Monday 16 May 2016

Doctors confirm that women can get pregnant by having anal sex

Urologist Dr Brian Steixner revealed that he treated a patient who conceived after having sex with her partner through her rectum. The patient according to Dr. Steixner had a rare condition called 'cloacal malformation' which affects one in 50,000 people. This condition happens when the rectum, vagina and urethra fail to separate into three tubes and bodily fluids drain into one channel.

The woman had an operation when she was younger to fix the problem, but it didn't go according to plan and left a tiny hole connecting her womb to the rectum.

After the surgical disaster, she gave up hope of ever getting pregnant but was left shocked after she found out she was pregnant and admitted her anal escapades to Dr Steixner. She got pregnant because of the hole connecting her womb to her rectum after the surgery.

Dr. Steixner performed X-rays on his patient which confirmed she had gotten pregnant through anal sex. He said:
"We knew about her condition, and we had followed her for a decade. "After doing a whole bunch of X-rays, we determined that she got pregnant from having anal sex."

Source: UK Mirror

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