Tuesday 12 January 2016

Bamenda Welcomes Industrial Zone

The zone to host giant industries is located at Mile 6 Nkwen.
The population of Bamenda is highly appreciative of the coming of an industrial zone in the region and has promised to collaborate when ever need arises. This was during a working visit paid by MAGZI officials to the region recently. The officials of the Institution for the Management of Industrial Zones- MAGZI  also came to  evaluate the work done so far on the site where the industries will be planted.
On the ground it was observed that  about 1.3km of road leading to the site has been tarred with bridges and culverts built, electricity  has been installed while 21 pillars have been planted round the industrial zone.  While presenting the Bamenda industrial Zone, the Technical Adviser at MAGZI  Ndifor Tita said  the zone  covers about 44 hectares of land and has been divided into eight platforms. So far, he went on, the works have been carried out there to make it convenient for industries to occupy. He said studies are still going on toinstall others facilities like water amongst others.
He reminded all that in 2012 MAGZI paid FCFA 220 million to the people that had land in that area.  According to the General Manager of MAGZI Christol Georges Manon, the zone might go operational by mid 2016 as more that 50 % of the work has been done. He thanked the people of Nkwen for being so cooperative. He called on other custodians of the lands in the region to offer more land as the 44 hectares of land is not enough to accommodate the number of companies that are already applying.
He however called on interested industrialists to deposit their applications at the regional delegation of mines Bamenda. Meanwhile, the Secretary General in the North West Governors office Absalom Monono Woloua called on MAGZI to speed up works on the site as the people of the region are anxious to see more industries.  He equally appreciated the work done so far and called on industrialists from the region to apply and occupy land.

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