict or contradict church activities. 
On their activities, Pa Bawe Victor said that their actions were geared towards evangelization, visiting the sick in hospitals and donating little assistance. "That is how we expanded from Nkambe to Binju and other places". He said from the beginning non of them could imagine that CMA will grow to be a national movement. "The CMA started in Nkambe and that it has now grown nationally is a very big achievement. In fact, the church looks up to the CMA as the Father of the Catholic Church in Cameroon".
Today, this movement that started in Nkambe has laid on the church's mission to encourage the creation and fostering of Catholic Actions and prayer groups so that members are well informed in the teachings of the Church professions. Above all, the association admits all baptized Catholic men and youths aged 20 years above, singled or married who after a year of probation are dedicated. 
They enable members model their lives after the life-style of St. Joseph, husband of Mary and Foster Father of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Notwithstanding, CMA today is functional in 10 dioceses around that country. These dioceses include Maroua, Bertoua, Ebolowa, Mamfe, Bafoussam, Yaounde, Kumbo, Buea and Bamenda. 

Caitlyn Jenner refuses to endorse presidential candidate Ted Cruz, saying he's the worst when it comes to Transgender issues

The World's most popular transgender Caithlyn Jenner has weighed in on U.S Presidential candidate Ted Cruz saying although she likes him, she also feels he's an evangelical christian who won't support Transgender issues. 
"I like Ted Cruz. I think he's very conservative, and a great constitutionalist, and a very articulate man. I haven't endorsed him or anything like that. But I also think, he's an evangelical Christian, and probably one of the worst ones when it comes to trans issues." she told the Advocate.
Caitlyn says she met Cruz before her transition "and he was very nice."
"Wouldn't it be great, let's say he goes on to be president. And I have all my girls on a trans issues board to advise him on making decisions when it comes to trans issues. Isn't that a good idea?" she asked reporter Dawn Ennis.
"You're going to be Ted Cruz's trans ambassador?" Ennis replied.
"Yes, trans ambassador to the president of the United States, so we can say, ‘Ted, love what you're doing but here's what's going on,'" Caitlyn explained.
 "I get it. The Democrats are better when it comes to these types of social issues. I understand that."
When asked why she was still a Republican, she replied.
 "Number one, if we don't have a country, we don't have trans issues," she said. "We need jobs. We need a vibrant economy. I want every trans person to have a job. With $19 trillion in debt and it keeps going up, we're spending money we don't have. Eventually, it's going to end. And I don't want to see that. Socialism did not build this country. Capitalism did. Free enterprise. The people built it. And they need to be given the opportunity to build it back up."

Four Most Dangerous Thieves in Cameroon Nabbed

According to Facebook user, Fon Sama these are the 4 most dangerous thieves in Cameroon and have been arrested thanks to the Judicial police Bertoua. The four guys were allegedly specialist in stealing babies and young kids.

A weapons factory soon in Cameroon?

It has become an open secret. Cameroon and Turkey want to joint hands to bar the way to the terrorist sect Boko Haram. They want to work on the establishment of a weapons and ammunition factory. This industry wants to be the materialization of military cooperation between Ankara and Yaounde. So it was to study the framework and terms of cooperation that Joseph Beti Assomo Defense Minister received on February 29, the Turkish delegation led by Major General Umut Saban.
If it is true that all points of exchange between Joseph Beti Assomo and Saban Umut have not been made public, it is at least known that the Turkish delegation to stay in Cameroon puts an emphasis on the security aspect. Rene Claude Meka as the Chief of Staff of the armed forces and Jean Baptiste Bokam Secretary of State for Defense in charge of the Gendarmerie had already received respectively Saban Umut who is in reality the Sub-Secretary of State for Industry of Turkish ministry of defense.

In the agenda of the Turkish, we also noted the visit of the central laboratory equipment. Demonstrations were made there to the great satisfaction of Cameroonian hosts. The General of the Turkish division also inquired on the problems facing the Cameroonian army. We learn that he promised support of his country to meet some difficulties. He also said that he will see “on the training of police officers on dealing with terrorist attacks regarding scientific and technical police and security arrangements and prevention of attacks.”

On March 1st, the Turkish delegation went to Garoua to visit the cartridge factory in the region. This 2 March in Yaounde they took part in the meeting of experts of the bipartisan commission to the agreement of the arms industry.

Culled -

US extends sanctions against Zimbabwe

PRESIDENT Barack Obama has extended for another year, sanctions the United States imposed against Zimbabwe, saying the regime in Harare continues to represent “an unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United State”.

Washington imposed the sanctions in 2003, reacting to allegations of gross human rights abuses and electoral fraud levelled against President Robert Mugabe’s administration.
“These actions and policies had contributed to the deliberate breakdown in the rule of law in Zimbabwe, to politically motivated violence and intimidation in that country, and to political and economic instability in the southern African region,” read then President George W Bush’s Executive Order of March 6, 2003, which effected the sanctions and has been renewed every year since.

Equally punitive action was also taken by countries such as Australia, Canada and the European Union (EU) with Mugabe hitting back by saying the West was punishing him for taking land from a handful of white farmers and giving it to hundreds of thousands of black Zimbabweans.

The EU has since lifted most of its sanctions and also resumed financial support for struggling Harare government.

But Obama said Wednesday that Mugabe had not changed his ways since 2003 and so US sanctions would be extended for another year.

“I have sent to the Federal Register for publication the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency originally declared in Executive Order 13288 of March 6, 2003, and renewed every year since then, is to continue in effect beyond March 6, 2016,” said the US president in a statement.

“The threat constituted by the actions and policies of certain members of the Government of Zimbabwe and other persons to undermine Zimbabwe’s democratic processes or institutions, contributing to the deliberate breakdown in the rule of law, to politically motivated violence and intimidation, and to political and economic instability in the southern African region, has not been resolved.

“These actions and policies continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United States. For these reasons, I have determined that it is necessary to continue this national emergency and to maintain in force the sanctions to respond to this threat.

“Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency originally declared in Executive Order 13288.”

The sanctions target Mugabe and leading members of his retinue, along with several government and quasi-State institutions.

Global financial institution, Barclays bank, recently revealed that it was fined about $2.5 million for contravening the US sanctions against Zimbabwe.

The US treasury department said Barclays processed 159 transactions worth $3.4 million from July 2008 to September 2013 to or through financial institutions in the U.S for corporate customers of Barclays Bank of Zimbabwe that were majority-owned by people on Washington’s sanctions lists.

“This enforcement action highlights the importance for institutions with operations in countries with a significant presence of persons (individuals and entities) on the [sanctions lists] to take appropriate measures to ensure compliance with U.S. economic sanctions laws when processing transactions on behalf of their customers to, through, or within the U.S.,” said the treasury department.

President Robert Mugabe blames the sanctions for Zimbabwe’s economic crisis which has lasted more than a decade despite the now 92-year-old leader pivoting East and actively seeking financial lifelines from liberation war allies China and Russia.


Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna reportedly working on a sex tape

According to Life & Style magazine..
"Blac is all for it, and so is Rob," says the insider. "They have no qualms about taking it all of and getting freaky on camera." There's just one thing standing in the way: "Rob wants to get into shape first," the insider says. "Blac's helping him lose weight."

Michael Jackson's daughter goes blonde (photos)

Paris Jackson, 17 stepped out in LA spotting on bleached, blonde, hair after showing off a strawberry look just days ago. Paris and each of her siblings are set to receive $100million each if Michael Jackson's estate is completely liquidated. 

Pics: Check out this wooden car created by a man in Niger state Nigeria

A young man in Bida, Niger state, created this car with a wooden body and a motorcycle engine. Amazing! See more photos after the cut..

Begger receives death threats after he was spotted with £50,000 Audi (Photos)

A £50,000 Audi TT believed to belong to a beggar was found smashed up after he was spotted loading his shopping into it.
Matthew Brinton sparked fury when he was filmed putting his shopping and dog Hazel into the flash car after a day of begging on the streets.

According to Daily mirror ,he is known in Newquay, Cornwall, for spending his days asking for money on the streets.
Today, a battered Audi which is said to share the same number plates as Mr Brinton's car was found in the town after the windscreen was smashed.Matthew claims the car was a gift from his grandmother and that it was stolen from him.

Police have no record of the attack on the car, but said they are investigating.
Matthew, 35, claimed yesterday he's received death threats from residents who think he was passing himself off as homeless in a bid to take their cash.
He was filmed bundling his border collie and a sleeping bag into the Audi in a car park close to his begging patch.

The video was uploaded to Facebook where residents blasted him for 'stealing' their money and said he was 'ungrateful'.
Matthew said:
"I have not seen any of the social media posts because I do not have access to the internet but according to the police I've had lots of death threats.""People are assuming too much and I'm getting a lot of abuse, which is pushing me to suicide," he said. "This has been going on for years."

Donald Trump assures America he has a big eggplant during detroit presidential debate

At the Fox News republican presidential debate yesterday, Donald Trump suggested he has a big eggplant after another presidential candidate Marco Rubio insinuated he is a small man below the belt, and that he deserved to be attacked personally because of how much he attacks others.

Trump responded saying
"Hit my hands. Nobody has ever hit my hands. I've never heard of this."
Then he spread his palms out and tells the crowd that he isn't small below the belt.
"Looks at those hands, are they small hands? And he referred to my hands, if they are small then something else must be small, I guarantee you, there's no problem."
Watch the video below


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...