Tuesday 12 January 2016

Despite Holding Multiple Positions, Fru Ndi Warns SDF Members against Post Accumulation

John Fru Ndi, SDF Chairman
John Fru Ndi, SDF Chairman

John Fru Ndi; National Chairman of the Social Democratic Front (SDF), has told reporters that the SDF is strongly against militants holding multiple positions of responsibility in the party. He made the statement in spite of the fact that he himself doubles many positions in the party, such as Chairman of the SDF National Advisory Council, Chairman of the SDF National Executive Committee, Chairman of the SDF National Investiture Committee and onetime SDF senatorial candidate.
Speaking to reporters at his Ntarinkon residence last week, the SDF chieftain who lashed out at some party militants who are gunning for more than one political office in the party, said the SDF is not in support of militants holding more than one position within the party.
Fru Ndi reminded militants that the party’s National Executive Committee, held late last year had stressed that no SDF militant occupies more than one office.
“So any militant who stubbornly occupies more than a single position should be aware that he or she is putting a stop to his/her political career within the SDF’’ he warned.
Fru Ndi was apparently challenging some party mayors, district or regional chairmen who want to use their positions to contest for some more positions. He noted that the party is a democratic party that wants the grassroots members to benefit from the political positions too.

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