Wednesday 18 May 2016

See 5 Reasons Why Married Couples Should Have S*x Every Single Night

S*x is a very important part of every couple’s life and because the need for it cannot be overemphasized, here are reasons why it is good to be practiced everyday.

Couple in bedReading that line may make you feel that we are turning you into a nymphomaniac, but experts believe that a happy couple needs to get some action every day to remain contented, prosperous, and focused on the important things in life.
And, as incredible as it may sound, getting some nookie every night can do more good than harm for you.So, without letting you drift away from this page, here are five brilliant reasons for you to have s*x every night:
1. Feel Like A Woman:
Once you become a mom, your life, at least for the first few years of your baby’s life, is going to be a perennial diaper-changing, house-rearranging, and snot-wiping mommy. You hardly have time to think about what you feel, let alone give vent to your feelings. But, thankfully, having s*x can make you feel like that star-struck girl you were before you became a wife.
2. Make Your Husband Masculine:
Well, trust us on this one. Men are much simpler creatures than we are, and we need to treat them as such. All they need is food, love, and of course, s*x. The more reciprocative you are, the more he will love you. You probably already know what attracts your husband’s attention. So, go ahead, pander to his fantasies for a bit. You’ll be surprised that your husband acts more masculine than earlier.
3. Brings You Closer To Your Partner:
We’ve all heard of those long-winded speeches on how s*x improves a relationship. And, now experts have stated that couples who make love regularly enjoy a more loving relationship than those who did not have s*x that frequently.
4. Stressbuster:
You’re probably thinking that we’re kidding. But, we aren’t. s*x has been found to reduce stress and improve your mood. No wonder the men are always lusting after us for some nookie. With work timings like that, who wouldn’t want to let off some steam.
5. It’s Fun:
Okay, we admit that the line seems rather shallow and male-centric. But, admit it. s*x is rather fun, therapeutic, and the most-significant way of cementing that bond you share with your partner. And, it helps burn all those calories as well.
So, there you have it. Of course, rumors will have you believe that there are many reasons you shouldn’t indulge your libido, but these are some scientific reasons why you should get dirty under the sheets every day.

Top 10 Effective Ways To spice Up Your s3x Life | MUST READ


Ways to spice up your s3x life tonight – When it comes to making sure you are in a happy relationship, one of the areas that you should always be evaluating is your level of sexual satisfaction. This does not necessarily mean that you are having s3x, but that no matter what stage your relationship is in, you feel desired.
Relationships end all the time because the sexual compatibility is not there, and they lack the chemistry or the effort that goes into making sure both partners are happy. Other couples have fantastic s3x lives, but they know a secret that I also know. That secret is that fantastic s3x lives are built through work and communication with your partner. A healthy sexual relationship is one in which both partners are aware of the struggles that can come in the bedroom, but also make each other feel confident and supported.
A healthy s3x life also means that if you and your partner are so inclined, there are always things you can do to add some extra spice to the bedroom. If you’re feeling like your relationship has hit a bit of a wall, you’re in luck because I guarantee that some of (if not all) these items can work to add a lot more fun in the bedroom.
These might not all work for you, but they follow an overall theme. Make sure your partner feels loved. Make sure they feel sexy and desired. If you are wondering if they having any doubts that you feel this way, tell them how you feel. s3x can be a fantastic thing in your relationship, and you both owe it to the relationship to make it one.
10. Role Play
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Part of having a s3x life that you can feel confident in is making sure that if you have fantasies, you can explore them. You are not the first guy in the world to think that cheerleaders are hot, and you won’t be the last. If you are with a partner that you feel comfortable with, they should hopefully be accommodating to a healthy discussion about it at the very least. Now don’t get me wrong, I think I look incredibly sexy in my Marvel pajama pants and Blue Jays sweater that is two sizes too big, but I don’t know if that’s really anyone’s ‘type’?
9. Wear Nice outfits  
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When you are in a relationship for an extended period of time, it can be easy to stop caring about your appearance as much as you did when you first started dating. Don’t get me wrong, sweatpants are romantic, but I don’t think you wore those on your first date together. If you guys are struggling to find the romance, it may be really nice to set out a date together where you both dress up. You should ideally find your partner attractive, and who doesn’t love seeing them all dolled up? It can also be really sexy to know that your partner is putting in that effort for you.
8. Make use of Toy 
Sometimes, s3x can be really great if it is just you and your partner, but other times, you may start to feel like you want to add another element to your bedroom. That can be a really exciting step if it is one that is properly communicated to your partner. Bringing in things like toys or a blindfold can help add to the overall enjoyment of any session. It can also be really great to know that your partner is open-minded and willing to try out different things.
 7. Read s3x Advice Together  
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It can be really helpful, and sexy, to check out different s3x advice sites together. This can range from reading different positions, to just reading about people who have had their own experiences in the bedroom and want to share. s3x is an area of your relationship that should always feel like it is growing, and if it feels routine, then why not take advice from others? It can also establish a great relationship of having proper communication, which as you are about to find out, can lead to much better s3x.
 6. Talk About s3x Openly
Do you know what is incredibly sexy? Communication! It can do wonders for your bedroom if you feel like you can talk about s3x openly and without judgement from your partner. If you are feeling shy about it, then the chances of you having s3x at night may only come down to if you and your partner are both in the bed at the same time. Communicating your desires can go a long way towards not only feeling fulfilled, but also making your partner feel attractive. Everyone wants to feel like they are sexy and desired. If you feel that way about your partner, make sure you tell them.

5. Push Your Comfort Levels

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You should never do anything in bed that makes you feel inherently uncomfortable. You have your right to your body and should never feel like you have given that away. That being said, it can add some spice to your life if you are able to open up your comfort levels to trying out different experiences. Are there things that you are iffy on but aren’t super against? Why not try them out? You never know what you may find. This can range from different toys (as talked about above) to something like blindfolds. Also just knowing that you can trust your partner to keep you safe while you are exploring a vulnerable part of yourself can be incredibly sexy.
 4. Wear Fun Lingerie 
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Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with nudity! But if you are hoping to add that extra little spice in the bedroom, then maybe take a look at adding some spice to your closet. Wearing fun lingerie can do wonders for making you feel sexy and desired, which will dramatically increase your confidence and help make for a memorable session. It also sends a clear message to your partner that you care about putting effort into the bedroom. If you’re a guy, you may not feel like there are as many options, but figure out what type of clothing your partner loves to see you in and try to oblige. If she is in sexy lingerie, make no mistake that this could be a really vulnerable thing for her as well, so you better make her feel like the sexy woman that she is.
 3. Tease Your Partner Through The Day
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s3x does not only have to happen in the bedroom. It can be instigated throughout the day through simple things like throwing a text to your partner that lets them know you are thinking about them. Leave a fun note or send a picture if you are feeling comfortable. The point of all of this is that it also creates that open dynamic that we now know is so important in creating a healthy and sexy relationship. Nothing will make your partner want to rip your clothes off more when you come home at 9:30pm like having told them what you wanted to do to them twelve hours ago.
 2. Vocalize What You Like As It’s Happening
picture of couple in love over white
picture of couple in love over white One of the biggest signs of sexual compatibility is that you enjoy fooling around with your partner (shocking, right?). One way to surely add some spice is to make sure you tell your partner what you like. Yes, even tell them what you like while the s3x is happening. Perhaps that openness and freedom that you feel with your communication can lead to some experiences in the bedroom that you loved but didn’t know you would. Plus, I don’t know about you, but when my partner makes me feel desired and tells me that… Well that’s a pretty good way to feel.

1. Switch Things Up

I’ve talked before (even in this list!) about the importance of making sure that your s3x life does not feel like it is settling into a routine. Do you guys always do the same style? Well, maybe reading s3x advice together will help you guys figure out some new areas to explore. Do you always have s3x in your bed? Next time, try the couch! The confidence that radiates from someone who is not afraid to explore and switch things up is incredibly sexy, and helps make you feel like your s3x life is the kind that will always be expanding.

Is Bigger Always Better? Women Describe How S*x Feels With Big And Small P*nises

Is having it bigger down there always better? Well, here are some things you don’t know about, as women reveal the answer.

Most men are self-conscious about p3nis size. Whether you’re hung like a horse or lacking in the trouser department, it’s easy to get worried about how many inches you’re packing downstairs.
But as they say, it’s how you use it that counts, right?
In a candid Reddit thread, real women chimed in on their experiences of sleeping with men of all shapes and sizes.
Here are some of their stories:
1. Bigger isn’t always better
“I lost my virginity to a man with a huge p3nis. But I didn’t know it at the time.
“Watching porn made me uncomfortable so I always just read erotica. So he was very proud of his huge p3nis and I don’t think he could figure out why I wasn’t amazed by it.
“For my part, I couldn’t figure out why s*x was so damn painful. I could barely open my jaw far enough to the get the thing in my mouth.”
She continued: “We could only have s*x in missionary position because everything else hurt so badly. I was not particularly impressed with intercourse (or giving oral, for that matter).
“The rest of my relationships have been with men with normal size penises.
“I found out having s3x with them is easy. I don’t have to use a cup of lube to have intercourse or use an ice pack on my face after oral s3x.
“I don’t get what the big deal is for big penises. Give me a normal p3nis any day.”
2. Pleasure comes first
“I’ve had moderately small to moderately/very large.
“I generally prefer larger, but a lot of guys with big penises think that all they need to be good at s*x is a big p*nis. 
“I’d rather take a guy with an average p3nis who cares about my pleasure any day.”
3. S*x isn’t all about size
“Having been across the p*nis spectrum, I just want to say that p*nises are awesome.
”All shapes and sizes are amazing. The best thing you can do with them, is to make sure they are attached to a great person. There is so much more to s*x than size.”
4. Unicorn p*nis
“I’ve had adventures with both. One gentleman was extremely handsome and my friend’s brother so we were set up and told to try and make this work.
“But when we went to have s*x and he was quite small and he cried during s3x and told me shameful story about his friends pulling his pants down at a party and everyone laughing.”
Source: Dailystar

This Is How Long A Normal Man Should Last In Bed And Interesting S*x Positions To Help You

Researchers have revealed how long a normal man should last in bed as they also provide working s*x positions to help you get there.

Whether you can only last for a few seconds or keep going all night, you’ve probably wondered what’s a “normal” amount of time to spend in the sack.
While research shows that ladies would like romps to last 23 minutes, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine the average guy blows his load after just three minutes and 45 seconds.
To put the stat to the test, we did our own survey to find out how long Daily Star readers last during a typical romp.
We asked average guys to honestly reveal if they usually last longer than three minutes and 45 seconds or not.
And a massive 8,369 men took part in our poll with some surprising results.
More than half (56%) of our readers answered no, admitting that they do not last longer than three minutes and 45 seconds in the bedroom.
But 44% were confident that they can keep going for longer than this.
Finishing too quickly – or premature ejaculation (PE) – can be an all too common problem thought to affect about 30% of guys.
If you want to prolong the experience you can try spicing up your s3x life with some new s3x positions that can help you last longer in bed naturally.
It’s common for women to take longer to reach orgasm than men, so delaying your climax with some strategic positions could boost your s3x life and her enjoyment.
But before you begin make sure to indulge in plenty of foreplay because it’ll help loosen you both up, meaning you’ll be less nervous when it comes to the actual act.
Here’s the best s*x positions to stave off ejaculation – and one you should definitely steer clear from.
1. Woman on Top
In case you haven’t tried this position before, it’s when a woman goes on top and straddles her partner.
The move, also known as cowgirl, is great for holding off ejaculation because it gives the woman more control.
It lets her set the speed and if she thinks that you’re getting close, she can lean forward and rest on her elbows.
Not only will that increase the chance of him hitting the G-spot, but it will make the penetration less deep. Leaning forward also means that you can get more intimate and focus more on kissing and touching.
2. The Cross
For this position, the man has to lie on side facing the woman.
Then she lies on her back at a right angle to him, draping her legs over his hips.
It delays the guy’s arousal because he can’t move as easily by being on his side. Having limited motion means the man won’t be able to get carried away or climax too quickly.
The cross is an easy and relaxed position which can also be used to switch things up during a long and steamy session.
3. Spoon
To get into the spooning position you should both lay down facing the same way, with the man’s pelvis a little lower than the woman’s.
This manoeuvre puts him in charge, creating shallow penetration and slower motions so he won’t get too excited.
4. Side By Side
This one is similar to the spooning position except you’re laying on your sides facing each other. It’s a very close and intimate position which won’t get him too overstimulated because the penetration isn’t too deep.
Not only will the s3x last longer but you’ll also be able to communicate what feels good face-to-face while both being in control of the situation.
Avoid: Doggy Style
This is when a woman is on her hands and knees and the man penetrates her from behind.
But it’s not a good idea because the man has all of the power and leverage.
If you’re trying to prolong your s3x session then cut out doggy style because it’ll make him climax too quickly.
Source: Dailystar

Kim K stuns in a shimmering chainmail gown at a lavish Cannes jewellery bash (Photos)

Kim Kardashian West looked absolutely stunning as she made an appearance at Jeweller De Grisogono's party on the French Riviera, in a shimmering chainmail gown with flowing train. She also had expensive diamond jewellery on - a pair of dazzling teardrop earrings and a huge emerald ring which dazzled on her finger.  See more photos of Mrs West walking the red carpet after the cut..

Photos of Kylie Jenner's new $275,000 Rolls-Royce

Kylie Jenner's breakup with ex Tyga isn't stopping her from living her life to the fullest! She was pictured driving a red Rolls-Royce in LA, which is said to have cost her about $275,000.

Iran accuses Kim Kardashian of being a spy

Never thought I will type Kim Kardashian and the word "spy" in the same sentence. Iran is accusing Kim Kardashian of being a secret agent ... According to Vanity Fair, the agency claims Kardashian works for Instagram to corrupt its youths by posting erotic and provocative selfies. The allegation was made by an Iranian agency charged with protecting its women and young people from the ravaging influences of Western culture, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp, ( IRGC ). 

Kim Kardashian selfies are not welcome in Iran, says the country's moral police. IRGC claims Kardashian works for IG in a conspiracy 'targeting young people and women' and influencing them to shed their Muslim values by posting their own selfies.
IRGC says it has warned 170 individuals, 29 of whom are being targeted for prosecution as part of 'Operation Spider 2'. They are accused of 'promoting a culture of promiscuity, weakening and rejecting the institution of family, ridiculing religious values and beliefs, promoting relationships outside moral rules, and publishing the private pictures of young women.'

Iran has begun to crack down on locals who post glam shots to social networks .Recently,8 models were arrested in a new crackdown targeting 'un-Islamic acts' such as women exposing their hair. One famous beauty, Elham Arab, known for her wedding-dress portraits, was charged with 'promoting western promiscuity' and forced to give public 'self-criticism.

Do you think Kim Kardashian is corrupting women...?

7 things that are more gratifying than Love making

To so many people in the world, S3@. Xx:’ is the best thing that could ever happen to them. This is really preposterous as there are over a thousand and one things that could give one a satisfaction which is better than S3@. Xx:’.
We could try looking at life from a virgin’s perspective, or better still from the perspective of a growing child who is innocent. Life has a different meaning to people like that as they try to create a world of happiness for themselves outside S3@. Xx:’.
Basically, this issue has a lot to do with a person’s mentality and life goals. As a whore, S3@. Xx:’ would be the ultimate thing that matters as there is always the need to trade the body for monetary and material gain. But if this is not you, then there has to be more to life than that.
No one is going to debase the importance of S3@. Xx:’ in relationships et al., but even in relationships where S3@. Xx:’ is an active binder, there are other things that are given more attention than it.
Here are a few things that are more gratifying than S3@. Xx:’:

1. Being wealthy

things that are more gratifying than sex
This is completely different from just having money. You may have enough money to last you for a week and consider yourself rich during that period. Being rich is not the same as being wealthy; your attitude towards money when you have a few bucks lying around will tell whether you would be wealthy or just rich at the long run.
If you are concerned about being wealthy in life, then you would find joy in doing things that would make you closer to that dream. Dwelling on the fleeting happiness that comes with S3@. Xx:’ would not be the highest point in life for you.

2. Secure accommodation

things that are more gratifying than sex
Most people think S3@. Xx:’ is the best thing that could happen to them because they are in their comfort zone. When you do not have a roof over your head and you have to worry about where to rest your head every day, then you would know life is deeper than S3@. Xx:’.
The ability to think this way would make you appreciate the warmness of your bed and the cleanliness of your bed linen each time you lay your head to sleep. You could have a more sound sleep knowing you have no major worries in life than when you have S3@. Xx:’ and sleep off.

3. Being progressive in life

things that are more gratifying than sex
Another thing that is more gratifying in life other than S3@. Xx:’ is being progressive in life. Trust me when I say S3@. Xx:’ could be annoying and irritating when one is living in penury. The satisfaction is no longer there as the worries of life come back as soon as it is over.

4. Peeing after a long time

On a lighter note, peeing after a very long time could be gratifying. You know the satisfaction that comes with finally letting the pee out after a very long time is laced with relief. It takes a long time letting the pee out and if you have ever had this experience, you would agree.

5. Having to sleep after a very long time

things that are more gratifying than sex
If you run a very busy schedule, you would understand the importance of rest and would not want anything to stand in your way of rest. When you are finally able to hit the bed to rest after a very long week at work, nothing beats that satisfaction. All you want to do is sleep or stay in a state of rest until that fatigue has worn off.

6. New job for a jobless person

things that are more gratifying than sex
For someone who has been on a job hunt for many years would find a job more gratifying than S3@. Xx:’ at that moment. A person like that knows he can buy various services after being paid and that does not exclude S3@. Xx:’. Nothing beats that satisfaction at that moment.

7. A sincere advise

things that are more gratifying than sex
Having someone to talk to in times of trouble could be really gratifying especially when you are at crossroads and you do not know where to turn. Having someone who is genuine and true is definitely assuring and for people who are serious minded, they would not want to trade a person like like that for anything else.
For you as a person, what would you consider more gratifying in life?

Pregnant Supermodel, Candice Swanepoel reveals the gender of her baby

27-year-old South African Victoria's Secret Angel, Candice Swanepoe who set the internet buzzing when she announced she was expecting a child, has now revealed the gender of the baby - her first child with her fiancé, Brazilian male model, Hermann Nicoli.

Revaling that it was a boy, she shared this photo of herself nude from the waist up as she showed off her baby bump and covered her breasts with one arm.

Candice with her fiance

World's biggest cruise ship worth a whopping $1bn arrives in Britain (photos)

The largest cruise ship in the world – measuring more than four football pitches in length with a maximum capacity for 6,780 passengers – has docked in Southampton for final preparations before its maiden voyage. A small crowd of well-wishers, welcomed the £800million Harmony of the Seas as it arrived just after dawn today.

Tens of thousands of people are expected to visit the coastal city this week to catch a glimpse of the gigantic vessel before it carries paying customers for the first time. After sailing from a shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France, and spending the day yesterday cruising the English Channel, Harmony of the Seas sailed up Southampton Water and arrived at Southampton shortly after 6:15am.

It will depart on a short cruise on Sunday – a four-day taster voyage to Rotterdam, in the Netherlands – and on 29 May will make its maiden voyage to Barcelona, where it will be based for 34 seven-night tours of the western Mediterranean this summer. It will sail between Florida and the Caribbean this winter. Royal Caribbean International’s 18-deck ship has set new records for length (1,1188ft), gross tonnage (227,000), width (215.5ft), passenger capacity (5,479 at double occupancy or a maximum of 6,780) and staterooms (2,747).

With a crew of 2,100 from 77 countries, the floating city boasts seven 'neighbourhoods', a 10-storey slide that is the tallest at sea, 23 swimming pools, 20 dining venues, 52 trees, surf simulators, robot bartenders, a casino and climbing walls.

See the photos below...

Credit: UK Daily Mail

Iran's glamorous couple flee to Dubai after arrest over un-islamic instagram photos

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp, ( IRGC ) is not messing about! The Iranian agency charged with protecting its women and young people from the ravaging influences of Western culture accused Kim Karshashian of being a shy for Instagram and corrupting young Iranian. 

A glamorous married couple managed to escape prosecution and have fled to Dubai after they were caught up in Iran's crackdown on models posting 'un-Islamic' photos online. Professional make-up artist and model Elnaz Gorokh and her model husband Hamid Fadaei are understood to have fled the Islamic Republic in January after the sweeping arrest of 170 people as part of 'Spider II' operations by IRGC.

According to Daily Mail, the couple - who were reportedly released on bail attended style awards at a luxury five star Dubai hotel. The beautiful couple have been caught up in President Hassan Rouhani's attempt to enforce 'Islamic values' by targeting the fashion industry, which has boomed in recent years - especially thanks to social media.

Yesterday it was revealed that high-profile blonde Iranian model Elham Arab appeared before the Iranian Revolutionary Court made a 'voluntary confession' that she had made a 'mistake' and that she regretted becoming a model.

Elham Arab during interrogation
She was charged with 'promoting western promiscuity' and forced to give public 'self-criticism.'
Fans are said to be widely confused by the arrest of the couple, who are well liked and don't post 'risque' photos - Hamid Fadaei reportedly owns a upmarket women's clothes shop in northern Tehran, which he advertises on his instagram page.

According to Iranian media, a total of 170 people had been identified in the operation through social media activity as being involved in modelling, including 58 models, 59 photographers and makeup artists.Most of the Instagram and Facebook profiles of the models have been taken offline, although Ms Golrokh posted a message to her fans via social media on January 30.

Cameroon’s Army Ranked One of the Last in The World

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cameroon army kill boko haram"
Despite its prowess against Boko Haram, Global Firepower (GFP), a global think thank organization that annually ranks the world’s military, has scored the Cameroon army very low in its 2016 rankings. Though Cameroon is placed ahead of some African and European nations, Cameroon is placed 106 out of 126 countries GFP ranked.
European countries with inferior military power to that of Cameroon are rather little known Easten European nations like Estonia, Slovenia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, while those of Africa are Mozambique, Niger, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Madagascar, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Namibia, Somalia and Central Africa Republic. Honduras, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Nicaragua, Laos and Panama also come after Cameroon on the ranking.
Out of 29 African countries considered on the ranking, Cameroon came a distant 19th in Africa and 106th out of 126 across the world.
Globally, USA, Russia, China, India and France, in ascending order, lead the world in military strength while in Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Ethiopia, Nigeria and South Africa top the list.The Global Firepower (GFP) ranking provides unique analytical display of data concerning modern military powers. Over 125 powers are considered in the ranking which allows for a broad spectrum of comparisons to be achieved concerning relative military strengths.
GFP’s ranking is based largely on each nation’s potential conventional war-making capability across land, sea and air. The final ranking incorporates values related to resources, finances and geography.
GFP officials maintain that the finalized ranking relies on over 50 factors to determine a given nation’s Power Index (“PwrIndx”) score. This allows smaller, though more technologically-advanced nations to compete with larger, lesser-developed ones.
We learned the “ranking does not simply rely on the total number of weapons available to any one country but rather focuses on weapon diversity within the number totals to provide a better balance of firepower available.”
Also, “Nuclear stockpiles are not taken into account but recognized/suspected nuclear powers receive a bonus.
“Geographical factors, logistical flexibility, natural resources and local industry influence the final ranking.
“Available manpower is a key consideration; nations with large populations tend to rank higher.
“Land-locked nations are not penalized for lack of a navy; naval powers are penalized for lack of diversity in available assets.
“NATO allies receive a slight bonus due to the theoretical sharing of resources,” GFP spelt out on its official website.


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