Wednesday 4 May 2016

Biya Consulted Buhari Against Biafra, Southern Cameroons Resolve to Fight Together – Says Biafra Leader

President Biya and Buhari hold a join Press Conference in Abuja

 President of Biafra Nation Youth League, Prince Chimezie Obuka, has condemned President Biya’s visit to Nigeria, alleging that the secret behind the meeting was to foment a cooperation pact with Nigeria’s Buhari aimed at destabilizing the cooperation that exist between Biafra Youth League and Southern Cameroons.
“On our own side, Biya’s visit to Buhari is to break our link with our people of former British Southern Cameroons. They have resolved to gang up against us”
“Paul Biya, a dictator, has been molesting and intimidating the people of former British Southern Cameroons, I’m not surprised that he is supporting the Buhari’s led administration and we are not bothered, we are only concerned about their failure to consider the condition of the internally displaced people of Bakassi Peninsula.” Obuka wrote in a letter to The Cameroon Journal.
He is further calling for intensified cooperation between Biafra youth and the youth of Ambazonia extraction so they can move like one force.
“There are many ways we can catch a rat, first Biafra youth in Nigeria and the youth of Ambazonia extraction must maintain unity for us to move like a force.” He wrote.
source: Cameroon Journal

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