Thursday 21 January 2016

Cameroon receives military vehicles worth 318m FCFA from France

la France fait don de véhicules tactiquesla France fait don de véhicules tactiques2

As part of the crusade against terrorism, and with the strengthening of military cooperation observed last year, France has trained and equipped special units, especially in the field of mine clearance and information sharing.France ambassador to Cameroon, Christine Robichon, on Thursday presented 11 fully-equipped military vehicles to Cameroon worth 318 million FCFA. According to Joseph Beti Assomo, Minister Delegated at the Presidency for Defence, the equipment included communication equipment, helmets and flak jackets intended for the local army’s special units.
la France fait don de véhicules tactiques
This material support is one of the concrete signs of Paris strong solidarity with its partner in fighting Boko Haram in the region, according to the French Embassy in Cameroon.
France and Cameroon signed a defense partnership agreement in May 21, 2009 and French leader François Hollande, during a visit to Yaoundé on July 3, 2015, announced the densification of solidarity in the fight against the Islamist group.

CHAN 2016: Cameroon draw with Ethiopia as DR Congo advance

A goalless draw between Cameroon and Ethiopia helped the DR Congo advance at the African Nations Championship (CHAN) as they beat Angola 4-2.
The results mean that DR Congo sit top of Group B on six points while Angola are eliminated after two defeats.
Cameroon know a draw in their final match against DR Congo on Monday will be enough for them to go through.
Only a big win for Ethiopia against Angola coupled with a Cameroon loss gives them any chance of progressing.


DR Congo2+56
Cameroon had the better of the first half, which was held-up for 10 minutes because of floodlight failure, while Ethiopia improved after the break.
However it was a dull encounter in Huye after the earlier game when DR Congo raced into a 3-0 lead by half-time against neighbours Angola.
Nelson Munganga (pictured), Elia Meschak and Jonathan Bolingi all found the target for the inaugural CHAN winners (in 2009).
Gelson and Yano hit back for Angola but in between those goals Merveille Bope struck DR Congo’s fourth.
DR Congo have now scored 7 goals at the tournament after their 3-0 win over Ethiopia, who are yet to score in Rwanda.
Cameroon won their opening match 1-0 against Angola

Doppelgangers take DNA test to find out if they're related, surprised by results

Two twin strangers from Ireland, who never knew the other existed until two months ago, recently took a DNA test to find out if they were related. The results "absolutely surprised" the both of them, according to Niamh Geaney, who added that she and her doppelganger Irene Adams "couldn't believe" the results.
Geaney, who's from Dublin, Ireland, told ABC News today she first connected with Adams -- who's from Sligo, Ireland -- this past November after a friend of Adams' told her she looked like "that doppelganger girl on the news."
Coincidentally, a friend of Adams' brother also contacted Geaney around the same time.

"We got in touch, met up and it was absolutely surreal to see yet another one of my doppelgangers in the flesh," said Geaney, 27.

She explained that Adams, 28, is actually the third doppelganger she's discovered so far since creating Twin Strangers, a website and tool that uses facial recognition software to match you to a potential lookalike.
"We clicked instantly, and just like my second doppelganger, she not only looked exactly like but also acted like me," Geaney said. "It was like watching myself. Our facial expressions are exactly the same, our eyes and nose crinkle the same way, we smile the same and she also talks with her hands just like me."
Dozens of users commented on video of Geaney's and Adam's meetup, suggesting the two should get a DNA test since the both of them were from Ireland and could actually be "10th cousins or related somewhere down the line," Geaney said.

This past December, the two went to national DNA testing center DNA Ireland, where they gave samples of their saliva.
The samples were used for three tests that determined the probability of the two being sisters, half sisters, or related at all based on lineage traced up to 20,000 years ago.
Below are the results, which were delivered earlier this month to Geaney and Adams:
Probability of Being Full Siblingship: There was only a 0.0006 percent chance the two had the same parents.
Probability of Being Half Siblingship: There was only a 0.1 percent chance the two shared one parent.
Probability of Sharing a Common Ancestor Up to 20,0000 Years Ago: Rather than a percentage, this test gives users their haplogroup, which is a letter assigned to a genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor on a patrilineal or matrilineal line.
Geaney had Haplogroup H, and Adams had Haplogroup T.

"We were shocked," Geaney said. "We thought, 'OK, we definitely have to have relatives from the same place somewhere down the line,' but that wasn't the case."
Geaney added that she believes the test has "fascinating implications" and that the test could suggest "doppelgangers really are, in fact, a mysterious phenomenon."

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth engaged again

Miley Cyrus has been seen wearing her engagement since her reconciliation with fiancé Liam Hemsworth. A source confirmed with US Weekly that the former couple have not only rekindled the flame but are now officially engaged...again. 
Miley and Liam are also said to be living together and she was seen moving her things to his place.

'Miley and Liam are picking up right where they left off,' the insider told US.
The source also claims that Liam has already 'told friends they're engaged again.'
'She's moving back in with him and bringing her dogs,' another insider added, 'She has always loved him.'

Photos: Bill Gates, Dangote, sign MOU with six Northern Governors on routine immunization

Bill Gates, Aliko Dangote and six state governors from the Northern part of Nigeria have signed a memorandum of understanding on routine immunization.
The benefiting states are Bauchi, Borno, Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto and Yobe. The two tycoons entered into the partnership through their foundations, Bill and Melinda Gates and Dangote Foundations respectively.

The MOU signing ceremony, held yesterday, January 20 in Kaduna State, had Gates and Dangote in attendance as well as governors of the six states and Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II.
The partnership is aimed at eradicating polio and other child killer related diseases in the northern states.

Mariah Carey and Billionaire bf James Parker are engaged

It's official! Mariah Carey is engaged to her Australian billionaire businessman boyfriend, James Parker after a fairy tale romance.
Mariah's future hubby popped the big question in her hometown a couple of hours ago, and he presented her with what can only be described as the most breathtaking engagement ring.

It was learned that Mariah's new diamond bling comes in at around 35 carats and that no wedding date has been set just yet.

It should come as no surprise James proposed to Mariah because even though they have both been dating for a little under a year, their relationship seems to be strong.
An insider said "they fell head over heels in love with one another, " says an insider. "It's crazy how perfect they are together, they both know it and couldn't be happier."

Congratulations to the couple.

Body of toddler missing for a week found in the woods

The body of Noah Chamberlin, the 2-year-old missing boy from Pinson, has been found.
Chester County Sheriff Blair Weaver addressed reporters Thursday afternoon, and said Noah’s body was located between 1-4 p.m. about a mile and a half from where he went missing on Jan. 14. The thought of a 2 year old child alone in the woods, wandering for days, no food, no shelter, no protection from the bad elements, wearing the same diaper for days, crying and all is just....heartbreaking. Continue...
“I think we’ve done everything humanly possible,” Weaver said. “We were there and we stuck to it and it just wasn’t meant to be for some reason. We don’t know everything, and we’re not supposed to know everything.”

Authorities said no foul play was involved in Noah's death, which they called a tragic accident. An autopsy will be conducted, which is standard procedure.

Noah had been missing since last Thursday. He, his grandmother and sister were walking in the woods near Short Road near the Chester and Madison county line when he disappeared.
His grandmother had taken him and his four-year-old sister on a nature hike when she said she lost sight of him.

Authorities said the trio had sat down to talk while in the woods and when the grandmother turned around, he was gone.
'They sat down to talk and she was paying attention to the granddaughter, and when she turned around he was gone,' Madison County Sheriff's Office spokesman Tom Mapes said. 'She immediately went to look for him.
'Just like grandma said, she turned her head for a minute and he was gone. There were trails everywhere,' Weaver said.
'Everybody we talked to talked about how he ran all the time, jumped over tables, ran, just nonstop,' Mehr added. 'He loved to hide. We had people tell us that even adults would run after him, and they couldn't catch him.'
Hundreds of law enforcement officers and volunteers were involved in the weeklong search before Noah's body was found Thursday afternoon.

On Wednesday, law enforcement officials said they had found evidence in the woods, leading officers to believe the toddler was nearby.

Madison County Sheriff John Mehr, who had assisted in the search for Noah since Jan. 14 when he was first reported missing, would not comment on what leads or evidence had been found then.
Weaver said volunteers from across the country joined in the effort to find Noah, and those volunteers are appreciated by all the agencies involved in the search.
"That just shows that we're supported and they believe in what we're doing," Weaver said.
Both Mehr and Weaver rejected speculation that Noah's family may have been involved in his disappearance, saying that lies and unfounded rumors have been spread on social media.

Investigators hit out at conspiracy theorists who speculated that the boy's parents, Jacob and Destiny Chamberlin, were behind the disappearance.
Skeptics have been calling on officers to raid the family's home, with wild accusations claiming the child was covered in wet concrete or buried under an outhouse on the family property.
"We have thoroughly vetted all of that," Mehr said, in response to questions on the family's background. The family are "good citizens," Mehr added.

Source: USA Today

Photo: Woman sentenced to death by hanging for killing her 8-year-old step-daughter

A woman and three of her accomplices, were on Thursday, January 21 found guilty of killing her eight year-old step-daughter and sentenced to death by hanging.
Elenah Nyambura (pictured at Milimani law courts, Kenya with her accomplice) was charged with committing the offence at Civil Servants Estate in Kariobangi, with Peris Njeri, Geoffrey Njuguna and Kenneth Muriithi.
The court heard that Nyambura murdered Sheilah Wanjiku to win back her estranged husband Peter Kamau. The four had confessed to killing Wanjiku but later objected to the admissions, saying they had been coerced and threatened into signing statements prepared in advance.
While passing the sentence, Justice Fred Ochieng said the fact Wanjiku was stabbed in her neck and as the wounds were penetrative, there was no doubt the attacker intended to either kill or cause grievous harm.
"It did not matter who dealt the killer blow as each of them played a role which contributed to the success of the heinous act. Elenah Nyambura conceived the idea to eliminate Wanjiku. She enlisted the help of her own brother, Geoffrey Njuguna whose role was to identify and recruit the killers. Peris Njeri would point out the house to the killers," Ochieng said.
The judge said the retracted confessions were very detailed and could only be provided by persons involved, hence concluding the accused acted in concert.
"I find each and every one of the four accused persons guilty of the murder of Sheila Wanjiku. They are therefore, hereby convicted for the offence of murder," he said.
In her confession, Nyambura said she felt her husband loved Wanjiku more than he loved her son and thought if the girl was killed, Kamau would return to her. Nyambura was also unhappy because Kamau had married their former employee who was Wanjiku's mother - Eunice Nyawira - and decided to get rid of them both.
But according to Nyawira, there was nothing to suggest animosity between them as Nyambura's son would visit on weekends.
The court heard that on the fateful day, the accused persons visited Nyawira's house and stabbed the housegirl and the child, but the help lived to testify in the case. Wanjiku was stabbed ten times; six on the right side of her neck and four times on the left.

A postmortem revealed the stab wounds severed blood vessels in her neck. She died of severe bleeding. Investigating officer Sergeant Catherine Kinoti said Njeri coordinated the planning and execution of the child because Nyambura could not leave her place of work.

Kinoti testified that Nyambura made Sh80,000 available to Njeri, which she then paid to the persons who killed Wanjiku. During cross-examination, Kamau said after arrest, Nyambura confessed to him that she had been involved in the killing.
She allegedly blamed the devil for persuading her to pay people to kill Wanjiku.

Source: The Star Kenya

Ex-Oklahoma officer gets 263 years for rapes, sex assaults

A former police officer convicted of raping and sexually victimizing women while on duty in a low-income Oklahoma City neighborhood was ordered Thursday to spend the rest of his life in prison.
Jurors had recommended that Daniel Holtzclaw be sentenced to 263 years in prison for preying on women in 2013 and 2014.
District Judge Timothy Henderson agreed, said Holtzclaw will serve the terms consecutively and denied his request for an appeal bond.
Holtzclaw waived his right to remain in custody in the county jail for 10 days, instead opting to be taken directly to prison. Defense attorney Scott Adams said Holtzclaw will appeal.
"It is what it is," Adams said. "It wasn't a surprise."
Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater had strong words for Holtzclaw, who was convicted last month on 18 counts, including four first-degree rape counts as well as forcible oral sodomy, sexual battery, procuring lewd exhibition and second-degree rape. Holtzclaw was acquitted on 18 other counts.
"I think people need to realize that this is not a law-enforcement officer that committed these crimes. This is a rapist who masqueraded as a law-enforcement officer," Prater said after the sentencing. "If he was a true law enforcement officer he would have upheld his duty to protect those citizens rather than victimize them."
The Associated Press highlighted Holtzclaw's case in a yearlong examination of sexual misconduct by law officers, which found that about 1,000 officers in the U.S. lost their licenses for sex crimes or other sexual misconduct over a six-year period.

Those figures are likely an undercount, because not every state has a process to ban problem officers from law enforcement. In states that do decertify officers, reporting requirements vary, but the AP's findings suggest that sexual misconduct is among the most prevalent complaints against law officers.

During the month-long trial, 13 women testified against Holtzclaw, and several said he stopped them, checked them for outstanding warrants or drug paraphernalia, and then forced himself on them. All of the accusers were black. Holtzclaw is half-white, half-Japanese, and the son of a longtime Enid, Oklahoma, police officer.

Holtzclaw's attorney had described the former college football star as a model officer whose attempts to help the drug addicts and prostitutes he came in contact with were distorted. Adams also attacked the credibility of some of the women, who had arrest records and histories of drug abuse, noting that many didn't come forward until police had already identified them as possible victims after launching their investigation.

Holtzclaw's victims included a teenager and woman in her 50s. Three accusers delivered victim-impact statements Thursday, and at least one other was in the courtroom.

Jannie Ligons, whose complaint in June 2014 launched the investigation of Holtzclaw, said she has been under stress because of the case and the fear of being sexually assaulted again. "My daughter and sisters are frightful when a police car pulls up behind them," Ligons said.

The Associated Press does not identify victims of sex crimes without their consent, but she was among two women who spoke publicly about the case and agreed to be identified.
Another woman, who was 17 at the time of the assault, said her "life has been upside down" since Holtzclaw raped her on the front porch of her mother's home.
"It's been hard on my family. It's been hard on me," she told the court. "Every time I see the police, I don't even know what to do. I don't ever go outside, and when I do I'm terrified."
Several of Holtzclaw's victims have filed civil lawsuits against Holtzclaw and the city in state and federal court.

Photo: Gareth Bale is the most expensive footballer in the world not C. Ronaldo, leaked transfer doc reveals

Real Madrid signed Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United for £83million in 2009, and then broke the bank again to sign Bale in 2013.
Real Madrid president Florentino Perez made claims sometime ago that Cristiano Ronaldo was still the most expensive player in the world, saying Ronaldo bought at 83 million pounds was more expensive than Gareth Bale because of the higher exchange rate during Ronaldo's transfer.
When asked about Bale being insured for £78million, Florentino Perez said: "Yes, sure. It's a life insurance, against accidents. Bale is insured for the amount he cost."
But  transfer documents detailing the real cost of Gareth Bale's transfer has now been leaked to the media and are in total contrast to Real Madrid's president's claims. 

The transfer document, released by Football Leaks show that the total cost for Bale was actually €99,743.542, which at the 2013 exchange rate was £85,131,147 a sum higher than that of Cristiano Ronaldo when he moved from Manchester United.
Jonathan Barnett, who represents Bale, has called the leak "outrageous" and demanded that the source of the leak is investigated.
Barnett said to The Telegraph :
“There should be an inquiry and an independent investigation … I think it’s disgraceful that people can get hold of this sort of stuff. It shows complete disregard for both clubs and the player.”

When Real Madrid bought Bale they agreed to pay the fee to Tottenham in four installments.
The first installment of €24,935,895 was paid within 10 working days of the agreed sale. The next (also €24,935,895) was due by July 24 2014.
The third (again €24,935,895 ) was due a year after that and the final installment of £21,282,787 is set to be paid on July 24 2016.
It is believed in some quarters that REAL Madrid president Florentino Perez said Ronaldo was more expensive than Bale because he didn't want to bruise the Portuguese's ego.

South Korean man acquitted for following North Korea on twitter

Following North Korea on Twitter is not a crime, a South Korean court ruled Thursday.A 73-year-old South Korean man was accused of distributing pro-North Korea propaganda after he followed the country's official account on the social network. Prosecutors alleged the former journalist, identified only as Lee, was sympathizing with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's communist kingdom -- an illegal act under South Korean law.
South Korea's controversial National Security Law criminalizes "anti-state" acts and forbids citizens from supporting the North in any context. But because Lee didn't retweet any posts, he was found not guilty of sharing or distributing North Korean content and was acquitted, The Guardian reports.

But even if his Twitter profile didn't land him behind bars, his personal blog did. The Korea Times reports Lee was sentenced him to a year in jail anyway for praising the North on his blog years ago.

Human rights groups and other critics have pointed out that these South Korean "security" measures are simply a way to censor citizens. The National Security Law "continues to be used as a tool to attempt to silence dissent, and to harass and arbitrarily prosecute individuals and civil society organizations who are peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression, opinion and association," argued Amnesty International in a 2012 report.

Tensions are running high again between North and South Korea.

South Korea recently blasted its popular K-pop music across the border into North Korea, where such fun is prohibited.

PEFTI and WAPTV receive visit from Consul Général of France

On Monday, January 18, 2016, Monsieur Laurent Polonceaux, the Consul Général of France; and Monsieur Pierre Cherruau, the Regional Audio-Visual Attaché, had a business meeting and tour of PEFTI Film Institute and WAPTV Entertainment Channel, aimed at further strengthening the current affiliation between French Embassy and Wale Adenuga Productions.
Abiola Adenuga, Managing Director of PEFTI; and Wale Adenuga Jnr., Managing Director of WAP showed Mr Polonceaux and Mr Cherruau round the government-approved Film & Music Institute’s well-equipped facilities; including the 1,200-seater Multi-Purpose Hall, Music Studio, Editing Suite, Make-Up Studio, as well as the Film-making, Performance and Music Classes.

They also met with SUPERSTORY Cast and Crew, who were recording a brand new season, and had an interactive session with some of the stars; including Northern heavyweight actor - Sani Danja, Tamara Eteimo, Saheed Mohammed and others, many of whom are PEFTI students and graduates.
Mr Polonceaux and Mr Cherruau proceeded to WAPTV, the award-winning 24-hour Entertainment Channel, where they had a tour of the station; and Mr Polonceaux participated in a Live interview on D’Beat Zone Music Programme, where he delighted the presenters and audience across Africa by speaking fluent pidgin.
At the end of the session, Mr Polonceaux commended PEFTI and WAPTV on their professionalism, facilities and content; and expressed his desire for additional collaborations with France Embassy in 2016 and beyond.

Former fugitive pastor in Vegas child sex case found guilty

A former Las Vegas area church pastor who became an international fugitive on accusations that he sexually assaulted girls as young as 7 in his congregation has been found guilty.
A Clark County District Court jury on Thursday found Otis Holland, 59, guilty of 17 felony charges, including child sexual assault, lewdness, conspiracy to destroy evidence and bribing a witness. He faces life in prison, with sentencing scheduled for March 16.

The long-delayed trial started early January, but Holland has been in jail since his arrest in January 2012 in Tijuana, Mexico. A prosecutor said he had fled the country following his initial arrest in December 2010. Known to his United Faith Church congregation in Henderson as "Reverend Otis," he was also featured before his arrest on the television show "America's Most Wanted."
Prosecutors said Holland focused on sex as a path to spirituality. He taught from the pulpit that most women have burning desires blocked by sexual hang-ups that he could teach them to get past, if given the chance.

Multiple women have testified that they had sex or sexual contact with the former pastor when they were teens. They said they didn't talk at the time about the abuse with their parents, who had sent them to Holland for counseling against misbehavior like skipping school or smoking cigarettes.
One woman said she was 14 when Holland first took her after Sunday church services to a limousine fitted with a back seat that reclined into a bed and used a sex toy on her and told her he wanted to show her something that would relieve tension and frustration. Another said she started having sex with Holland when she was 15 and that he took her to get monthly birth control injections. The
Associated Press typically does not identify people who say they have been hurt in sexual assault cases.

Holland has denied wrongdoing. His defense attorney suggested that the accusers concocted stories about being abused because they thought they loved the pastor and were jealous of his adult relationships, including with at least two other women from the church.

His attorney, Carmine Colucci, couldn't immediately be reached for comment. But court he had cast Holland as a generous leader who shared vehicles with church members when they needed wheels.

He told a jury: "The limousine wasn't used solely for sexual activities. It was used for transportation."
Holland was also accused of felony witness intimidation. Authorities say he instructed a girl's mother and her ex-husband to destroy computer hard drives, sex toys and church counseling session paperwork.

Flavour shares sexy photo

Music crooner Flavour shared a selfie showing off his toned abs.

Javier Mascherano sentenced to jail over tax evasion charges

Javier Mascherano has been sentenced to a year in prison but is unlikely to ever serve time in jail, after a verdict was reached in his tax evasion case. The Argentine has been fined €815,000 and handed a year's sentence for two counts of fiscal crimes committed in 2011 and 2012.

Mascherano has previously admitted to the offences, repaid the money owed and paid a hefty fine as recompense.

After such compliance with the investigation, the court is expected to grant the wish of Mascherano and his lawyer, David Aineto, in suspending the custodial sentence in exchange for a further fine.

The Barcelona star said in a statement released on Thursday: "I'm a professional sportsman and I don't know a lot about legal and financial matters.

Javier Mascherano's statement in full:
Today I have reached an agreement with the Spanish tax authorities, with a firm verdict agreed by all parties. Thus, with a resolution now for the legal matters and with the relief of having sorted my tax situation, I would like to make a brief statement.
After agreeing my move to Barcelona I contracted a specialist tax agency with well-known professionals that enjoy a great reputation. According to my situation they recommended me certain structures, all within the law, telling me that they were normal, transparent and accepted procedures.
I was assessed by these professionals from 2010 to 2014 I decided to change agency because of the proceedings I was facing, and with evidence that the problems may not be 'potential' but in fact very real. My new agency recommended that I pay the tax authorities the money they were claiming, presenting also a corrective payment.
Now, finally, after a long wait this agreement has arrived which allows me to relax again and go about my daily life.
I'm a professional sportsman and I don't know a lot about legal and financial matters.
Therefore I must rely on the people that manage these technical, and for me, complicated, issues.
All my career I have been an honest and responsible person... I will take this experience that has accosted me as another experience which I will leave stronger and calmed by the fact that I am once again within the law. 

Lottery winner aged 20 murdered in home invasion

A young lottery winner has been murdered during a robbery at his home.
Craigory Burch Jr, 20, scooped almost half a million dollars in the Georgia state lottery Fatasy5 draw in November.
On Thursday night, armed raiders broken into Burch's home, where he was with his girlfriend and children, WALB reported.

The three masked robbers burst into the property and held Burch at gunpoint and demanded his wallet, girlfriend Jasmine Hendricks said.

She told the local station: "When they came in, he said, 'don't do it bro. Don't do it in front of my kids. Please don't do it in front of my kids and old lady'.
"He said I'll give you my bank card."

Burch is then believed to have thrown his trousers at the gunmen, who rummaged through the pockets looking for his wallet.
When they failed to find it, they reportedly shot and killed him before fleeing.
Hendricks fled and raised the alarm, she told the station.

Police are still hunting the suspect.

Burch scooped the $434,272 (£305,000) jackpot after buying the winning ticket from a petrol station on November 29.

His family said he used the money to buy Christmas presents for those in need.

UK Mirror

Supreme Court Prolongs Forjindam’s Case Indefinitely

    Zacchaeus Mungwe Forjindam

Zacchaeus Mungwe Forjindam, jailed Former General Manager of the Cameroon Shipyard and Industrial Engineering.

The Supreme Court of Cameroon has ordered for a fresh re-examination of an appeal filed by Zacchaeus Mungwe Forjindam, the jailed Former General Manager of the Cameroon Shipyard and Industrial Engineering.
The case which came up for hearing in Yaounde on Tuesday January 19, was indefinitely adjourned by a college of seven judges led by Justice Mvondo Evezo’o. The court promised to inform Forjindam and his counsel when next the case will come up.
Following the adjournment by the Special Bench of the Supreme Court, Forjindam will have to stay longer as a New Bell prison tenant before his fate is determined in one of his two appeal suits.
Forjindam’s counsels, Barristers Djoubairou Ousmanou and Baombe Paul regretted the adjournment, lamenting that they have been expecting the verdict since 2012 after the appeal was filed.

They told reporters that the matter was called up for hearing for the first time in 2013 but was later removed from the roster because the court needed time to study the appeal before taking a decision.
Forjindam had appealed the Supreme Court over two sentences passed on him by lower courts.  In one of the cases, the accused is praying the court to reverse a 15-year sentence passed on him on July 18, 2012 for embezzling 978 million FCFA.
Thereafter, on July 20, 2012, the Littoral Court of Appeal slammed him again with a life sentence for embezzlement of state funds.

It should be noted that Forjindam, who has been in prison in Douala since 2008, faces at least two other corruption indictments at the Supreme Court, including an appeal against another conviction.


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...