Thursday 7 January 2016

Photos: 27-year-old woman found mutilated and burnt in Soweto, boyfriend confesses to having murdered her

Zestah September (pictured above) was found mutilated and burnt on New Year's Eve in an open veld near a military base in Soweto, South Africa, two days after she was declared missing.

A suspect identified as her boyfriend has been arrested in connection with the murder after he made a verbal confession. Details yet to be made public. The hastag #JusticeforZestah is currently trending on SA twitter.

In a tribute to Zestah on Instagram, one of her friends @ditjhaba has this to say about her:
"I will forever Remember & Miss this Happy, Beautiful, go getting, Energetic , Loving Soul. Zestah every moment I spent with you, you managed to always remind and teach Me that every moment should lived to the fullest. There was never a dull or less animated moment with You. We are heartbroken beyond measure. I will Always Remember and Miss You "Shebadem"

Can 2019 : Bidoung Mkpatt se jette à l’eau

cameroun,can,2019,bidoung,mkpatt,jette,leau,cameroon,CAMEROUN :: Can 2019 : Bidoung Mkpatt se jette à l’eau :: CAMEROON

Le ministre des Sports et de l’Éducation physique (Minsep) choisit des entreprises américaines et turques pour la construction du stade omnisport de Japoma à Douala.

Les Coupes d’Afrique des nations (Can) de football féminin 2016 et masculine 2019 frappent aux portes du Cameroun. Une mission d’experts de la Confédération africaine de football (Caf) est attendue au Cameroun en février prochain, afin de s’enquérir de l’état d’avancement des travaux de construction des stades. La fièvre monte au sein de l’opinion publique. Et pourtant, du côté du ministère des Sports, à Yaoundé, la plus grande sérénité règne.
Le ministre Pierre Ismaël Bidoung Mkpatt, en fin organisateur de grands rendez-vous sportifs, est, depuis son retour dans ce département ministériel au mois d’octobre 2015, après un premier passage entre 2000 et 2004 marqué par des succès retentissants lors des Can Nigeria-Ghana 2000 et Mali 2002 et une médaille d’or remportée à Sidney 2000, visiblement au four et au moulin.
Aucun détail n’est négligé. Tout est mis en œuvre pour relever le défi de l’organisation de ces deux échéances continentales dans les délais impartis pour une parfaite réussite de ces deux échéances continentales. L’un des derniers actes posés par le Minsep, allant notamment dans le sens de l’organisation de ces deux coupes d’Afrique des nations, est l’attribution du marché de construction du stade Omnisport de 50.000 places couvertes à Japoma dans l’arrondissement de Douala III, région du Littoral. Il y est également préconisé, sur le même site, d’une superficie de 100 hectares, deux terrains annexes, des parkings, des paysagistes, un gymnase multisports, une piscine olympique, etc. Et la création d’une petite ville bâtie sur les 40 hectares comportant un centre commercial, des maisons, un hôtel, un hôpital, des complexes et des équipements communautaires (écoles, églises, marchés).
Toutes les dispositions semblent avoir été prises pour éviter d’inutiles retards dans la livraison du chantier. A ce jour, la machine semble parfaitement huilée. Car, «des études géotechniques relatives à la structure du sol ont été faites avant le choix du site. Il n’y a pas eu un changement en tant que tel. On a juste traversé la route. Ceci a été fait sur la base des études géotechniques. On s’est rendu compte, que la construction de l’ouvrage sur le premier site devait nous prendre assez de temps. Il y avait une épaisseur de boue avoisinant les trois mètres d’épaisseur», a indiqué le chef service du Cadastre du Wouri, Serges M’Medjang Agger.

Les populations riveraines ont été sensibilisées par le préfet du Wouri. Les opérations de recensement ont commencé le 21 octobre 2015, avec les descentes effectives sur le terrain des sous-commissions chargées respectivement d’évaluer la valeur des cultures, des constructions et des terrains nus; les procédures au niveau du Cadastre ont été simplifiées et les dossiers du financement bouclés. Le ministre de l’Habitat et du développement urbain (Minhdu), Jean Claude Mbwentchou, y a effectué également une visite, sur instruction du Premier ministre, pour se rendre compte de l’effectivité du bornage du site.
Ce déploiement des autorités camerounaises réconforte les entreprises turque et américaine ayant gagné le marché. Les ingénieurs étrangers se disent confiants et promettent de respecter les délais de livraison du nouveau stade de Douala dont le coût, selon des sources proches du Minsep, est évalué à 163 milliards de Fcfa !
Le Comité exécutif de la Confédération africaine de football a accepté le 27 mai 2015 la demande de report de la Coupe d’Afrique des nations féminine 2016, formulée par les autorités camerounaises. Le tournoi, prévu du 8 au 22 octobre 2016, avait été reporté du 19 novembre au 3 décembre 2016 à Yaoundé et Limbe, « pour éviter les fortes pluies saisonnières ». Quant à la Can 2019, le Cameroun accueille pareille compétition 42 ans après la dernière.

For Guys: 4 Foods You Must Eat For Better Sex Life

As you already know, food plays an integral role in the body system.

It helps fight a number of diseases, takes care of several physical issues, and good food sometimes helps in tackling ailments. This is why you should indulge in a good diet.
A nutritionist, Karnika S, said
” You can not just improve your sp erm count, but also the quality of your sp erm if you eat foods that contain phytosterols, zinc, L-Arginine etc, that lead to the production of better quality sp erms.”
According to India Times, here is a list of foods which, when consumed on a daily basis, are said to improve s ex ual performance in men.
Chocolate: Chocolate contains both a sedative which relaxes and lowers inhibitions and a stimulant to increase activity and the desire for physical contact. It also contains an amino acid- L-Arginine which is known to increase se men volume.
Bananas: Suggestively shaped, bananas reduce blood pressure and we all know that there’s nothing quite like excessively high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) to cause e rec tile dysfunction. Due not only to its shape, but also its creamy, lush texture, some studies show its enzyme bromelain enhances male performance.
Oysters: Oysters have been on the list of li bi do lifters for centuries now. Casanova reportedly had dozens every morning before setting out on his amorous quests. Research shows that bivalve molluscs are actually rich in zinc, essential for testosterone production, and hence can boost s ex ual performance in men and women.
Garlic: If you think garlic is effective only against cold and heart disease, you will be surprised to know that it has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. It contains allicin which helps in blood flow towards male s ex ual organs and also in increasing the quality of sp erm.

Davido Throws Shades At Baby Mama And Dele Momodu In Osinachi Remix (See Video)

In a short clip posted on his Snaphat yesterday, Davido shared a teaser of the remix of his hit song Osinachi which he is currently working on.

In the clip, the song is playing in the background while he lip syncs the words. He drops names a couple of people – including his baby mama and Dele Momodu.
And ends the clip with “No be by force”
Watch the clip below.

Meet the toddler whose six-pack is putting grown men to shame (See Photos)

A toddler has left many shocked with his six packs and love for fitness .He is just three years old, but incredibly already possesses a six-pack.His mum Ursula told Daily Mail Australia.

‘I first noticed Dash had the beginnings of a six pack about six months ago when I was changing his nappy,’ He curled his feet up towards the sky and I saw it and sent a picture to his dad saying “do you see what I see?”. ‘He’s too young to realise he has it of course, but he’s already incredibly muscly and just loves to exercise.’
On where his love for exercising emanated ,she said
I’m reasonably fit, as is his dad, but Dash’s love of exercise really came from his love of the outdoors.He’s outside every day, come rain or shine. I used to run with him in the pram when he was a baby, and as soon as he hit two, I took him out on what I thought would be a gentle jog. ‘Dash ended up running four kilometres!’
Dash’s favourite exercise is jumping. Ursula takes him to an indoor trampolining centre as often as possible, where he will bounce for more than two hours at a time.
‘For his second birthday we built Dash an outdoor activity centre complete with trapezes and places to swing and hang from. He just loves it.

How Some Ladies Are Destroying Their Marriages Without Knowing (A Must Read)

How some Ladies are destroying their Marriage without knowing
3 simple reasons why marriages do not work out
If you are one of those ladies who no longer respect people who are older than you because of the things you see in social media then you can’t be my friend; I will keep you at bay. Respect for ones elders is one of the cardinal principles I learn from my parents and I live by that. Many marriages are failing today because women want to be equal with men blindly, hence there is no peace on many homes.

Read this interesting eye-opener from a married woman…
When I got married, I was amazed at the instant, overwhelming sense of responsibility I felt to love and care for my husband. Suddenly, a huge part of someone else’s well-being and happiness was largely affected by my choices and actions.
Women, we need to be careful about how we are caring for our husbands and marriages. Don’t let the small stuff ruin the things that will bring you the greatest happiness in life.
Here are just a few ways you might be unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage.
1. Living outside of what you can afford
A wise old woman from my church congregation once advised: “The best thing you can do as a wife is to live within your husband’s means.”
Wives, show sincere appreciation and respect to your husband by carefully following a budget and making the most of what you have. Be wise about your finances.
Constantly complaining about not having enough to fulfill your lavish desires or racking up astronomical amounts of debt for yourself and your husband is a poor way of saying “thank you” to a faithful spouse who works hard every day to provide for the family.
Yes, you may not have enough to buy that deigner shoes or bag you’ve had your eyes on recently, but your husband will love and appreciate the fact that you honor him and are grateful for what he provides.
2. Constant negativity
You hate your hair, the messes around the house, the neighbor across the street, your dumb co-worker, the old dishwasher, and everything in between. As soon as your husband walks through the door, you launch into action and dump every negative and angry thought that’s crossed your mind.
Can you imagine having to carry that burden? Negativity is draining. Men like to fix things, and constantly being hounded with complaints makes it difficult for him to help solve your pains.
If there is one thing I’ve learned from marriage is that a good man wants you to be happy, and if he can’t help you do that, it makes him unhappy.
3. Putting everything else first
When your children, mom, best friends, talents, or career in front of your husband, you send a clear message to him that he is unimportant. Imagine having that message sent to you every day for many years. What would that do to your self esteem?
Put your husband first! Although it sometimes seems counter-intuitive and counterproductive, I think you’d be amazed to find that it’s often the key to the greatest happiness in marriage. So many couples get divorced these days, because of neglect and to a large extent disrespect.
If you choose to put him first, you will find a lot of joy.
4. Withholding physical affection
Men crave and need physical affection with their wives. When you constantly decline intimacy, it wears on them. Sex should not be used as a tool to control your spouse; it should be viewed as a sacred tool to draw you closer to one another and to God.
It is a great blessing to be wanted and needed by a loving, romantic husband who wants to share something so beautiful and important with you — and you only. Even though you might not always be in the mood, it’s worth it to give in (unless you are sick) and spend that time bonding.
5. Not speaking his language
Don’t waste your time giving subtle hints that he won’t understand: Speak plainly to him. Be honest about your feelings, and don’t bottle things up until you burst. If he asks you what’s wrong, don’t respond with “nothing” and then expect him to read your mind. Be open to your man and grow your marriage.

Beautiful Brazilian Cop Arrests Gang Leader, Gang Members Respond By Leaking Her Nude Pictures Online (Photos)

Wow, is this some type of new gang warfare?

One of the most notorious Brazilian gangs just leaked na ked pictures of one of the top members of the Brazilian Military Police of Rio de Janeiro, Miss Julia Liers.
Apparently they are UPSET that their leader was arrested over the weekend.
According to online reports, this extremely attractive officer in the Brazilian Military Police of Rio de Janeiro -recently arrested the leader of one of Brazil’s most notorious gangs.
And they responded to this ‘affront’ by leaking her nu dies online.
Another reason why we should avoid keeping our n udes in our phones/laptops (that is even if it is necessary to take them) because they can be hacked and stuff like these stolen.
This is the true definition of REVENGE p orn. Smh

Donald Trump threatens to cancel all his investments in the U.K

US presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has threatened to remove his investments in the UK if the British don't want him there following a petition signed last month by over 600k people asking the UK government to ban him from entering the country over comments he made about Muslims, now described as a hate speech. Because of the number of signatures, the petition will officially be debated in the House of Commons on Jan. 18th.

Trump Organization responded yesterday by saying that if the billionaire businessman is denied entry into the UK, they will cancel $1 billion in planned investments in two golf courses they own in Scotland.
"Blocking Trump from the country would force The Trump Organization to immediately end these and all future investments we are currently contemplating in the United Kingdom," Trump Organization lawyer said in a statement to Fox News.
This is not the first time the UK will ban famous Americans. Rapper Tyler the Creator, anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller and radio host Michael Savage have all been denied entry into the UK over comments they made. But with Trump, UK Prime Minister, David Cameron says even though he does not support what Trump said, he also doesn't support him being banned from the country .

Jim Iyke celebrates his girlfriend, Dana Kinduryte on her birthday today

Jim Iyke's Lithuanian girlfriend Dana Kinduryte, who welcomed their baby boy last year, is a year older today. The Nollywood actor celebrated her on his Instagram Page. What he wrote after the cut...

Cancer survivor featured in cruel Meth memes hits back. "I am more than a meme, I am a father, husband, survivor..."

A cancer survivor, Leon Mitchell whose ravaged appearance was mocked in a cruel viral photo has posted a touching reminder that he is more than a meme. In 2005, Mitchell was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a rare form of cancer that starts in the nasopharynx, the upper part of the throat behind the nose and near the base of skull. The 31-year-old who lives in Washington state, survived the cancer but struggled for years with the devastating way it affected his body.
The meme, called Meth Curry, highlighted Mr Mitchell's likeness to American basketball player Stephen Curry, and compared his appearance with the gaunt body of a long-time methamphetamine user. The photo used was taken while he was undergoing chemotherapy. It was widely shared and went viral on social media. Mitchell who is the founder of KNOE Clothing took to his Instagram page yesterday, January 6, to hit back in a heartfelt post.
"So earlier today I was the butt of a not so funny meme "METH CURRY" directed at the outward physical appearance that I display," he wrote.
"The fact that the meme was posted was a reminder of how distasteful and cruel people can be without background knowledge of the person in the bullseye of the target. I've struggled deeply for years with the devastating effects cancer treatment plagued my body with. The massive destruction it took on my neck, shoulders, nose, throat, and ability to function normally. I am strong enough to endure these attacks after years of rebuilding. However as we look at the power story I explain, let's remember these types of social media attacks on people can be massively detrimental to some who still battle with insecurities and uncomfortability with themselves and their battles. If we are going to allow something like this go viral Let's do it for the right reasons!
And he concluded:
"I am more then a meme, I am a father, husband, survivor, mentor, community advocate, and positive motivational speaker. Proud to have endured and conquered everything I have!"

Photos: Actors Patience Ozokwo, Ejike Asiegbu, Mr Ibu, Chiwetalu Agu, others visit sick actor, Harry Anyanwu

Actors Patience Ozokwo, Francis Duru, Chiwetalu Agu, Ejike Asiegbu, Mr Ibu and others have gone to visit their sick colleague Harry Anyanwu, in hospital. The actor was seriously injured after he was attacked by some unidentified youngmen in Enugu on Dec. 11th 2015. More photos after the cut..

Photos: At least 40 killed, dozens injured in a truck bomb attack on police training centre in Zliten, Libya

A massive explosion rocked a police training camp in the city of Zliten today. The blast took place around 8:00 am when around 400 recruits were doing their morning exercises. Reports say a truck bomb went off in the gate of Coast Guard Training Camp which is located on the coastal road in Souq Tolata area, causing a loud sound that was heard in Misrata, 60 km to the east of the city.

There were no official figures for the casualties, but sources put the number oof dead at 40. Misrata Municipality confirmed the arrival of 30 wounded to the city's central hospital, which sent an urgent call to local residents for blood donation. The Ministry of Health has declared a state of emergency in Tripoli and Misrata hospitals to receive and treat blast victims.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but the blast bore the hallmarks of ISIS. Unconfirmed reports have said school children walking past the camp were among those dead.

Photo credit: Agencies

Flaunt Your Relationship On Social Media (A Must Read)

However, it can be dangerous to any relationship if used incorrectly.

In most cases you might want to think twice before posting “Best hubby ever!!!! #blessed” or “amazing day with bae” on Facebook or Instagram.
According to a new study soon to be published in the journal of Personal Relationships, when you post lovely, affectionate updates, your friends don’t exactly react the way you might expect.
1. It makes public what is meant to be private: I believe that romance is one of those things that is meant to be private, but it seems that once you change your relationship status the force of Facebook is working against you.
2. It gives haters an opportunity to “prey” on your ”bae” or ”boo”: Once you upload a picture and you’ve tagged your “bae” your followers will follow or send a friend request to your new boo. Then they start going through photos of him/her making an assessment of who they are, trying to find something bad to say about them, while some may go to the extent of flirting with them online to try and get them to engage.
3. It promotes drama: Even if you only have a few friends on social media, you never know who might take a screenshot of something you post and share it.
4. It can cause a competitive element in your relationship: A good number of couples get into arguments about who posts more pictures of them together on Facebook or Instagram etc.

5. It creates a major dilemma if you break up: Now that you have a permanent online footprint that you were with this person. Do you keep the pictures up or do you take them down? How do you explain them to the next person you are with.
Remember don’t let social media negatively affect your relationship. Express appreciation for your partner, communicate with each other, maintain boundaries between your real life and your cyber life and don’t share too much you’ll both be much happier.
Keeping your relationship healthy online doesn’t take a lot of effort, and in the long run, it will make the relationship more likely to last.

Gov’t Still Grappling to Get Rid of Non-Biodegradable Plastics

   Illegally imported non-biodegradable plastics still widely used in packaging in Cameroon

Illegally imported non-biodegradable plastics still widely used in packaging in Cameroon

Cameroon Journal, Douala – Ever since the ban on the production, distribution, sale and use of non-biodegradable plastics on April 24, 2014, officials of the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development are still grappling to put an end to the use of light-weight plastics of less than 60 microns.
The Cameroon Journal found out that the ban plastics are still being illegally imported into Cameroon, especially from Nigeria and sold at a higher cost. The rampant sale and use of the plastic has not by any means suggested that the commodity is a prohibited product.
Considering the environmental impact and adverse effects of the non-biodegradable plastics on man, officials of the Littoral Regional Delegation of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development, with backing from a Yaounde team, alongside members of the Littoral Control Mission Against Illegal Plastics and forces of law and order, launched a campaign to clamp down on the plastics sales. The campaign which began on January 4, is expected to end on January 10.
Authorities told reporters that their raids on plastic production factories and markets in the economic capital have already led to confiscation of about 10 metric tons of banned plastics in just two days of the operation.
Business people who spoke to reporters on the ground complained that the heavy-weight plastics of more than 60 microns are not available. Faulting the government for not providing a substitute, they said they are bound to go by the light-weight plastics in order to remain in business. However, authorities have denied the claim, stating that traders always prefer cheap plastics.
Going by the Sub-Director in charge of Management of Waste, Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals in the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development, Lemnyuy Albun William Banye, “many cattle and sea animals have died after consuming the plastics. The plastics, which are difficult to collect and recycle, also cause soil infertility, thereby destroying biodiversity.”
Against the backdrop of continues circulation of the banned plastics, authorities say environment posts will be created in seaports and border posts to curb the rising tides.

Grandfather stabs his two-months-old grandchild to death, wife and daughter also stabbed

A two-month-old baby girl was found stabbed to death in a suburb south of Brisbane, Australia, Courier Mail reports. Qianqian "Queenie" Xu was allegedly stabbed by her grandfather at the family’s home in Parkinson about 2.30pm yesterday, January 6.

The child was found in critical state by the police authorities. Passersby and neighbours reported hearing horrific screams coming from inside the house. The police officials who responded to calls from neighbours rushed inside and took the critically injured infant to hospital but the baby could not be saved. She succumbed to injuries.

Her grandmother and mother, Yuanyuan Cao, 28, originally from Luoyang in China, were also stabbed. Ms Yuanyuan’s partner George was working at the time of the attack.

Detective Inspector Tony Duncan told a media conference investigators were still searching for answers as to why the tragedy unfolded.

Duncan said the baby’s father was at work when police believe the grandfather started stabbing the trio. The father, a small-business owner, did not know his child was dead until detectives told him. He is being comforted by family.
Duncan also added that there were no recent incidents at the home to point to such a horrific turn of events.

"The father actually expressed his surprise that something could happen," he said.
The grandparents had travelled to Australia from China in December as the baby’s mother prepared to return to work at a bank and needed help with childcare.
They had previously been in the country in September for the birth of the child.

Det Insp Duncan said the grandfather, 53, who was found in the front yard of the property with life-threatening injuries, which police believe may have been self-inflicted. All three underwent surgery last night. The grandfather was out of intensive care and is expected to speak with police in the coming days. The grandmother is still in intensive care, and the mother is recovering and has spoken with police.

The horrific incident took place supposedly after an argument broke out between the grandparents and the young mother.

Source: Courier Mail

Didier Drogba denies reports that he has retired from playing football

On Wednesday, reports emerged, primarily from French newspaper L’Equipe, that Chelsea legend Didier Drogba had retired from playing football. It was thought that the Ivorian striker would retire from playing in order to start a coaching role at Stamford Bridge. But it seems that Drogba’s retirement rumours was reported too early as he has since addressed it.

US donates 24 mine resistant vehicles worth $11m to Nigerian army

The United States will today donate 24 mine resistant armor military vehicles to the Nigerian army as part of its promises to aid Nigeria in it's fight against the dreaded terrorist group- Boko Haram.

The vehicles worth $11m will be given to military officials at the Nigerian Army 9th Brigade Parade ground,Ikeja. A statement yesterday, by the Public Affairs Section of the US Consulate General Lagos, said:

“The US is pleased to donate 24 Mine-Resistant, Armor-Protected (MRAP) vehicles valued at $11m to Nigeria’s military authorities. “The equipment donation represents part of the continuing US commitment to Nigeria and its neighbours to counter Boko Haram’s senseless acts of terror and promote regional security.”

Ohimai Amaize Listed Amongst 500 World's Most Influential CEOs on Social Media

Ohimai Amaize, Publisher of Signal online newspaper and CEO of Olivier Pope Inc – an image crisis management communications firm has been listed amongst the world’s top 500 most influential CEOs in the social media alongside media mogul Rupert Murdoch, Virgin boss, Richard Branson and Apple CEO, Tim Cook.

In a compilation released on Wednesday by UK-based, the young Nigerian businessman was listed at number 270 in the global list of 500. According to Richtopia, “We’ve compiled a list from top CEOs.

It’s a list of influential executives at being pro-active. If you’re a business person, it is critical that you follow and connect with these CEOs and expand your professional network.” The Richtopia CEOs list is compiled using a number of metrics combined to produce rank order.

Two of the main influencers on a persons ranking are their social media profiles and regular media coverage”, a statement on the organization’s website said.

Founded by Derin Cag, is a digital platform covering a mix of valuable content on success, future investments, new technologies, work/life balance, inspirational people, finance and economic

You won't believe this fitness fanatic is almost 50 (photos)

With her rock hard abs, svelte frame, and not a flab in sight, fitness fanatic, Laura Gordon can easily be mistaken for a fresh young thing, unless she tells you, you won't know she's 48. Unsurprisingly, she is proving a hit on the internet, gaining Instagram followers as quick as she builds muscle and have amassed 451,000 Instagram followers, who she regularly treats to pictures of her working out in tiny shorts and colourful clothes.

 The real estate broker admits that working out is like a second job for her, She said: "I'm not a fitness professional or fitness model and I've never done anything fitness for a career.
"I don't love working out. It is like a job. Being fit is your pay check and the workout is the difficult job to do."

Laura was 23 when she first started exercising. After working in an office for years and spending any time left on the sofa, she felt "things starting to sag". In order to get back into her rhythm, she started doing home workouts DVD's. Since then, she has been working out consistently, the longest she has ever had off is a week. She has no children but has been married for twelve years and admits that her husband, 39, gets worried about unwanted attention or risk of someone stalking her. She has her own gym equipment at home for ease.

Her routine include: Three one-hour sessions of weight training each week. One upper body, one low, and one mixed. Then she does five sessions of video workouts. Nutrition is also essential to her enviable frame as she does not eat unhealthy or junk food, she readily points this out when friends say she's lucky to look so trim, "I explain that I eat healthy food all the time, that's why I'm not fat. Please don't call me lucky for making daily sacrifices that you are not making." She insists it's all natural and none of her photos are doctored and she does not does short cuts to a slim body, in her own words, "Fit teas don't make a person fit, hard work and eating right does."


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...