Thursday 14 January 2016

5 Signs You Are No Longer In Love with Your Partner

When you have been with someone long enough, it sometimes starts to feel like you no longer have feelings for them.

Sign of a ‘cracked relationship’.
While this could be possible, you should also avoid throwing away your relationship simply because you no longer feel the spark. So, it is pertinent that you know when the love is really gone, or when you simply just need a little bit of fire to ignite your relationship.
Below are signs that you are no longer in love with your partner.
1. Their happiness is no longer a priority: Once you fall out of love with someone, you suddenly have way more important things to think about or do than worrying about their happiness. You do not care either ways, and you will find it difficult to muster the right concern if they express their unhappiness to you.

2. You zone out: Just because you are physically still in a relationship, does not mean you are emotionally in it. A lot of people might keep up appearances as a couple, but you will be surprise how many of them have partners that no longer cares about the union. When you find that all you think about is your life outside your relationship, it might be a sign that you are done in your mind.

3. More fantasies about others: Usually, it is not uncommon for people in a relationship to fantasize about other people. This does not necessarily mean they want out. But when your fantasies become such that you are thinking and daydreaming about a whole other future with someone else every single moment, then this is because the love is gone.

4. They REALLY annoy you: It is normal to find yourself annoyed with your partner sometimes, but when every single thing they do irritates you and make your skin crawl, then you no longer have feelings for them. Feeling this way about anyone means your hate and disgust has run a little too deep.

5. Indifference: This is usually how the stages of falling out of love go; You go from anger, to resentment, to hatred, and then to indifference. Indifference is worse because at this point, you do not even care if your partner is sad or happy, sick or healthy, and sometimes, dead or alive. Their existence is completely useless to you. Hopefully you would have done something about your relationship, or broken up with you partner before this stage. Because feeling indifferent towards someone you once love not only ruins your relationship, but is unhealthy for your own mind.

10 Acts That Lead Some Young Guys To Early Grave


1. s*x
My evidence and research have shown that, kitty-cat has devastating effects in the lives of many unmarried dudes which has been leading many of them to early grave. Now that we are in an era where s*x seems to be the most discussed topic on the internet, newspapers and magazines; therefore, nearly every dude wants to show his bedmatics skills to any lady that comes his way. Some dudes even go to the extreme by using all sorts of harmful substances just to show to a lady who falls prey to their gimmicks that are very skillful and a veteran bleeper, and you will begin to wonder if it’s a sort of competition which will bring forth a trophy or something. Funny enough, some will even get laid with another man’s wife, and in that process, they will have epileptic and wave goodbye to the earth.

2. Money
Next in rank, money follows suite after kitty-cat. To a broader view, money can solve virtual every problem in our every day life and yet, the desperate chase of money has a series of terrific and unintended consequences. In recent time, you will see acclaimed men of God Bible quoting verses wrong and using the name of God to fulfill their selfish desire. And let’s not forget the ones who condition the tithes and offering of the church into their pockets and will be riding new generation cars; yahoo guys who seek herbalists for maga to pay; politicians who embezzle public funds and so on. These aforementioned categories of people always end their lives in misery and calamity. They don’t even need to go to heaven to receive their judgment, their punishment is right on earth
3. Alcohol/weed
Alcoholism and regular smoking of weed have also been leading many young dudes to early grave. This is because we Nigerians barely take precautions and do things without moderation even though we know the terrific consequences. After being drunk to stupor, some will drive carelessly and unconsciously ride themselves to out of this earth. I have even witnessed a scene when a dude boasted to his friends that he would drink three two bottles of Aromatic Schnapps. Of course he was able to drink it but guess what? He landed in hell fire few hours later.

4. Gambling
Gambling can become a problematic behavior causing many difficulties. It is typically a progressive addiction that can have many negative psychological, physical and social repercussions. People dealing with this addiction can suffer from depression, migraine, distress, intestinal disorders and other anxiety related problems. Ultimately, gambling can lead to violence and in some cases, suicide. A typical example is Bet9ja, especially when you want to win 10 million Naira, and you gave Chelsea straight win against Leicester City. You are likely to die of hypertension.

5. Cultism
Many students form different anti social groups for friendship, acceptance, validation, to protect and boost the morale of the members but I can tell you that the purpose is seemingly to become tangled up in criminal activities and terrorism. When they are caught in red handed, they are going to be given jungle justice

6. Thuggery
I don’t know what people stand to benefit from thuggery, especially those APC/PDP tyrants who display a degree of thuggery just help accomplish the desires of some politicians after they have been offered a little cash. These people may even lose their lives in the course of thuggery display.
7. Laziness
The Bible says that “No FOOD FOR A LADY MAN” but reverse is the case for some people. They are very lazy yet want to attain a great height in life. (Dem no dey use ear hear money cheesy ). They are so lazy to work, hence, looking for a shortcut to success or become rich. However, they are always looking for sugar mommy that will offer them N100, 000 for a night stand and will swap their destiny with 10 million naira

8. Robbery
In Nigeria, when thieves are caught, people don’t even wait for the Law Enforcement Agents to take charge of the situation. Jungle justice is done immediately. Whether you steal a cube of sugar or a packet of gold circle condom, for all they care. Robbers are likely to end up in early grave

9. Fighting over a Woman
Guys who are caught in this act are nothing but dumb scull in my personal opinion. Why would a dude hear that his girlfriend is having a secret affair with another dude, and he will engage in a physical combat what that dude, without concrete evidence. Some of them will break bottles and will be ready to lay down their lives, all because they don’t want a dude to have a secret affairs with their girlfriends

10. Feel free to add the last one…

Oyibo man explains why he married a Nigerian woman..(photos)

Battabox on Facebook asked its readers why they would marry outside their race and this man named David Lynch, who is married to a Nigerian woman, gave a classic answer. Very interesting. Read it and see more photos after the cut..

Davido Gets Interrogated By Igbo Chief (Photos)


HKN star, Davido getting interrogated by an igbo Journalist played by comedian, Whale Mouth on the set of Osinachi remix video shoot.
See more photos below:-


Video of TB Joshua's meeting with 'Lucifer' goes viral (photos)

This article was written by freelance journalist, Ihechukwu Njoku. Read below...
A YouTube clip showing controversial Nigerian Pastor T.B. Joshua’s dramatic encounter with ‘Lucifer’ has gone viral, amassing over 500,000 views in just one month since its release online. The video titled ‘Face To Face With Lucifer’ shows a peculiar scenario that unfolded in Joshua’s church when a self-professed ‘occult wizard’ came to seek prayers at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria.

In the clip, an eerily looking man with a menacing black beard introduces himself as Professor Chukwudi Okakpu, an alleged ‘Grand Llama of Science Beyond Material’. Amidst his extraordinary claims, the Satanist professed to have had face to face encounters with ‘Lucifer’ and to have endorsed ‘anti-Christs’ globally. “I can stay here and appear in any part of Europe,” Okakpu, dressed in a flowing white suit, calmly stated, adding that he ‘operates like a spirit’. “If you are such a person that patronises shrines or herbalists, I am the ultimate,” he sensationally claimed.

The video shows Joshua praying for Okakpu who sways uneasily several times before eventually falling to the floor. Several of his ‘followers’ proceed to come out from the crowd and are also prayed for, after which the ‘professor’ renounces his devilish past. Okakpu proceeds to return the following week with some of his ‘occultic’ garments to testify to the changes in his life after ‘accepting Jesus Christ’.

“This is a video satan does not want you to watch,” Emmanuel TV states in its introduction of the clip on YouTube. “A satanic ‘general’ renounces his covenants with devilry and witchcraft in a church service that made hell and its minions quiver!” As with most of Joshua’s videos, the contents have elicited controversy with opposing views as to its authenticity.

Several online commentators insisted Joshua’s deliverance services are nothing more than a scam involving arranged actors while others argue they are genuine and godly. Joshua’s YouTube channel Emmanuel TV, where the clip was uploaded, is the third most subscribed channel in Nigeria with nearly 300,000 subscribers and 110,000,000 views.

Youtube video -

Pregnant Draya Michele and Orlando Scandrick call it quits..again!

Looks like its off for now for the off/on couple. In a post on her instagram page yesterday, the former reality star celebrated her six month pregnancy mark and sadly noted that she was celebrating alone. What she wrote after the cut..

'I want them to rot in jail'- Father of Brooklyn gang rape victim speaks out

The 39-year-old father and his teenage daughter told police they were drinking beer at the Osborn Playground in Brownsville last Thursday night when they were accosted by the five youths, between the ages of 14 and 17, who then proceeded to rape the 18-year-old after threatening the father with a gun.

Following the teens' arrests earlier this week, however, two of the boys offered a different version of events, insisting that they had consensual sex with the 18-year-old. 
They also claimed to have witnessed the young woman having sex with her father in the park before the man staggered away from the scene, leaving his daughter alone with the teens.
'They're just trying to get out of the thing they did,' the unnamed father told the New York Post Thursday on his way to a deli to buy beer. 'I want them to rot in jail.'
Meanwhile, it merged yesterday afternoon that all five of the five suspects - Onandi Brown and Travis Beckford, both 17, Denzel Murray, 14, Shaquelle Cooper and Ethan Phillip, both 15 – will be released from jail later Thursday.  
All five teens have been charged as adults with rape, criminal sex act, sexual abuse and other charges. They deny the allegations.
At a press conference today, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton talked about a video that has been retrieved from the cellphone of one of the teenage suspects, calling it a 'significant piece of evidence.'  
Bratton did not specify what was in the video, only saying that it was 'nine to 11 seconds' long.
The commissioner then added cryptically: 'The first story is never the last story. I think in this case that's certainly the case or will prove to be the case.' 
On Wednesday, attorney Spencer Leeds, who represents Onandi Brown, dismissed the alleged victim's allegations as a total lie, claiming that the girl and her father failed to pick any of the first four suspects from a police lineup.

New Ebola case emerges in Sierra Leone

Health officials in Sierra Leone have confirmed a death from Ebola, hours after the World Health Organization declared the West Africa outbreak over.
The country was declared free of the virus on 7 November, and the region as a whole cleared when Liberia was pronounced Ebola-free on Thursday.

But two tests conducted on a boy who died in northern Sierra Leone proved positive for the virus, a health ministry spokesman told the BBC.

It is not clear when the boy died.

Health ministry spokesman Sidi Yahya Tunis told the BBC that the boy had died in the northern Tonkolili district. The tests were conducted by British health experts.
Close to 4,000 people died of Ebola in Sierra Leone, and 11,000 people across the region, since December 2013.

In declaring West Africa clear after the recent outbreak on Thursday, the WHO warned that the area was susceptible to small flare-ups of the virus.

Liberia was the last country to see the end of active transmission of Ebola. But it had been declared clear twice before, only for the infection to re-emerge.

A country is considered free of human-to-human transmission once two 21-day incubation periods have passed since the last known case tested negative for a second time

Nigerian-born son of a New Jersey minister kicked out of school for alleged rape reinstated

They both played football for Temple University and got accused of raping women they met on campus, but that’s where the similarities between Praise Martin-Oguike and Bill Cosby end.
Martin-Oguike, a Nigerian-born son of a New Jersey minister, was kicked off the team and out of school in 2012 after a woman accused him of assaulting her in a dorm room.
Evidence  that the encounter was anything but consensual was so lacking that a prosecutor later dropped charges, but Martin-Oguike found that counted for little at the Philadelphia school.
“I was just trying to prove my innocence,” Martin-Oguike, who missed the 2012 and 2013 seasons as be fought to clear his name, told “There were times where people were negative, trying to give me different scenarios and how I could be sent to jail for a long time. And being black, the odds were against me."
Martin-Oguike, a 6-foot, 2-inch, 255-pound defensive lineman, rejoined his Owls teammates for the 2014 season, and just completed a 10-3 season that culminated in a bowl game. Some believe Martin-Oguike even has a shot at the NFL, a dream that if realized, would be testament to his tenacity.

Martin-Oguike's nightmare began in May of 2012 when he was arrested after a senior at Temple accused him of raping her inside his dorm room. Martin-Oguike, who grew up in Woodbridge, N.J., and had never been in trouble with the law, claimed the sex was consensual.

But the school moved quickly, revoking his scholarship and expelling him. He missed the 2012 season, moved back home and wondered if the clock had run out on his future. The next season, while his former teammates were laboring toward a brutal 2-10 record, Martin-Oguike was preparing to stand trial and facing prison time.

As jury selection was about to begin in October 2013, the Philadelphia district attorney's office suddenly announced it was dropping charges due to a lack of evidence.
"Upon further investigation, it was determined there wasn't enough evidence to proceed to trial," Tasha Jamerson, a spokeswoman for the district attorney, said at the time.
But the jury was still out on Martin-Oguike's future at Temple. He was forced to plead his case for reinstatement before a board comprised of students and faculty, and his accuser, who was well known on campus, remained adamant that she had been raped.
“The student conduct process is an internal university administrative process that is independent of the criminal process,” a spokesman for Temple University said in a written statement. “The resolution of a criminal matter does not resolve a student conduct matter.”
Martin-Oguike prevailed, and insists he harbors no ill-will toward the school.
“They did not know me as a person and they had a process. They were just doing what they had to,” he said.
As he approaches his final season next year, Martin-Oguike said he has heard of potential interest from various NFL teams for the 2017 draft.
“I’d like to go to whoever pays the most,” he joked when asked where he would like to play before giving his real choice.
“I would like to play for the [New York] Jets,” he said. “They are close to home and have a lot of connections to Temple.”

Say what? This person says it's not okay to call babies he or she

So this American female took to her social media page to say it's not ok to call babies he or she because they can't speak, hence can't say their preferred gender, lol. Well the post went viral and people had their 2 cents to contribute to her 'opinion'.

Weed disguised as Carrots busted at U.S. Border

Drug smugglers trying to sneak thousands of pounds of weed disguised as carrots into the United States were sniffed out by authorities this weekend—though they demonstrated "creativity" in the attempted smuggling, officials said.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection intercepted 2,493 pounds of “alleged marijuana,” which was found hidden among a commercial shipment of fresh carrots in a tractor-trailer traveling from Mexico. The shipment was discovered during a search at the Pharr International Bridge cargo facility, located near the U.S. border with Mexico in southeastern Texas—around 250 miles south of San Antonio.

A close-up of the weed hidden in packages made to resemble carrots. The packages were contained in a shipment of actual carrots from Mexico. U.S. Customs and Border Protection                          
“Once again, drug smuggling organizations have demonstrated their creativity in attempting to smuggle large quantities of narcotics across the U.S.-Mexico border,” said Efrain Solis Jr., port director of the Hidalgo/Pharr/Anzalduas Port of Entry. “Our officers are always ready to meet those challenges and remain vigilant toward any type of illicit activities.”

Source: Newsweek

Japan ski tour bus in Nagano crash kills 14, injures 27

An overnight bus on its way to a ski resort in central Japan careened off a mountain road early Friday, killing 14 passengers and injuring 27 others.
Fire and disaster management officials said the bus veered into the opposite lane near the famous resort town of Karuizawa, in Nagano prefecture, rammed through a guardrail and slid down the mountainside a short distance. TV footage showed the bus resting on its side against some trees, bent in the middle.

The chartered bus was carrying 41 people, including two drivers and 39 passengers, when it crashed at the Usui mountain pass heading to the popular Kita Shiga ski area. The drivers, who were taking turns, were among the dead.

There was no snow or ice on the road surface in the area, about 180 kilometers (110 miles) northwest of Tokyo.

Most passengers were ski enthusiasts aged 18 into their early 20s, according to the Tokyo-based ski tour operator Keyth Tour. Packaged ski tours that come with overnight bus rides, lodging and lift tickets for around 12,000 yen ($100) are very popular among college students.
The injured were being treated at nearby hospitals. The Fire and Disaster Management Agency said 13 of the 27 passengers were seriously injured.

A male survivor, identified only as a college student, told broadcaster NHK that the bus swayed significantly before falling off the road, and he was stuck in a small corner when the bus finally came to a stop.
"I desperately tried to get out and struggled, and the next thing I remember is that I was outside," he said.
The bus fell about three meters (10 feet) down the mountainside, Japanese media said.
Television footage showed the bus leaning against several trees as police investigators examined the wreckage while dozens of Japanese reporters and camera crew looked on from a distance. Police were to lift the bus and take it to the police station for further investigation, and Tokyo police are probing the bus operator.

The accident is the latest in a series of highway crashes in Japan involving tour buses that experts attribute to harsh working conditions for long-distance bus drivers. In some cases, drivers had fallen asleep at the wheel.

A fatal highway tour bus crash in 2012 that killed seven on their way to Tokyo Disneyland prompted some legal steps to improve driving safety, but accidents have continued. There were several last year, including one that involved two deaths and 26 injuries.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the transport ministry has set up a taskforce and dispatched officials to the crash site for investigation.

Source: AP

Kylie Jenner shows off her pert derriere

Kylie Jenner showed off her toned bum while in her bathroom. Does her bum look smaller? More photos after the cut...

Oscars 2016 Nominations: Complete List of Nominees

Is this the year Leonardo DiCaprio will finally win his Oscar? Many feel so. See the full list of Oscar 2016 nominees after the cut...


Best Picture
The Big Short
Bridge of Spies
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
The Revenant

Best Actor
Bryan Cranston, Trumbo
Matt Damon, The Martian
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revneant
Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs
Eddie Redmayne, The Danish Girl

Best Actress
Cate Blanchett, Carol
Brie Larson, Room
Jennifer Lawrence, Joy
Charlotte Rampling, 45 Years
Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn

Best Supporting Actor
Christian Bale, The Big Short
Tom Hardy, The Revenant
Mark Ruffalo, Spotlight
Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies
Sylvester Stallone, Creed
Best Supporting Actress
Jennifer Jason Leigh, The Hateful Eight
Rooney Mara, Carol
Rachel McAdams, Spotlight
Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl
Kate WInslest, Steve Jobs
Best Directing
Adam McKay, The Big Short
George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road
Alejandro González Iñárritu, The Revenant
Lenny Abrhamson, Room
Tom McCarthy, Spotlight
Best Film Editing             
The Big Short
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Revenant
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Best Foreign Language Film
Colombia, Embrace of the Serpent
France, Mustang
Hungary, Son of Saul
Jordan, Theeb
Denmark, A War

Best Original Score
Thomas Newman, Bridge of Spies
Carter Burwell, Carol
Ennio Morricone, The Hateful Eight
Jóhann Jóhannsson, Sicario
John Williams, Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Best Production Design
Bridge of Spies
The Danish Girl
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
The Revenant
Best Visual Effects
Ex Machina
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
The Revenant
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Best Adapted Screenplay
The Big Short
The Martian
Best Original Screenplay
Bridge of Spies
Ex Machina
Inside Out
Straight Outta Compton

Best Animated Feature Film
Boy and the World
Inside Out
Shaun the Sheep Movie
When Marnie Was There
Best Cinematography                       
The Hateful Eight
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Revenant
Best Costume Design
The Danish Girl
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Revenant
Best Documentary – Feature
Cartel Land
The Look of Silence
What Happened, Miss Simone?
Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom
Best Documentary – Short Subject
Body Team 12
Chau, Beyond the Lines
Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah
A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness
Last Day of Freedom

Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Mad Max: Fury Road
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
The Revenant
Best Original Song
"Earned It," Fifty Shades of Grey
"Manta Ray," Racing Extinction
"Simple Song No. 3," Youth
"'Til It Happens to You," The Haunting Ground
"Writings on the Wall," Spectre
Best Animated Short Film
Bear Story
Sanjay's Super Team
We Can't Live Without Cosmos
World of Tomorrow
Best Live Action Short Film
Ave Maria
Day One
Everything Will Be Okay (Alles Wird Gut)
Best Sound Editing
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
The Revenant
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Best Sound Mixing
Bridge of Spies
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
The Revenant
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Photos: 21-year-old girl brutally beaten, raped & mutilated for being a lesbian

On Wednesday, January 13, LGBTI members took to the street to protest the senseless killing of Pasca. 21-year-old openly gay Matshidiso Pasca Melamu was brutally beaten and mutilated; a gruesome murder which has left her family, cops and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community reeling in shock. 

Pasca died before she could find out that she had passed her matric exam. Holding Pasca’s statement of results and a framed portrait, her mum Betty, 38 (pictured) said she was devastated by the loss of her child.

The LGBTI members, joined by several political groups, took to the streets of Evaton, south of Joburg. The march started at the local filling station just a few metres away from Pasca’s home. They wanted to raise awareness and demand the immediate arrest of her killers.

Vaal LGBTI spokeswoman Kegomodicoe Mocoancoeng said Pasca’s murder was a hate crime which should embarrass the areas and the nation as a whole.

     "It was a brutal murder because she was raped, mutilated and her body was also burned. This a clear indication that some members of society are not willing to accept us and yet they know of our existence. We want to see change because Pasca’s killers are still roaming the streets," she said.

Betty said Pasca left home on 16 December and never came back.
     "Four days later, we heard rumours about a girl who had been found murdered in Lakeside," she said

The family called a local radio station where they were given a description of the dead woman.

     "We were told a girl with a tattoo on her leg and a gold tooth had been killed.We immediately knew it was our Pasca. We still can’t believe she’s gone. Who could do such a horrible thing to my child?" the heartbroken mother asked.

Source: Daily Sun

WHO declares Ebola epidemic over as Liberia is cleared...

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday, January 14, announced that the Ebola epidemic that has ravaged West Africa for two years was over after Liberia, the last affected country, received the all-clear.
"Today the World Health Organization declares the end of the most recent outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Liberia and says all known chains of transmission have been stopped in West Africa," the UN health agency said.
It however stressed that the job is not over as it is too early to declare an end to the epidemic.

"We need to remain engaged," Peter Graaff, WHO director responsible for Ebola response, told reporters.
"We still anticipate more flare-ups and must be prepared for them" he added
One of the most feared diseases in the world, Ebola killed more than 11,000 people across west Africa after it surfaced in southern Guinea in December 2013.

At its peak, the tropical haemorrhagic virus devastated Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, dealing a hammer blow to weak economies and fragile health systems.
The announcement came 42 days -- the equivalent of two incubation periods of the virus--after the last Ebola cases in Liberia were tested negative. The hit by the outbreak with 4,800 deaths, discharged its last two patients from hospital -- the father and younger brother of a 15-year-old victim -- on December 3, 2015.

The outbreak infected almost 29,000 people and claimed 11,315 lives, according to official data.

Cossy Orjiakor and her huge boobs take sexy photos

As shared by the actress on instagram. Another photo after the cut...

2face,Ice Prince,Banky W,Tiwa Savage,& More Stars At Industry Nite’s Superstar Edition With Wizkid (Photos)

The Grand Ball Room at Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos was a beehive of activities on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 as Industry Nite hosted its special end-of-the-year edition with Wizkid.
Powered by Authentic French Brandy St-Remy Nigeria, the night featured captivating performances from sensational acts includingBanky W, 2face Idibia, Ice Prince, R2Bees (Ghana), YCee, Shaydee, Falz thebahdguy, Niniola, Base One, Tjan, Mufasa, and others.
Highlight of the event though was when Wizkid asked for four members of the audience to come up on stage and sing any of his popular hits well; he gave each one of them a cash prize of N250,000 for their efforts.
Check out pictures from the #OGA event here:


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...