Tuesday 5 January 2016

Congolese boy mauled by chimps to undergo facial surgery in NY (photos)

Dunia Sibomana was considered the lucky one when a group of chimpanzees jumped from the trees and attacked him and 2 other boys as they played near a preserve in their native Democratic Republic of the Congo. Dunia, unlike the others, survived. But he was severely disfigured: His lips ripped off and one cheek torn apart, leaving him with muscle damage that make it hard for him to eat, swallow and communicate.
Now, eight-year-old Dunia is set to undergo a rare and complicated surgery at a Long Island hospital that will use tissue and muscle from his forearm to recreate both lips. The hope is that he will once again be able to open and close his mouth, and eat and talk normally.

Dr. Leon Klempner, an associate professor of dentistry at Stony Brook Children's Hospital, where Dunia will undergo the operation, said: 'As you can imagine, not having any lips, the food can just come right out.

'He drools all the time and can't pronounce different words.' 
Dunia had also stopped going to school because the other children in his native Congo ridiculed him. 

Monday's planned eight-hour procedure will be the first of three major operations for Dunia, who was brought from the Congo in November with the help of the non-profit foundation Smile Rescue for Kids.

Dr. Alexander Dagum, the hospital's chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery, said he believes there are only three other documented cases where the same surgery has been performed. The hospital is covering the cost of the surgery and the doctors have all donated their time.

Since the attack two years ago, which killed Dunia's four-year-old brother and a young cousin, Dunia has been the target of bullies and become shy and withdrawn.

In his short time in the United States, he has been living with a host family on Long Island, attending elementary school and learning English in addition to his native Swahili.

Appearing for an interview with this doctors on Monday, Dunia, buried himself in video games on a tablet and colored with markers. He occasionally stuck his tongue out at the doctors as they explained the procedure.

Klempner said: 'We're feeling very optimistic. We're hoping after the surgery he'll reintegrate into society and perhaps go back to school or have some semblance of a normal life.'

Culled from UK Daily Mail

Sophie Momodu Writes Hospital that Said her Breastmilk was Contaminated with Cannabis (See Copy of the letter)

The last has not been heard of the ongoing controversy between music artiste Davido and
his baby mama, Ms. Sophie Momodu.

In a lengthy narrative issued on Sunday night, Davido had alleged that Sophia lost custody of the baby Imade after a medical report confirmed that her breast milk was contaminated with cannabis. A medical report he even released as an exhibit against Sophie.
Well, the story has taken a new twist now. Sophie Momodu has through her lawyers written to the clinic where the test was purportedly conducted demanding a copy of the said pathology report
copiously cited by Davido.
In a letter to the clinic by S.O. Ajayi & Co, the lawyers noted that:
“Our client gained knowledge of this Pathology Report that your company issued concerning her, for the first time on the social media on Sunday the 3rd of January, 2016. We have our client’s instruction to request you to promptly furnish her with the original copy of the above mentioned Pathology Report, as the said Pathology Report was never given to her.”
See scanned copy of the full letter below.

Wizkid’s Son, Boluwatife All Grown, As His Babymama Releases New Year Photos

Guys, check out these new too fine photos of Wizkid’s son, Boluwatife. Wizkid’s babymama Ogudu Oluwanishola shared them along with pics of her very pretty self on her IG page.

Her caption read:
“So Thankful To God For 2015 and The Blessings That Came With it… 2016 is Going To Be Filled With Truckloads of Testimonies! AMEN “
Please see more below.

The other guy and Basketmouth...

Enjoy the hilarious skit above...

Read how a Russian politician's 'man of the people' stunt was undermined by his luxury swiss watch

A Russian politician's attempt to look humble has been ridiculed after he was seen wearing a luxury swiss watch. Russian politician Vitaly Milonov, bought a new £6,000 Lada Vesta, a modest Russian family car, and invited a television crew to join him as he made the purchase.

However, his modesty and patriotism stunt wasn’t the main talking point to arise from the photo, as Twitter users focused on his wristwatch, a Ulysse Nardin Maxi Marine which retails for £6,800.

He paid for half the car at the dealership with the other half to be paid over three years in installments.

Mass sexual attack in Germany inflames migrant debate

German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
The assault, which went largely unreported for days, set off a national outcry after the Cologne police described the attackers as young men “who appeared to have a North African or Arabic” background, based on testimony from victims and witnesses. More than 90 people have filed legal complaints, the police said on Tuesday.

The police in Hamburg also said that 10 women had reported being sexually assaulted and robbed in a similar fashion on the same night, and they urged witnesses to come forward.
Germany took in more than one million migrants last year, and with the country struggling to deal with the political, social and wider consequences of the influx, the delayed public response has led to concerns that the authorities were playing down the seriousness of the assault to prevent it from becoming a point of contention in the broader debate.
The assault took place late on Thursday on the vast public square in front of the city’s main train station, a central transit point for anyone coming or going from a fireworks display over the Rhine and the bars and nightclubs in the heart of the city, in the shadow of its landmark cathedral.
Heiko Maas, Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees, saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant.
“The rule of the law does not look at where someone comes from but what they did,” Mr. Maas told reporters in Berlin. “We will investigate what circles the perpetrators may have come from.”
The Cologne police say they believe several hundred men, ages 15 to 35, were involved in the violence that began in the early hours of the New Year, after the square was cleared because men had been throwing firecrackers into the crowd.
Wolfgang Albers, Cologne’s chief of police, said the assaults had taken place in the chaos that followed, as the square was emptied. The men appeared to have broken into smaller groups, the police said, with each one encircling a woman; while some would grope the victim, others would steal her wallet or cellphone.
One victim reported that she had been raped, the police said.
Henriette Reker, Cologne’s mayor, called a crisis meeting on Tuesday to address the issue. Ms. Reker, who was stabbed during a campaign event in October by an attacker who opposed her welcoming attitude toward migrants, called the assault “absolutely intolerable” and pledged her support for the authorities’ investigation.
The city holds a large festival every year before Easter, when thousands of costumed revelers throng the streets to celebrate with parades and parties, and Ms. Reker echoed the concerns of many about safety during the Carnival season.
In an effort to prevent further violence, Ms. Reker said that city officials would begin working on measures to help young women protect themselves and to explain the city’s attitudes and norms to its many newcomers.
“We will explain our Carnival much better to people who come from other cultures,” she said, “so there won’t be any confusion about what constitutes celebratory behavior in Cologne, which has nothing to do with a sexual frankness.”
Cologne, with roughly one million inhabitants, is among Germany’s most ethnically diverse cities, and it took in more than 10,000 refugees last year, many of them young men from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. The city authorities said they would increase security after the assaults, as they continued to search for suspects.
The euphoria that accompanied the first wave of arrivals in Germany this summer has since given way to growing unease about the difficulty of integrating hundreds of thousands of people of a different religion and who were raised in a different culture.
Far-right and anti-immigrant groups in Germany, and others who oppose the influx, swiftly seized on the episode, saying it demonstrated the dangers associated with accepting huge numbers of migrants.
Lutz Bachmann, head of the anti-immigrant Pegida movement, accused German leaders on Twitter of complicity in the assault. In a post that named Ms. Merkel; her deputy, Sigmar Gabriel; and other politicians, Mr. Bachmann said, “You are all responsible for the abuse in Cologne!”
Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose unmitigated support for a migrant flow that has increasingly put her country under strain and caused political rifts in her own conservative bloc, used an annual event on Tuesday to call for mutual respect.
“We are all of the understanding that we respect everyone, even those who we don’t know,” the chancellor said in Berlin, where she greeted groups of children who celebrated the Epiphany by dressing up as three kings and collecting donations for charity or their churches.
The chancellor recalled that the country’s Constitution enshrines human dignity as inviolable. “This is true not only for Germans, but for all people,” she said.
The New York Times

Caitlyn Jenner covers the Advocate magazine

Caitlyn Jenner covers the February issue of the Advocate magazine where he talked about still learning to be a woman.

Obama cries as he pushes gun control at speech surrounded by families of mass shooting victims

US President Barack Obama put the weight of the Newtown, Connecticut, shooting behind his newly announced gun measures yesterday morning, crying for the 20 school children who died in the 2012 massacre as he stood with their families.
'Every time I think about those kids it gets me mad,' Obama said as tears rolled down his face.
Obama was introduced by Mark Barden, the managing director of Sandy Hook Promise. Barden’s son Daniel was killed in the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Also on stage with Obama today: Jimmy Greene, the father of Ana Grace, another child murdered in the Newtown massacre.
'We do not have to accept this carnage as the price of freedom,' Obama said, as he stood before gun control activists, including former representative Gabby Giffords, who was shot point blank five years ago this week and survived"

The president was flanked by gun violence survivors and the families of others who were not as fortunate as he spoke.
Peter Read, a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and the father of Mary Read, killed in the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech, joined the president on stage as did Jennifer Pinckney,the wife of Reverend Clementa Pinckney, murdered at the Emanuel AME in Charleston last year.
Obama pointedly lambasted Republicans decrying his executive actions and told presidential candidates, including Donald Trump, who have characterized the new measures as the beginning of the end, 'This is not a plot to take away everybody's guns.'
'Contrary to the claims of what some gun rights proponents have suggested, this hasn't been the first step in some slippery slope to mass confiscation,' Obama declared in remarks from the East Room of the White House. 
We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to become scapegoats for President Obama’s failed policies - NRA official Chris Cox 
To those who are trying to 'twist' his words on the Second Amendment, Obama reminded them, 'I taught constitutional law.'
'I know a little bit about this,' he said. 'I get it.'
'But I also believe that we can find ways to reduce gun violence consistent with the Second Amendment,' he said. 

The president berated lawmakers on Capitol Hill for not doing more to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and said, 'The gun lobby may be holding Congress hostage right now but they are not holding America hostage.'

Missing ex-Eastenders body and those of her sons found buried in her garden,her Ghanaian bf has since fled to Ghana

The boyfriend of missing ex-Eastenders actress Sian Blake has reportedly fled to Africa, as his ex-wife claimed he was a violent coke dealer who beat her and their daughter.
Police spoke to Arthur Simpson Kent, 48, at the family home in Erith on Wednesday, December 16 - three days after Miss Blake and their two young sons disappeared.

Police are investigating the murder of Sian and their two sons Zachary, eight, and four-year-old Amon after three bodies were discovered in the back garden of the house in Erith, south east London, earlier yesterday.
It has been claimed that Mr Simpson Kent is now in Ghana after flying out via Amsterdam just before Christmas.

A source told the Sun that 'Interpol have been informed and there is an alert out to find him.'

On Monday, Simpson-Kent’s ex-wife Dominique Deblieux claimed he was a violent coke dealer who beat her and their daughter.
Speaking from her home in Cagnes-Sur-Mer, southern France, she said:
“He smoked cocaine on many occasions and dealt a little in it too. I’m wondering now whether drugs lie behind what he is supposed to have done in England.”
She added that their marriage was a “waste of time” and he “didn’t really care” for his daughter Isis. “He was a violent man towards me,” she said, claiming that he had eight children by several women. 
A neighbour of Sian said the actress was wearing dark glasses when she saw her at the start of November.
She said: “I said ‘Hi’ but she ignored me. The talk was she had been beaten up, that she was trying to cover up her injuries.”

The day after Sian was last seen alive, Simpson-kent was allegedly seen alone at the house filling Sian’s Renault Scenic with black bin bags and the boys failed to turn up at school.
It is believed the Samaritans alerted the police to his well-being and when they arrived he reported his partner and sons missing.

Last night it was reported relatives received text messages from Sian’s phone saying she was okay and wanted to spend one last Christmas with the boys after she disappeared.
It is believed they were sent by Simpson-Kent while he was in the Colchester and Cambridge areas on the way to Glasgow, before Simpson-Kent is believed to have fled to Ghana.

Police are understood to be probing claims he was spotted clearing out the house with bin liners before he disappeared and also carrying out ‘cell site’ analysis on his mobile phone to piece together his movements.
Det Supt Monk, from the Met Police, said: "Our efforts are continuing to find Arthur Simpson-Kent.
"Our appeal is to anyone who may know his current whereabouts or can assist us in finding him - we do need to speak to him as a matter of urgency."
It comes as it was revealed that the Metropolitan Police could be referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission over its handling of the case.
Officers continue to be concerned for the welfare of Arthur Simpson-Kent, 48, who is Miss Blake's partner and father of the children.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The case has not been referred to the IPCC at this stage.

Ms Blake - who played homewrecker Frankie Pierre in the BBC soap in the mid-1990s - was last seen alive after visiting relatives in Leyton, east London, with her sons on Sunday December 13th.

Sian's car was found abandoned in Bethnal Green, east London, over the weekend.
Police say it is not known why the vehicle was parked there and by whom.

Tiwa Savage shares adorable pic of her reading to her son

The singer and mother of one shared the photo and wrote "Ok so I know it's a bit early but I started reading to jamjam already before bedtime, I want to get him used to reading then my mum asks if I would speak yoruba to him as well, then I said of course as it is so important to me for him to speak his native language. Do you yummy mummies agree? #MomsKnowBest"

Slain Mexican mayor sacrificed herself to save family

When gunmen burst into her home, the freshly-installed mayor of Temixco, south of Mexico City, told them to leave her family alone and surrendered to them, witnesses recalled.
Gisela Mota, who lived with her parents, was still in her pajamas on Saturday morning when the masked commando jumped a wall and stormed the house.
The 33-year-old single woman's parents were home along with her newborn nephew, whose grandmother was preparing to give him a bottle.

The assailants beat up her relatives until Mota "gave herself up so that they would let the others go," said the mayor's mother, Juanita Ocampo.
"I told them that if they wanted to kill me, they should kill me first," Ocampo told reporters. "But she told them, 'I am Gisela.' They took her because she was very brave."
But the triggermen pulled Mota from her bedroom, took her to the living room and killed her in front of her parents. Her desperate father ran after the killers.
Mota's murder has become a tragic symbol of the threats mayors face across Mexico and the violence that has engulfed Morelos, where drug cartels fight turf wars while kidnapping and extorting citizens.

Mota was killed just one day after taking the oath of office amid hopes among supporters that she would fulfill her promise to curb crime in the city of 100,000, known for resorts and water slides, just two hours from Mexico City.

But the left-of-center mayor became one of the victims of the gangland violence that has plagued the city, as authorities blamed Los Rojos drug gang for her murder.
Her home stands out among the other houses in the humble neighborhood. It has a rustic wooden door and a brick oven on the patio.
Neighbors recalled that on the eve of her murder, Mota had celebrated her new job with music and dancing.
"The next morning, six shots were heard. We thought it was firecrackers. But we heard them scream that they killed Gisela," said Pablo Ortega, a 48-year-old neighbor, who said seven armed men had arrived in a car.
Shortly after the murder, the police killed two suspects in a shootout and arrested three others, including a 17-year-old boy and a 32-year-old woman.

Morelos Governor Graco Ramirez said Los Rojos killed Mota as a warning to other mayors who back his controversial plan to place state and municipal police under a "unified command."
Ramirez praised his late colleague from the Democratic Revolution Party as "independent and combative."

Source: AFP

US Marine charged with murder of his Sorority sister

A 20-year-old U.S. Marine was arrested Tuesday morning by the U.S. Marshals Service in Arizona and charged with murder in connection to the New Year’s Day shooting death of a 20-year-old University of North Texas student during a traffic incident, according to police.
The Denton Police Department obtained an arrest warrant for Cpl. Eric Jamal Johnson, 20, who allegedly shot and killed Sara Mutschlechner following a dispute between two people in different vehicles at a red light.

Johnson was arrested in Yuma, Arizona on a charge of murder. Johnson is an active U.S. Marine connected to Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, a spokesman for the base confirmed Tuesday.
The Denton Police Department will hold a press conference Tuesday afternoon to provide more details.

Mutschlechner was an alumna of San Marcos High School and a former resident of Martindale, a small town just outside San Marcos.
Police and emergency personnel responded at about 2:06 a.m. Friday in the 1700 block of North Elm Street in Denton for a gunshot victim.

The officers found Mutschlechner lying on the ground outside of a four-door sedan that had crashed into an electrical pole.

Witnesses told police Mutschlechner was a designated driver and had not been drinking that night.
Three other adults were inside her vehicle at the time of the incident, which occurred when a dark-colored SUV, a Toyota or Lexus, drove up next to the sedan, police said.

Words were exchanged between occupants of the two vehicles, after which Johnson allegedly fired several rounds toward Mutschlechner, hitting her in the head. The victim’s vehicle then ran into another vehicle before crashing into an electrical pole, according to police.

The dark-colored SUV involved in the shooting fled the scene. Witnesses said the vehicle was occupied by five or six men. Police have said at least two of the men attended a New Year’s Eve party earlier that morning that Mutschlechner had been at, as well.

Another passenger in the vehicle suffered minor injuries from the crash and was taken to Denton Regional Medical Center along with Mutschlechner, who was in critical condition at the time of the crash.
She was placed on life support at the hospital, but was ultimately taken off and pronounced dead at the hospital.

Cossy Ojiakor says she is getting married this year

Busty Nollywood actress Cossy Ojiakor took to her IG to announce that she will be getting married sometime this year. Congrats to her in advance. See what she wrote...

N. Korea conducts successful powerful Hydrogen-bomb test

North Korea yesterday conducted a 'successful' hydrogen bomb test, Pyongyang has confirmed.
The detonation of the thermonuclear weapon triggered a 5.1 magnitude earthquake when it exploded at 10am local time at the Punggye-ri test site in the north east of the country, the tremors of which were felt many miles away.

Its ignition ends weeks of speculation that leader Kim Jong-Un had developed such a weapon, which is lighter yet even more powerful than the fission blast generated by nuclear bombs containing uranium or plutonium alone.

'The republic's first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10am on January 6, 2016, based on the strategic determination of the Workers' Party,' a state television news reader announced five-and-a-half hours after the blast.

The broadcast concluded by saying: 'If there is no invasion on our sovereignty we will not use nuclear weapon. This H-bomb test brings us to a higher level of nuclear power.'
The successful detonation marks a major step in North Korea's nuclear development and is bound to cause considerable anxiety to neighbouring countries. 
Last month, Kim Jong-Un had suggested Pyongyang had already developed a hydrogen bomb - although the claim was greeted with scepticism by international experts. 
Daily Mail/AP

Davido Hospitalized After Baby Mama Drama (Photo)

The turbulent time Dele Momodu and Sophia Momodu gave Davido in the past weeks, have landed him in the hospital.
The 23-year-old music star revealed on Twitter, that he was just leaving the hospital, after treatments on Tuesday afternoon.
Davido further added that he is heading to the studio to remix Humble Smiths’ smasing hit single, “ Osinachi”, which we can’t wait to hear.
He wrote:-
“The Lord is my strength … About to be discharged from the hospital From here to the studio BOUTTA kill this osinachi remix! @humblesmiths.”

Tiwa Savage shares adorable pic of her reading to her son

The singer and mother of one shared the photo and wrote "Ok so I know it's a bit early but I started reading to jamjam already before bedtime, I want to get him used to reading then my mum asks if I would speak yoruba to him as well, then I said of course as it is so important to me for him to speak his native language. Do you yummy mummies agree? #MomsKnowBest"

Fox News, Megyn Kelly on the cover of Vanity Fair

Fox News, Megyn Kelly, the TV anchor who got into war of words with Donald Trump during one of the presidential debates in the US last year covers the February edition of Vanity Fair. She talked about work, family life and of course, her beef with Donald Trump.

7 Celebrities That Had Serious Problems With Olamide

Rapper/singer Olamide, had his most successful year in 2015, some people aren’t cool with that, that is one, his signee, Lil Kesh, also had the best year of his life but was not crowned with the award he deserves as the next rated Nigerian music star.

Olamide expressed his anger after his “boy” Kesh was ignored and that led to his fall out with Don Jazzy, who called him out on stage.
We take a look at Don Jazzy and 7 other celebrities that have had issues with the man.

Don Jazzy is the latest man to fall out with Olamide. Don Jazzy called out Olamide’s name while receiving a special recognition award at the 2015 Headies.
Olamide on the other hand went ahead to rant on Twitter about how Don Jazzy isn’t a big deal.

Toni Payne used to be Olamide’s manager before he rose to bigger success then she went on to drop him, a decision that has now proved a poor one.
Toni Payne allegedly terminated the management deal because she had once or twice caught the young rapper performing at shows without her consent. Olamide was said to have been collecting performance fees also.
Olamde and Toni did not grant any interview on the matter.
Linda Ikeji
Linda Ikeji fell out with Olamide after the blogger broke news about the rapper getting a woman pregnant.
Olamide denied getting anyone pregnant and warned Linda Ikeji to stay off his news if he can’t post his music materials.
Olamide welcomed a child 7 months after the outrage which proved the blogger got her story from a good source.
D’Banj’s producer DeeVee came to social media to talk about how Olamide steals “musical ideas” from D’Banj and himself and how he lacks originality.
Although Olamide didn’t respond, which might mean it is true, DeeVee released 2 songs that sounded like an Olamide record.
Olamide walked out of his deal with ID Cabasa owned Coded Tunes, the label which he released his debut album.
Coded Tunes couldn’t do anything to stop Olamide who went on to achieve major success.
Olamide and ID Cabasa seem to be on talking terms now but nothing was the same.
6. M.I
M.I has never hidden the fact that he is not really cool with Olamide although Olamide seems to have an open mind about him.
M.I in an interview addressed the perceived beef he has with the YBNL chief.
He said,
“I am a huge fan of Olamide; people do not realise how much I appreciate what he is doing right now. He is not alone because there are other indigenous rap artistes like Reminisce and their music is amazing. What they are doing has never been done before apart from that of the late Da Grin. They should be supported. However, I have no problem with Olamide. We see each other and we are friendly towards each other but I will not say that we are close friends. I am happy about his success. He is even on my album and we do not have any form of beef,”
In a Snapchat video earlier this week, M.I mocked “street music” and Headies controversies.
Nigerian rap icon Modenine tagged Olamide and his peers as clowns after they said punchline rap doesn’t make ends meet again in Local Rappers.
Speaking to HipTV, Modo said,
“We all know that punchlines still and will forever bring in the money. Because if you check advertising, you will find out that the payoffs, the punchlines are always there and that brings a lot of money. Punchlines bring in the money. I like the song, but seriously, I know they were just clowning around,”he told Hiptv.


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