Thursday 14 April 2016

Woman sues ex husband for not giving her orgasm throughout their marriage


A woman in Italy has filed a lawsuit against her estranged husband for not satisfying her in bed during the course of their marriage.

The woman identified as Anna from Civitanova, claimed in her suit that her husband was unable to perform in bed and therefore always left her frustrated.

The lawsuit dragged on for 11 years but the woman who is now 50-years-old still pursued it doggedly. She demanded £40,000 for “moral damages” and distress because he was unable to fulfill her sexual needs.

In her argument, Anna said she has never achieved orgasm and she presented the court with a certificate from her doctor, which certified her as “technically a virgin.”

The unidentified man admitted that he had an anatomical problem, but he said that he fixed it before his marriage to Anna. He said he would routinely try to initiate sex, but his wife rejected his advances.

Although the husband’s lawyers were unable to prove that his wife was the one who caused the couple not to be sexually active, they defended their client by saying that he has two children with his current partner, which that proves that he has no medical issue that prevents him from being sexually active.

Magistrates Marco Vannini and Barbara Asuni dismissed the lawsuit and ordered Anna to pay her husband's legal fees of £4,000.

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