Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Vendors sell bags of fresh air in China to combat air pollution

You know how they say the best things in life are free? Well, some people may soon have to pay for the very air they breathe. A practice that is already commonplace in China's Southern Guangdong province. Chinese residents and tourists visit the airy mountainsides to escape the choking pollution of the city, while there, they can buy bags of fresh air from vendors.

Many tourists hiking the mountain trail shared on social media their surprise at signs reading "purchase clean air to purchase a healthy life" and "Unpolluted air - big bags for 30 renminbi (£3) and small bags for 10 renminbi (£1)." The villagers made quick bucks as tourists bought bags of the stuff, they even put flowers in the bags to make the air smell even better.

Some internet users have suggested the villagers will make even more money if they exported the air to the cities.

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