Friday 25 March 2016

Late Koumate Monique's voice heard on a street in London via UK-based Cameroonians (photos)

Yesterday March 24th 2016, Cameroonians in England rallied together at 3:00pm in front of the Cameroon Embassy in London to express their dissatisfaction and disgruntlement over the poor state of health care in the country. This poor health care recently led to the death of Monique Koumate and her twins at the Lanquantini hospital in Douala. 

This peaceful protest was organised by Dr Gabriel Nkwelle, Emmanuel Nkemta, Brice Nintcheu, Vera Fonjun, Atte Fri, Dr Nguh Santos and Daniel Assako. It should be stressed here that the protest was purely on humanitarian basis and had no political undertones. It could happen to anyone. It was a crowd that demanded for free health care for all irrespective of sex, religion, tribe or political affiliation. They also demanded that saving lives should be more important than money in all circumstances and for the immediate resignation of the minister of health and the DG of Lanquantini hospital. 

Some of the organisers spoke in front of the door of the embassy, others spoke a little bit further away from the embassy. They had posters and banners that sent clear messages to unlookers and to the Cameroon government. It must be stated here that the crowd was not impressive as a lot of women didn't show up despite the fact that the fight was for a fellow woman. They finally stressed that pregnant women should receive a lot of attention in hospital as they are the beares of life. Their calls for the ambassador to come out and talk to them went on deaf ears as he didn't move a muscle from his prestigious seat. 

The memorandum they wrote and signed was rejected by the embassy. There was the presence of some police officers to ensure decorum. The peaceful protest lasted for about one hour, everything went as planned and they vacated the premises around 4:30 pm with the joy of having fulfilled their social responsibility to speak up in the face of injustice. They pray that the change they seek will come sooner than later. God bless Cameroon. Rest in peace Monique and her twins.

See more photos below...

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