Wednesday 30 March 2016

Yaounde Prostitutes increase price to 2000frs for a "shot"

Prostitutes in Yaounde are threatening to suspend their services if the price does not see an increase from current 300 to 2000 FCFA

According to the matron of prostitutes in the city of Yaoundé, operating in the market sector of Ekounou, the decline in fuel prices since January is why they have decided to increase the price of 1,500 CFA for a shot and 15,000 CFA francs for one night.

According to them, taxi drivers and road bikers make up 60% of their clientele. Those who will benefit from lower fuel prices must pay up to to 2000 FCFA.

They say it is also because of competition from girls who patrol in town for a bottle of beer and are willing to spend a night with a man they have decided to run this increase.

Note that prostitution is illegal in Cameroon and punishable by imprisonment but the Cameroonian government is doing nothing to fight against prostitution that is gaining ground in academic areas of the city.

Source: Africa 24 Website

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