Wednesday 10 February 2016

50th edition of the Youth Day : Biya's Message to the Youth

On the occasion of the fiftieth edition of the Youth Day, the President of the Republic His Excellency Paul BIYA has called on the Youth to redouble efforts so that Cameroon can “achieve a stronger, more stable and sustainable growth”. The Head of State made the call on the eve of Youth Day 2016, which equally marks fifty years of a celebration dedicated to the Youth, who constitute the future of the Nation.

My dear young compatriots,
The celebration of the National Youth Day always affords me a singular opportunity to address you.
This year, we are celebrating the fiftieth edition of the Youth Day, which is proof that the entire nation has been paying constant attention to youths for half a century now.
It cannot be an overstatement to say that our youths constitute a major asset for the nation’s future. They are numerous and full of potential, dynamic and ambitious, conquering and creative.
In this regard, I wish to hail our young compatriots who have distinguished themselves lately through major innovations which are acknowledged by all. They took bold initiatives in the highly competitive domain of new information technologies and in many other domains such as agriculture.
They were not afraid. They were daring. Such has always been my recommendation to you. They were able to weather the deficiencies in our country which is still in the building process, and they have achieved the excellent results which we can all be proud of.
They are exemplars of personal patriotic commitment for our society. They deserve everyone’s support. May they serve as a source of inspiration for those who are still hesitating or dragging their feet!

My dear young compatriots,
Patriotism is a virtue that some people might wrongly consider outdated. Even today, it remains a mark of responsible and nobly asserted citizenship for the nation.
Regardless of your role in society, you should be patriotic to deserve well of the nation: the farmer on his farm, the pupil or student in their studies, the workman on his work site, the teacher in the classroom, the doctor or nurse at the hospital, the researcher in his laboratory, the civil servant in his office, the trader in his shop, the mechanic in his garage, the sweeper at his workplace, the transporter driving his vehicle.
We should each ply our trade with patriotic love. Only then will we become forces of progress for our country.
In this regard, take the example of our youths who are engaged at the war front. For the past two years, they have been protecting our country from the terrorist threat. They are sustained and driven by patriotic love, often to the point of sacrificing their lives.
Their behaviour is unlike that of some other youths who do everything possible to get recruited into the public service and then desert their duty stations while continuing to receive their salaries. They represent examples of what should not be done.
Some youths join the public service just to obtain a service number, as they are fond of saying. These do not deserve well of the nation.
The unbridled quest for easy profit and wealth is a road to perdition that should be shunned by the youths.
It is proper for our youths to be imbued with republican and civic values. These should form the basis of a genuine commitment on every front, be it security, economic, cultural or socio-political.
My dear young compatriots,
I am fully aware of the difficulties you are facing. I know your doubts and worries. I know especially that you have difficulty getting a job.
Our capacity to create decent jobs is constrained by external factors related to the global economic environment, coupled with some domestic red tape. Nevertheless, we are not giving up. Our efforts over the past few years are starting to pay off.
The imminent commissioning of major infrastructures and the ongoing Three-Year Emergency Plan should consolidate such gains.
In the medium term, the launching of the extensive industrialization programme which I outlined on 31 December last year should create many job opportunities.
The development of our agricultural sector will be accorded a prime place. In this regard, I urge you to truly revolutionize your mindset. The soil has never betrayed anyone. Do not be afraid to take the plunge and become the agricultural entrepreneurs that Cameroon needs. It is a noble and rewarding trade in the so-called real economy.
I therefore I urge the elders to shoulder their responsibility: it is proper to urge the youths to work the land and it is unwise to dissuade them from doing so.
It is equally important to set a good example for them: urban workers should also undertake activities in rural areas. Through their actions and those of the Government, we should make our villages more youth-friendly.
It is not a matter of waiting to amass substantial resources. It is, first and foremost, a matter of determination and commitment. In agriculture, a little often goes a long way.
There are many Government programmes designed to support rural development. Obtain information on    such programmes. You should be able to make the most of them.
In addition, there is another domain which I know you of the so-called "Android" generation hold most dear, namely the development of the digital economy.
To each generation, its historic challenges for the nation’s future! I can say that one of the major challenges for our youths is to manage to keep abreast of the astounding phenomenon of the digital economy.
I urge the entire nation to resolutely mobilize and support the numerous initiatives undertaken by our youths in this area:
-  The Government should systematically and effectively continue setting up appropriate infrastructure, but also cleaning up and properly regulating this key sector in the interest of the national economy and the development of youth employment.
-  Public or private training institutions are called upon to fully play their role. They must identify the new trades and tailor their syllabuses accordingly.
-  Large enterprises and other public and private entities should set the example by progressively carrying out their own digital switchover.
-  Financial institutions definitely stand to benefit by developing specific programmes to support youth-initiated projects in this new economy.
It is through such collective commitment that we will be able to rise to the challenge of digital transition.
These two sectors, namely agriculture and digital economy, require us to continue with and step up the professionalization of our secondary education.
In higher education, the various stakeholders have been mobilized to progressively provide the job market with human resources that meet the new requirements.  
Enterprises are not seeking out for just graduates, but a labour force that is well trained in specific trades and that is constantly adapted to global trends.
To meet this expectation, I am pleased to note that the Government has opened three Pilot Centres of Excellence in Douala, Limbe and Sangmelima, at the cost of about 21 billion, to provide retraining and skills upgrading for senior technicians and other skilled workers.
The economic integration of youths is thus a constant concern. Our actions will continue with greater momentum to enable our youths to make the most of the numerous programmes and projects that are underway or in the pipeline.
To that end, I have just given instructions for the launch of a three-year "Special Youth" plan worth CFAF 102 billion in total.
This plan should facilitate and accelerate the economic integration of our youths. We should all take a keen interest in it. In so doing, I believe, you will be demonstrating your “economic patriotism”.
Furthermore, I believe that you could reap much benefit from the good citizenship education programmes offered by the Civic Service Agency for Participation in Development.
This very timely initiative has already set up hundreds of local committees countrywide. You should sign on and enjoy its benefits.
My dear young compatriots,
I gave you a hint about it. The sky is gradually clearing up. The clouds are dispersing progressively.
I am aware that you, more than the other population segments, are affected by unemployment. I, however, urge you to look to the future with more confidence. Of course, we have not yet reached our goal, but we are making progress against all the odds.
More effort is definitely required from us to achieve stronger, more stable and more sustainable growth. We will undoubtedly continue to encounter obstacles along the way; however, it behoves us to overcome them resolutely and bravely with everyone’s participation.
I have just outlined all the benefits you can reap from working the land, from our new-found industrialization and also from the digital economy.
Thus, through your active participation, you are expected to inevitably and progressively take the nation’s future into your own hands, under the benevolent mentorship of the elders, in a properly organized blending of generations.
To that end, you should have faith in the future, despite the challenges.
Rest assured that I will spare no effort to support you in your determination to succeed.
Happy Youth Day to each and every one of you!
Long live Cameroon’s youths!
Long live Cameroon!


Qatari couple deported from the US after treating two women as slaves

A US judge ordered the Qatar military officer and his wife to be expelled immediately after he heard how the two servants were forced to live in squalor while they enjoyed the lap of luxury in their upscale San Antonio home.
Hassan al-Homoud, 46, who received military training at San Antonio's Camp Bullis, and his wife, Zainab al-Hosani, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates, pleaded guilty to federal charges in December.
District Judge Orlando Garcia said he had hoped to hand down a harsher sentence than deportation in the case, since engaging in forced labour is a crime punishable by up to 10 years’ in prison.
But a plea agreement was offered to the couple because the servants - one from Bangladesh and the other from Indonesia - refused to testify against them.

Homoud pleaded guilty to visa fraud while his wife pleaded guilty to knowing that a felony was taking place and failing to report it.

The couple also agreed to pay $60,000 (£41,000) compensation to each of their victims.
The court heard that the duo kept the servants in primitive conditions, withholding their wages, confiscating their mobile phones and passports, and giving them barely enough food to survive.

Judge Garcia said the couple would be immediately removed from the country and never allowed back.
The servants told officials they had never been paid and a federal affidavit said they were forced to live in a "run-down apartment with no furnishings, no linens, utensils, clothing, television, reading material or even toilet paper”.

The US. Attorney's office said Hosani had "threatened the workers with arrest and incarceration in Qatar if they failed to perform their work obligations”.
In a statement read in court, Homoud said he took full responsibility for his actions.
He said:
"My conduct has brought shame upon myself, my lovely wife, upon my family and upon my country.”

Jovi drops new track titled "Mongshung"

Cameroonian rapper Jovi, promised his fans new music after his twitter beef with the CEO of Hope Music group on twitter yesterday The 32-year-old stayed true to his words and dropped a hot new track titled "Mongshung" a few hours ago.

Have a listen and let us know your thoughts.

Photos: UAE appoints the country's first Minister of State for Happiness

Shaik Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoun, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai on Wednesday, February 10, announced a new cabinet.

Ohoud Al Roumi (pictured left) was named as the country's first Minister of Happiness. No dear, I don't know what it means exactly but according to what the government said, the new post will align and drive government policy to create social good and satisfaction.

The ruler also appointed 22-year-old Al Mazrui (right) as Minister of State for Youth for the newly created UAE Youth National Council.

Source: HH Sheikh Mohammed @HHShkMohd Dubai Media Office

Chris Brown shares a photo of his red Lamborghini with powerful message

The singer shared a pic of him buying gas in his red Lamborghini at a gas station and wrote "As long as your imagination is the same as your work ethic then you will succeed!️( and my hat is official hog warts shit) lol(Harry potter)"

Young Chicago woman killed by stray bullet while on the phone with her dad

25 year old Aaren O'Connor was hit a stray bullet and died in a Chicago hospital two days later. She had just returned home from work that evening and was sitting in her car outside of her apartment, talking to her father on the phone. There was a fight outside of the car that she had nothing to do with, and shots were fired. One of the bullets hit her in the back of the head which led to her death.

Her dad Mr O'Connor, said during the conversation she started repeatedly saying 'my head hurts' and quickly became incoherent, but neither of them knew what was wrong. he said at that point she hadn't realized she had been shot in the head, and neither did he:
"I didn't realize that I was having the last conversation with my daughter. Every few moments she said my head hurts."
"When she hung up the phone, I called her boyfriend , he then got in touch with her roommate who found her unconscious outside''.
"I would have loved to have told her that I loved her just one more time and was proud of her, she was an amazing girl".
Aaren's father also had a message for the leaders and people of Chicago who he says need to address gun violence in the city, which is spiralling out of control. A GoFundMe page has been set up by her coworkers in her memory

New York Daily News clowns Donald Trump on their front cover the billionaire businessman wins GOP primary in New Hampshire. What they wrote after the cut

Clueless New Hampshire voters handed billionaire bore Donald Trump a “yuge” victory in the first-in-the nation primary Tuesday, providing the mad mogul with a new round of ammo a week after a disappointing second-place finish in Iowa. 
More than three in 10 Granite State voters flocked to the foul-mouthed contender, throwing their support to him at levels beyond what the polls had predicted — a day after he referred to a Republican challenger Ted Cruz as a “pussy.”
With more than 89% of the state’s precincts reporting, the bloviating businessman had the support of 35% of voters.

Diamond Platnumz daughter & AKA's daughter on play date (photos)

So cute! SA rapper AKA's daughter, Madison, and Diamond Platnumz daughter, Tiffah, entertained each other at a studio as their fathers recorded a new song together...another photo after the cut...

Any reply to this letter? Lol

Lol @ escort lady even returned his money...guess she wants her cervix intact

Photos: Footballer Adam Johnson pleads guilty to charges of child sexual molestation and child grooming

England and Sunderland footballer Adam Johnson today pleaded guilty in court to two charges of sexual activity with a child and child grooming.

The alleged sexual offences were said to have taken place in January 2015 at two locations in County Durham. He denied two other charges of sexual activity with an underage girl after arriving at Bradford Crown Court this morning with his girlfriend Stacey Flounders.

The Former Man City winger, 26, initially denied all four charges leveled against him but has now admitted to two out of the four charges. Child grooming is the act of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions for child sexual abuse.

His girlfriend Stacy Flounders who had a baby for him just few weeks before he was initially arrested has stood by the footballer ever since the allegations were made against him and followed him to court today.

The player was initially suspended by Sunderland in the wake of his arrest, with many calling for him to be sacked by the club, but he was then allowed to return to the team.

Jose Mourinho (allegedly) tells friends he is the next manager of Man U and will resume by July1

Former Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho has reportedly told his close friends and associates that he will be the new manager of Manchester United and can't wait to be in action for the Red Devils from the 1st of July, 2016.

All the major newspapers in Portugal, Italy, Spain and now England (Daily Mail, Mirror, Daily Star, Sun) have reported that Jose Mourinho has agreed with the Manchester United board to take over from Louis van Gaal at the end of this season and herald a fresh start for Britain's biggest club.

Mourinho told his friends according to the reports that the Man U job was too good an offer to turn down.

Last Sunday, Louis van Gaal publicly rallied against the suggestions that he will not be kept on at Old Trafford, following Manchester United’s 1-1 draw with Chelsea.

Dad writes tribute to his son who died at just 5months old (photos)

5 months old, Joel Chiemeriwo Onyekuru, died on 16th January 2016. So sad! Below is a tribute written by his dad and shared on Facebook...
"I call you Ichie Junior. He only spent 5months with us (My wife,Pearl Nathan and I) But filled us with Joy and Laughter. His smile can Heal. He was always happy only when he is hungry even at that,throw him up and he will stop crying. We take selfies together I talk to him as if his an adult. I know your Mum my Wife has more Faith, she kept and carried you 4 days after the doctor told us you had gone.
Your elder brother and sister still ask after you cos they don't see you here. Your elder brother Nathan behaves strangely,he acts restless guess he misses you. The mystery about your death is after the doctor gave us the news we didn't lay you to rest cos your body was still the same even after 4 Days no smelling, no colour change only your chest was cold. After you left,your Mum wakes up Every morning with Tears, only God Almighty can heal her of your absence.
I can go on and on even write a book about your life on earth. Well i just want the Whole World to know I was I mean I AM Proud to call you my Son JOEL CHIEMERIWO ONYEKURU. Dad still loves U. My Guy Rest in Peace

Ryan Reynolds named People magazine's Sexiest Dad Alive

The 39yr old  Hollywood actor has earned the top spot on People magazine's sexiest dad alive annual list which also included last year's champion, Justin Timberlake. The news was revealed during his interview on The Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon, when Jimmy pulled out a copy of the magazine and Ryan was on the cover.
''What?! I mean come on! I mean scientifically speaking, what's sexier than a man that produces children and then looks surprised about it,"  Ryan gushed.
 The actor and wife Blake Lively welcomed their first daughter, James, back in December 2014...

Mum comes under fire for buying her 15yr old daughter waist trainer to wear under her school uniform

A mum, 48 year old Karen Green from Southend, has been blasted by other mums for buying a waist trainer for her 15 year old daughter, Tilly, because 'it gives her a better shape in her blazer'.

Tilly says wearing a waist trainer has defined her figure & given her more confidence. The teen says her friends have also jumped on to the waist training craze and compare who has the smallest waist under their school uniforms. Explaining why she bought the device for her daughter, Karen said;

Tilly's mother Karen, who has been married to Tilly's father for 20 years, said: 'Tilly told me 18 months ago that she wanted one. She follows the Kardashians and other celebrities who have been promoting their use. I did my research and while I wasn't totally sure I approved of a growing teen having a device which potentially might restrict bone development and growth I knew if I didn't buy it for her she'd get it herself.'

Over the past four years Karen said her daughter, 'partly due to great genes, waist training, gymming and dieting' has undergone a 'remarkable transformation'. She is even compared to her idol Kylie Jenner. Tilly is now trying to follow in her mother's footsteps - she used to be a fitting model for Debenhams - and become a part-time model or work as a Kylie lookalike. 

'People think you are not mature at 15 but I am and I'm glad my mum is aware of what I wanted and got it for me. I can't tell you how many girls I know from schools around here use waist trainers under their uniform. It's the new trend and I think my friends are in awe I can tell my mum about it.' 

Tilly at 13... 

11 killed as 2 female suicide bombers attack a burial ceremony in Cameroon

11 people were killed after two female suicide bombers attacked a burial ceremony at Nguechewe, a village in Cameroon's northern border region with Nigeria this morning. Over 30 people were injured during the attack.
"The villagers were gathered for the wake when two suicide attackers joined them, pretending to be family members," a source told AFP.
A police officer said several children, including a boy aged six and a 15-year-old, were among the victims. Those injured have been take to a regional hospital in Maroua.

Annie Idibia shares adorable photos of her daughter's first day in school

The mom and actress shared these sweet pictures of her second daughter, Olivia headed to school for the first time. "So excited! My super Star Olivia has started School! can't believe how time flies!! Am a very proud mama!! Thank u Lord for such a remarkable blessing!!! " the excited mom wrote.

Future finally reacts to Ciara's slander lawsuit, calls it a joke

Ciara must be very bitter over this break up for her to go as far as suing her child's father for defamation. Reacting for the first time, Future called the $15million slander lawsuit a joke, saying Ciara made money off bad-mouthing him. TMZ reports below...
Sources close to Future tell TMZ, the rapper thinks it's absurd his baby mama filed the slander suit, since she's talked plenty of trash on him. We're told he believes Exhibit A is her 2015 platinum selling hit, "I Bet."
With lyrics like ... "You know that it hurts your pride but you thought the grass was greener on the other side. I bet you start loving me as soon as I start loving someone else. Somebody better than you” -- the song is widely believed to be about Future allegedly cheating on Ciara.

Our source says he could've sued over that, but didn't want to be petty. As for whether he fires back with a lawsuit now -- we're told he's considering it, but hasn't seen Ciara's docs yet. His team claims the process server at LAX failed to deliver.

Bottom line: it's a safe bet this is gonna get much uglier.

History Is Made In USA As Black Female Judge Swears In Her Twin Sister As A Judge | Photos

These ladies have made history in the United Kingdom as the first set of twins to serve together as judges in Birmingham. Not only are their professional lives identical, but their personal ones as well. The sisters – Shanta Owens and Shera Grant (born four minutes apart) both have six-year-old daughters who are four months apart, and their three-years-old sons were born four months apart as well. Both ladies got married in 2003, and although their husbands aren’t twins, they’ve been best friends since kindergarten.

In 2008, sister Shanta Owens became a district court judge, where she will remain on the bench until 2020. After serving for eight years she had the opportunity to swear in her “younger” Shera Grant in January, who is currently filling in the seat of a former judge. This decision was approved by a governor who appointed Grant by way of hearing that Owens had a twin with the same qualifications:

Kanye West and his twitter fingers...

Kanye West became active on social media a few weeks, mostly to promote his album, and the things he tweets sometimes is just funny and baffling. See more after the cut...

Photo of another foot washing ceremony at a wedding....this time a man did it

Anyone knows what this signifies?

Blac Chyna's butt just be like...

A little wrinkled for a lady just 27? But banging body. She and her BFF Amber Rose are currently participating in a carnival at Trinidad and Tobago. More photos after the cut...


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...