Wednesday 2 March 2016

EXCLUSIVE: Cameroonian Singer, Blanche Exposes The "Conning" Mister Elad

Blanche is a Cameroonian London-based afro pop artist. She displays a diversity of style which she injects into her music. A mixture of English, French and Pidgin which she blends meticulously in her songs. She moved to the UK in 2012 in order to pursue her singing career and now she has finally embarked on the journey of her dreams. In her first and only release "Killa", Blanche stated that "she ain't here to play games". It seems like Mister Elad aka Mr Melody did not get the message, as Blanche's business dealings with him became a game of deceit and unprofessionalism.
Mister Elad is a Cameroonian upcoming artist-cum-producer whom Blanche was introduced to via a mutual friend and contacted while in the UK. After reaching a business agreement, Blanche spent 1000 Euros on a flight ticket in August 2015 to fly out and work with Mister Elad. According to Blanche, Mister Elad was supposed to spend a week in the studio with her to produce four songs. Blanche and Mister Elad agreed on 300,0000frs as payment for Mister Elad's services which she fulfilled. Mister Elad, however, did not show up at the studio for two days despite their one week agreement of intensive work. This did not add a dent to Blanche's trust towards him or ruin their professional relationship. 

Mr Elad and Blanche in the studio
The whole picture started to change when Mister Elad failed to deliver Blanche's premixes as they had agreed on. After two months of back-to-back texting and calls to remind Mister Elad of his part of the deal, the seemingly professional Mister Elad who had long revealed his true colours as "the con man" sent Blanche raw vocals without any work done on them whatsoever. 

To cut a long story short, it has now been 7 months and poor Blanche is yet to receive the mix or master version of her songs that she has paid. According to Blanche, the unprofessional Mister Elad came up with a string of excuses each time she asked for her tracks. Her career has been put on hold by Mister Elad. What did Blanche do to deserve this sort of treatment from you Mister Elad?

The following are some of the messages that were exchanged between Blanche's manager and Mister Elad.

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