Friday 13 May 2016

Military Tribunal Begins Trial Of Wum Barracks Arson Suspects

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "wum crisis"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "wum crisis"
The Examining Magistrate of the Military Tribunal in Yaounde, May 10, 2016 began the trial of 20 detainees arrested for allegedly burning the army camp at Wum, Menchum Division in the Northwest Region.
Ten out of the detainees were presented before Magistrate Captain Poh Mboule Frederic without a lawyer. Captain Poh Mboule informed the suspects as to why they were presented before him.
The ten suspects were: Akame Nkoo Pierre Gaètan, the soldier who in January 2016 stabbed a motorcycle taxi rider to death, Qualla Dze Queenta, the lone girl who was arrested pregnant, Livistone Fung Achuo, Afuh Javes Mamonda Sule, Azang Hamilep Azang, Njuh Kingsly Kelly, Abang Modest Amih, Nassen Fontoh and Ngong Solos Wallang.
To appear before the Examining Magistrate, the suspects were supposed to have been served with summons so that they could contact their lawyers, but that was not done.
All the suspects were supposed to appear before the Examining Magistrate and not only ten out of the twenty as was the case. The ten others do not know when they will appear before the Examining Magistrate.

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