Tuesday 1 March 2016

Revelation!!! Meet the retired sex worker who has slept with more than 4000 men

Veteran sex worker: Sylvia Kandeya
A sex worker in Zimbabwe has revealed that she had slept with more than 4,000 men during her three-decade long career as prostitute. Sylvia Kandeya, who hails from Mount Darwin, now plans to end her enterprising career which she had operated in and around the Madondo shopping centre here.

Sylvia, who is considered as godmother of all sex workers due to her long stint in the profession, said that all sex workers that come and trade at Madondo Shopping centre “pass through me and my register has more than 20 of them”.

She has been one of the popular sex workers in the locality. But did she end up being so popular?

Sylvia said: “The only work that I have done in my life is to sell sex services for close to three decades; I am 55 years now and I don't remember the exact number of men that I have offered services but kana kuma 4,000 vanosvika (the number may be as high as 4,000)”.

On average, “I used to sleep with more than 7 men per day but now things have changed; I going into retirement, it's now one or two men per month,” allafrica.com quoted her as saying.

She said that she had good income when she was young.

“I managed to buy a stand here in Mt Darwin Township, built a house and I also sent my children to school,” said Sylvia

She said that she had sub-divided her house into several rooms where other sex workers can stay and pay me rentals. And sometimes when the business is low, “I give them time to make money and pay later.”

With the current economic challenges facing the country, all is not well, as sex workers here are even paid $1 for a quickie and $5 for the rest of the night, but long ago they used to charge between $10 and $20 a night.

Sylvia has said that she is HIV positive but that's not the reason for her retirement, it is due to her age.

Source: New Zimbabwe 

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