Wednesday 23 March 2016

How not to fall for fraudsters who claim to be bankers... Lol

A LIB reader sent this in and I thought to share. Read below..
419 People are still out to trick unsuspecting people to give up very sensitive information and Here's how they do it.
1. They send you the message pictured above.
2. You call & a 419/thief who speaks really good English picks up and begins to talk to you and explain why you got the message.
3. The person lies about a non existing system upgrade and about how it affected your ATM. (Which is impossible).

4. Asks if you've done your BVN.
5. The crook then asks for the name of bank you use. (Isn't he/she supposed to be an employee of the bank? Why would you ask for the name of the bank you're working in? - Lmao) .
5. He/She then asks when Last you used your ATM and how much you withdrew from your account? (Trying to figure out if you're wealthy or nah)
6. He/She proceeds to tell you that they'll activate your ATM back but they'll need your personal information. (Ahan... Na so people dey fall mugu for this? Side eye!)
7. He/She then proceeds to ask for the kind of card you use (MasterCard, Visa, etc)
8. And Finally asks for the serial number of the card. ( Really? Lmao)

From hereon, there are two things involved. You either fall for the rubbish and they'll transfer every single Kobo in your account while you're getting alerts or You Insult the person and abuse his future generations. Lol.

No Bank would ever call you to request for such through a phone call, email or text. Do NOT fall for these people.

Obama and Michelle Tango during state dinner in Argetina

US President Obama and his family traveled to Buenos Aires, Argetina to meet its new leader Mauricio Macri after their visit to Havana, Cuba. Obama was seen on Wednesday night at a state dinner with his wife Michelle and Argentine first lady Juliana Awada
Both Obama and his wife danced the tango with professional dancers, More photos after the cut and a video...

Watch the video below:

Is this photo for real? Did their juju fail? Lol...

A Ghanaian Facebook user shared this photo yesterday. He didn't give details except for the caption: "The juju didnt work...hahaha..Na God Get power". Could it be from a movie scene? There's no way  a man will be walking with a machete that deep inside his body like that...

Euro 2016 matches this summer 'could be played behind closed doors without spectators because of terrorism' - UEFA

UEFA bosses are considering closing stadiums from fans this summer in France as the world is still coming to terms from the shock of the Paris Terror attack in the Stade de France last year and most recently the Brussels airport attack that gulped 34 lives.

The EURO 2016 Tournament which is the biggest football tournament for European nations, will be held across 10 stadiums in 10 cities in France with the capacity of the smallest stadium being 33,000 while the largest being 81,000 (Stade de France) making it an easy target for terrorists attack.

With the tournament barely 3 months away, UEFA executive committee vice-president Giancarlo Abete has admitted the best option could be to play the matches behind closed doors.
'Euro 2016 is the kind of event we can't delay or postpone.' Abete told French radio station Radio 24. We can't exclude the possibility of playing behind closed doors as we cannot exclude terrorism.'
In a statement, UEFA said:
'We will continue their joint work and will regularly monitor the level of risk for the tournament and their respective organisational plans. 'For over three years now, EURO 2016 SAS has been working closely with the relevant authorities to develop the most appropriate mechanisms in order to guarantee a safe and secure tournament and all necessary measures are being taken to ensure that is the case for all involved.' France's interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve was keen to stress adequate security measures have been put in place.
'The events in Brussels remind us of the very high level of security which is necessary to ensure Euro 2016 is successful,' said Cazeneuve, who at a press conference said the government would contribute £1.5million for CCTV projects to cover fan zones during the tournament.
'Euro 2016 must combine sportsmanship, festivity and security for the teams, coaches and fan. It is 80 days to the start of Euro 2016 and the organisers, cities and state services are fully mobilised. 'Euro 2016 should be a celebration but collective security is an obligation for everyone alongside the government.'

All you need to know about Daphne, the most talented and authentic young Cameroonian female artist (video)

Daphne (Efundem Njie) was born on 20th September 1989 in Buea and grew up in the beautiful coastal city Douala, Cameroon. She is presently a student in the University of Buea, Cameroon, studying Psychology and Law. 

She's loved singing ever since she was a kid and grew up singing in her church choir. Her passion for music grew further when she went to secondary school and she will often use music to escape from difficult times. While at the university she started visiting studios and doing backups for other artists. Music being her first love, she seized the opportunity to start recording. She did her first records in 2013 and has continued to build a solid pool of exceptional records.

Her greatest inspiration so far has been God and her mother. Daphne is also inspired by her experiences and her culture, leading to a style of music that blends Pop, Afro-pop music, Afrobeat, reggae, Makossa, Hip Hop and urban music in general. “I listen to all types of music, gospel and secular… gospel artistes like Cece Winnan, Mary Mary and Frank Edwards, and secular artistes like Bebe Manga, Tiwa Savage and Rihanna”; says Daphne.

She describes herself as simple and playful while holding dear the moral values of her up bringing. Family is everything to her. When Daphne is not singing, she is dancing, acting and of course shopping. "I believe in God, I believe in working hard for what I really want, I believe in the people around me and I believe in myself".


Studio Albums

1) Here To Stay (Debut Album). Release 30.12.2015. “Here To Stay” is a beautiful collection of 19 tracks. A blend of songs that has their roots in Afrobeat, Makossa, Bikutsi, Pop, Salsa, Hip Hop and R&B all woven together seamlessly by Daphne’s sultry voice. Daphne invites you into a stunning escapade of life, its ups and downs and the power of hope. As you journey through the album, fans will get to experience stories told in rhythms and sounds that are familiar yet infectious in their arrangements. Daphne’s simplistic approach in song writing makes for easy listening when she addresses topics like mistrust on “Famla”, hope on “Sunshine”, dreams on “Shubidu” amongst many other everyday occurrences.
About the album, Daphne had this to say: “I wanted to bring our everyday experiences into music. This album is about life. It is my hope that as you listen to this album, you get frozen in time to experience life all over again…taking the lessons from every bad decision made and improving on all the good ones…celebrating all the victories again and learning to stand and run again for all the times you fell…I hope this album makes you dance"

2) Reflection (EP): Release 17.11.2014. Daphne followed up her debut single with three new songs. The songs show Daphne’s versatility as her vocals ride effortlessly on a Pop/Dancehall beat on “Reflection”, a soulful Afro-pop beat on “Broken” and a Makossa-Zouk infused beat on “Ndolo”. “Reflection is about love redeemed…it’s about forgiveness and allowing love to come back to you,” said Daphne. The song tells the story of a lover who is around when things are good and goes away when “things dem bad…” But the best part of the song is when Daphne asks her runaway lover to “come right away, bring all your pain along let’s burn it down …” The theme of love continues on “Broken”, a song about a girl who’s been hurt and left broken-hearted. “This song is a chapter in everyone’s love book,” says Daphne. “Especially for girls…(she laughs)…you want to love again but you are so scared…’cause you are broken”.  Her third single seems to be a solution for the first two. After being jilted on “Reflection” and left “Broken”, Daphne turns to the “food of the soul…the reason why we laugh, the reason why we cry, the reason why we smile, the reason why we live” - Ndolo (Love). She personifies love as God. “God is so beautiful, and will always be the pillar of my being,” says Daphne. “I turn to God for everything” she continues.  My message with the three songs is simple. “When you feel let down and broken into pieces, you need to reflect…reflection will lead you to the truth, will lead you to love…to God.

Single Releases

1) Mother’s Love: Her latest single is a smash. Released on November 25th 2015, the single continues to make waves in Cameroon and across Africa. An ode to mother’s, Daphne packs emotions into the lyric of the song to tell a mother’s love for her child and vice versa.

2) Gunshot: addresses violence across Africa (Especially in the North of Cameroon with Boko Haram) while also addressing subtle fights within the Music Industry. The Video was released on May 2015 and has been warmly received across Africa and is trending on many networks across Africa.

3) Rastafari: Daphne released her debut single in July 2013 and has had rave reviews for the song. Of the title, Daphne had this to say “On the journey of this life, we all have a destiny we must get to. Rastafari is life’ story; at the end, we are one people, with differing views and goals- but one destiny…eventually we all meet our maker. The title of this track represents a strong desire to love one another, to be your brothers’ keeper and the hope that if you put in the work, no one can stop you from getting to your goal”.

Awards & Nominations:

In 2015, Daphne received multiple nominations for country and continental awards notable among which were; AFRIMA & KORA awards.

Photos: Footballer Samir Nasri's $330k lamborghini impounded by police

Remember Manchester City footballer Samir Nasri's $330k Lamborghini Aventador which he showed off last weekend? It's now been seized by Greater Manchester Police for having illegal registration documents.

The 28-year-old Manchester City midfielder was seen leaning against the wall after being pulled over by police. His $330,000 supercar was not registered in Britain.

Nasri was pictured on Wilson Street in the Beswick area of the city, not far from from his club's multi-million pound training complex, before being picked up by a club chauffeur.

WWF accused of facilitating human rights abuses of tribal people in Cameroon

According to The Guardian WWF, the world’s largest conservation organisation, has been accused by leading tribal defence group Survival International of inadvertently facilitating serious human rights abuses against pygmy groups living in Cameroonian rainforests.
In a 228-page formal complaint to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, (OECD), Survival alleges that anti-poaching eco-guards who were part-funded and logistically helped by WWF, victimised the hunter gatherer Baka people, razed to the ground their camps, destroyed or confiscated their property, forced them to relocate and have regularly used physical force and threats of violence against them.

The complaint, which covers several years and is the first to be taken against a conservation group, alleges that WWF broke both OECD guidelines for the conduct of multinational companies and the UN declaration on human rights.

The complaint contains eye-witness accounts of alleged brutality, video testimonies, and reports from the Cameroonian press accusing the eco guards guards of violent actions against the pygmy groups. The complaint has not yet been heard.

The Baka, who have traditionally lived in what are now Cameroonian national parks, have been forbidden to enter many of their traditional hunting areas, even though their hunting is said to have minimal impact on the environment. Meanwhile, the forests have been overrun by militarised groups and large-scale poachers with buffer zones rented to safari companies. The net result, says the complaint, is that life has become impossible for the Baka.

The complaint, which will be heard in Switzerland, says that the Cameroonian national parks depend heavily on the WWF for finance and management expertise. “Eco-guards are supported financially by WWF, and often transported in WWF vehicles driven by WWF personnel to the villages or other places in which they have abused Baka ‘suspects’. They have even interrogated suspects in WWF-built facilities,” it says.
 A hunter from the Baka tribe beside a duiker which has been captured in his snare. Their hunting is said to have minimal impact on the environment. Photograph: Martin Harvey/Corbis
WWF has responded saying it provides human rights training for the eco-guards.

In a statement, the group said: “Discrimination, disadvantage and abuse are unhappily the common experience of the Baka and this has indeed been reflected in their relations with law enforcement agencies. WWF has long supported human rights training for eco-guards and provides this and wildlife training for all eco-guards and operational support for some eco-guard units in areas where WWF is itself active.

“From 2009 to about 2013, there was a period of more frequent and severe allegations of abuse in a context of arms trafficking, more involvement by the Cameroon military, more poaching, war in nearby areas of the Central African Republic and an influx of refugees. Protests from affected communities and WWF representations to the Ministry of Forests and Fauna seem to have been influential in a marked reduction in the incidence and severity of incidents since.”

“WWF is not aware of any direct involvement by WWF staff in abusive activities or any of such activities taking place in WWF offices, and would take immediate and direct action if this was verified.”

The OECD Guide‌lines for Multinational Enterprises, which have been adopted by 44 countries, are the most comprehensive set of government-backed recommendations on responsible business conduct in existence today.

19 year old Christian missionary, survives his third terrorist attack

A 19 year old American Mormon missionary, Mason Wells was injured in the horrifying Brussels airport terrorist attack yesterday. This will be the third time the teenager has survived a terror attack. Before yesterday's attack, he had previously survived the Boston bombing in the US and the Paris attacks.

Some of the shrapnel from those blasts hit Mason, he  also suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon, injuries from shrapnel and second- and third-degree burns on his face and hands but he's alive and doing fine.

Two missionaries who were with Mason also suffered injuries, but survived.
'This is his third terrorist attack,' Chad Wells, Mason's father, told ABC News. 'This is the third time that sadly in our society that we have a connection to a bomb blast 'We live in a dangerous world and not everyone is kind and loving.'

Chad said he and Mason were a block away from the finish line of the Boston Marathon, waiting for Mason's mother, Kymberly Wells, who was a runner where the bombing took place.

Mason was very calm and composed,' Kymberly told ABC News.

Mason is currently in a Belgian hospital and is expected to make a full recovery, he told his parents. He was at 'ground zero' of the blast zone when the bombs went off.

Chad said a Mormon official relayed to the Wells family that Mason, 'despite being on the ground and bleeding actually had a sense of humor and remained calm through the situation'.

'Mason has always assured us that he is safe and careful.

'I told him first and foremost always be aware of your surroundings, please be very careful when you're traveling be very observant to people around you,' Kymberly said.

Justin Beiber cancels 'meet and greet' with fans, says it leaves him drained, depressed and exhausted

Justin Beiber has canceled his meet and greet session with fans saying such sessions leave him drained and exhausted up till the point of depression. A meet and greet session refers to a session where fans get to meet, interact and take pictures with their their idol. He posted this on Instagram this morning;
''Love u guys.. I'm going to be canceling my meet and greets. I enjoy meeting such incredible people but I end up feeling so drained and filled with so much of other people's spiritual energy that I end up so drained and unhappy..
Want to make people smile and happy but not at my expense and I always leave feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression .. The pressure of meeting people's expectations of what I'm supposed to be is so much for me to handle and a lot on my shoulders. Never want to disappoint but I feel I would rather give you guys the show and my albums as promised. Can't tell you how sorry I am, and wish it wasn't so hard on me.. And I want to stay in the healthy mindset I'm in to give you the best show you have ever seen ;)

Tyga being by sued his landlord for $75000 worth of damage (photos)

Tyga is in it again with yet another landlord. TMZ reports that the landlord of the space he rents for his clothing company, Egypt Last Kings Clothing, is furious after finding the place in a state of disrepair and has sued the 26-year a old rapper for being a 'nightmare tenant'. Tyga is said to have caused $75000 worth of damage to the property.

Tyga - who is a fan of Egyptian history and design - reportedly painted the doors and ceilings black with Egyptian symbols and there were ink stains all over the floor. That landlord is seeking redress for damages to the property and five months of rent owed by the rapper.

Only last month, there were reports his landlord was seeking to evict him from the $4.8million home he rents currently. It is claimed the star pays $40K-a-month in rent on the six-bedroom property which comes with a rooftop jacuzzi, swimming pool with fountain, cinema and wine cellar.

Looks like Tyga has a thing for getting into trouble with landlords. Last august he was ordered to pay $70,000 to the owner of his former Calabasas property following a dispute over rent payments.
The judge ruled against the star after he failed to appear in court, although he had claimed that he was trying to buy the house.

Two months before, he was ordered to pay $80000 to the owner of a different Calabasas home on which he owed $124000 in rent.

Omotola sends loving birthday shoutout to her husband as he turns 48 years older today

Actress Omotola Jalade Ekeinde's husband, Mathew, turns 48 years old today and she took to her Instagram page to send him a lovely birthday shoutout. She shared the photo above and wrote
"‪#‎Happybirthday‬ Capt Matthew Ekeinde.We thank God for gifting you to us. A God-fearing , Bible believing, kind hearted, Humble, Loyal, funny, considerate,
Understanding, Responsible, Hardworking, visionary leader of a man ... What a blessing. Truly what a blessing.We love you.‪#‎march23rd‬ #48 ‪#‎thecaptain‬ ‪#‎still22ndinhawaiithough‬ #8:06pm‪#‎countdowntomarch23rd‬".

Donald Trump comes for Ted Cruz, Hilary Clinton & Pres. Obama

Petty Trump. See more tweets after the cut...

Read the powerful message from Mamuzee twins to P-Square

The singing twins shared some powerful words on their Instagram page to their colleagues, P-Square. See what they wrote after the cut...


 3/22/2016 12:32 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

0322_obama_in_cuba_tmz_wmPresident Obama and "Shark Tank" star Daymond John got down in Cuba with a bunch of entrepreneurs who have their eyes locked on the small country.
John tagged along for the ride because he's a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship who was invited on this mission to empower Cubans via technology and business.
FYI ... the pic was taken Monday ... before the Brussels attack.

Niki Heat creates a heat wave in the fashion and makeup scene in Bamenda (photos)

"Bold, colourful, modern and African" - is the main theme that encapsulates the Niki Heat Brand which was officially launched March 5, 2016 in Bamenda. Niki Heat designs are trendy, dynamic, accessible, ramp-to-reality and ready-to-wear. This clothing and professional makeup brand is poised to cut across the vast discrepancy that existed between unrealistic high-end designer haute couture, and everyday retail chain/bargain bin clothing.

Niki Heat also produces complementary accessories such as African fabric-covered handbags, bracelets, necklaces, and shoes. This brand truly represents what every fashion-conscious Cameroonian wants. Their designs are targeted at the modern sophisticated man and woman, who loves quality but knows that quality doesn’t have to break his/her bank, yet not rob him/her of quality sophistication and class that every modern, self-assured fashionista yearns for.

Niki Heat wants to be in charge of changing the culture of mediocrity that exists within the indigenous garment creation industry; a culture which has created a myth that locally made clothing is to be associated with poor quality. This will be achieved by promising and delivering premium quality and styling through an almost obsessive attention to detail.

See photos from the launch below.

Cuban president Raul Castro shades US president Barack Obama

After an event in Havana Cuba, US President who is the first American president to visit Cuba in 88 years tried to hug Cuban President Raul Castro, but Castro refused to hug him, instead, he blocked the hug and raised his Obama's hand like a champion and smiled. During that awkward moment, President Obama smiled, waved and walked ahead of the Cuban president as they both walked away from the podium. A lot of people think it was disrespectful. What do you think?

Brussels attack: Third man in surveilance photo sought by Belgian police

Police say they are looking for the man on the right in connection with the Brussels attack.
In grainy images from surveillance footage, a man wearing light-colored clothes and a hat pushing a baggage cart through the airport was seen with the other two suicide bombers and is now being sought by the Belgian police. All three men were shown walking side by side.
Two of the men, wearing black in surveillance images, are believed to be the suicide bombers who died in the two explosions at the Brussels airport and another at a busy metro station in the Belgian capital Tuesday that killed at least 30 people and wounded 230 others.
They are so to have each had a 'dead man switch' inside their black gloves. With the switch, even if they had been discovered and gotten shot, the bomb would have still gone off.
According to reports, the man in the light coloured clothes was supposed to make sure the other two carried out their evil deed.
Investigators believe the one in the light-colored clothing planted a bomb at the airport, then left but the bomb didn't go off. Authorities called him a wanted man and asked for the public's help tracking him down.

A break in the investigation may have come from a taxi driver who said he took the suspects to the airport.
The driver contacted authorities after seeing surveillance video of the three men and gave them the address where he picked the men up, according to two U.S. officials briefed on the investigation.
That information prompted authorities to raid a residence after the attacks, the officials said.
Investigators found a nail bomb, chemical products and an ISIS flag during a house search in the northeast Brussels neighborhood of Schaerbeek., Belgium's federal prosecutor said in a statement. 

Source: Fox News/CNN

Kanye West goes on another rant, says he made $2 million in 2 days from his clothing line

Kanye West went on another twitter rant where he talked about his album, how people called him crazy, how he wont let people down, how he makes mistakes but only makes his in public, about his clothing line and how he made $2 million in 2 days and a lot more. Read the rest of the tweets after the cut...


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17 things to know about Paddy Willy

Paddy willy will be a year older  today 20 April 2016 so his friend took time to write about him 1. Born in Tabenken Nkambe ...