Tuesday 12 January 2016

Nigeria-Cameroun submarine cable goes live

MainOne has announced that the high capacity Nigerian-Cameroun Submarine Cable System (NCSCS) connecting Lagos, Nigeria and Kribi, Cameroun has been completed and went live in December. The new submarine cable system will address increasing demand for reliable broadband connectivity in Cameroun, and is a key component of the country's strategic plan to provide internet access to its citizens via a National Broadband Network.
The submarine cable installation, which started in June following a tripartite partnership between MainOne, The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Cameroun and Huawei Marine Networks, had investment provided by the Cameroun Government.
The six-pair, 1,100 kilometer repeater submarine cable system will deliver capacity of up to 12.8 Tbps to broadband users in Cameroun and is being lit with 40GB capacity. This extension is expected to boost Cameroun's extremely low fixed broadband penetration, currently estimated at 5 percent.
Built with branching units for strategic extension of its connectivity into Nigeria's Escravos in Delta State, Qua Iboe in Akwa Ibom State, and Bonny Island in Rivers State, MainOne has concluded plans for a distribution hub in Port Harcourt, designed to bridge the technology gap between the South-South and the rest of Nigeria. David Nkoto Emane, General Manager, Cameroon Telecommunications Corporation (CAMTEL), said the NCSCS system enables them to provide users with faster bandwidth connectivity at a significantly lower cost.
By providing direct connection to Nigeria, the cable system will also serve to enhance Cameroon's position as the major bandwidth hub in the region and internationally to Europe and beyond.

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