Friday 12 February 2016

Eulogies To Captain Yari Emmanuel By Loved Ones

A star has fallen. Cameroon has lost a hero. Captain Yari Emmanuel is no longer with us. He died yesterday, February 11, 2016 protecting the Motherland, from the terror we know as Boko Haram.
It is a great loss to his family, friends and associates and to Cameroon, to be taken away at the age of 29. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant just one month ago and he showed much promise but now is sadly unable to fulfill his dreams and aspirations.

The following are eulogies from his loved ones...
Yari Emmanuel
I cannot imagine I am pending these last words to you. I feel a very sharp pain within me. I recall our university years. You were so brave, full of life and put your friends first as you were doing to the Cameroun nation. I looked through our last conversation, I could not stop but to weep. I asked you to be very tactful, I assured you that the Cameroun people have your back and each day we put you and your comrades in prayers but it seems God needed you most. Rest in peace brother.
We shall defeat Boko Haram. Yes, we shall defeat them and some day, your photo shall be honoured in the hall of fame. I promise you that.
Bara Mark
Cameroon Anglophone Political Activist.

"I di protect na wonna for up dey so if die for dey make wonna no cry" That was the last thing you said to me in Limbe before your deployment. Always the first to smile and make others happy, A Captain who commanded so much respect from his subordinates. Your kindness knew no boundaries, giving away your salary in my presence to help fellow soldiers who were in need. You escorted me to Maroua on your time off, you even paid my bar tab after one of our long nights out in the town. If there is something I will never forget about you, it will be your kindness! You fought a good fight and showed love to all who came your way. Your family misses you and we all miss you. Safe travels to the other side my brother your memory lives on!
Paul M Junior

You took up the fight to the North. A fight we as Cameroonians can't understand where it's coming from but you went to protect us and keep us safe. You died so young and with life still ahead of you but you died doing what you love. You died for your country. May the government not forget that!
We celebrate you Lt. We salute you! Go well and we will remember you Capt. Yari.
Matt Acho

Pipso Black,The Black lion, You remember when we were taunting you to get married and you in your wise ways,was like why would you want to get married and end up living behind a widow,little did we know ! This life is cruel and your passing is killing me,I was always Dr Tong to you! The 1st time I saw you,I was like 'na which pikin this black like we so? And yes you became like a brother to me.!!! And so again i say,this feels a lot like loosing another one of my brothers all over again,the pain,the hurt,the tears,the questions Why!!!!! I can't go through this again ,it's practically taken me 12yrs to try to get over Onga and Didi ,and now you,how long would I need to recover from this ,Papa God help me !!! I would rest my case with a little bit of peace knowing ,you died doing what u always wanted to do, and in knowing I now have me 3 big strong ,abled guardian angels up know u have left a void in our life's especially Nana's ,he still is in denial and now I worry for him!! RIP my dear, and God bless us all.. ������ Dr Poubom Rayban

Grand PIPSO you gave up your clown side for this military job, I remember how you were so so funny before the job and after your training it was so difficult to even get a smile. Each time I saw you I was like this is not the grand Frere I know, what have these people done to you, little did I know this also will be taking your life. RIP Mon Capitaine. Thanks for doing this so our pays know Peace. 

Eric Bannavti Suiseka.

Pipso, I remember our first meeting after the SaHeCo days infront of the Man O War Bay camp, that famous 25th December 2012 we spent together happily, till our Manoka pre-construction meeting. You've always been a core warrior and to us a friend and brother, remember our last meeting during SHESA97 Feb 2014 reunion when u told me u love my swag. Bro barely a month as Captain you fell in battle front, we shall miss you famous words "gars y'a rien" Rest In Peace, you shall remain in our hearts as a hero fallen defending our country.

Engr. Justice ANKENGATEH

My only Capi, Pipso Black. Can't believe you are gone. You were a brother to me. I remember how we shared the same room in Buea for over a year as freshmen. We slept in one bed planning our future together and in your own words you told me University of Buea wasn't your calling. I remember that same call from your dad late at night that made you decide to join EMEA and I decided to join the civil marine. We had our life destinations fixed for our lifetime. You went to EMEA and I went to the Regional Maritime University in Ghana. We all loved what we wanted to be in future. Now our passion is taking a toll on us. My able Capi. How can you leave me this way. Remember we agreed to collect all the ranks to the best of our career. God has ranked you to the highest and he wants you to be the Capi of his angels. I love and will forever miss you till we meet in eternity.
Wankwi Nji Francis

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