Saturday 16 April 2016

Student commits suicide in Douala

Hugues Christian Petchou Sah ran away after suffering the wrath of his parents because he stole FCFA 12 000.

Already two young people are dead through suicide in the space of one week in Douala. After the teenager who killed himself with his father’s gun a week ago, another young man chose to end his life early this week. The body of Hugues Christian Petchou Sah, 18-year-old was found in an advanced state of putrefaction on April 6, 2016.
He was found after three days of fierce searching, hung in a room in an abandoned house near his parent's house at a place called “Lele” in the Mboko neighbourhood, Douala III subdivision.

According to the Suelaba radio station, Fm 105 which reported the sad news, it was the smell emanating from the already decomposing body of the student in terminale (upper sixth in French) at Collège Educateurs, that alerted the neighbourhood.

The drama unfolds from April 3, 2016. Petchou Sah’s parents did not appreciate the fact that he stole FCFA 12 000 and express their anger against him. The student, dissatisfied, left the home. No one knew where he went to… The Regional Division of the Judicial Police for the Littoral noted the lifeless body before handing it to his family for burial.

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