Chuo Cyprian Akwo
-leads militants to raise over a Million for the construction of party Secretariat….
The turnout at the Wum grandstand Thursday march 24 was unusual. Thousands of CPDM party followers thronged the ceremonial ground to celebrate the birth day of the CPDM party was midwifed in 1985.
No fewer than 10.000 militants took part in the rally Thursday which equally saw the launch of a fundraiser to mobilise funds for the construction of a party house in Wum. The old one that had become more or less an eyesore collapsed some years back. Over a million franc was reportedly raised during the rally.
At the centre of mobilisation at last Thursday’s rally was Chuo Cyprian Akwo,Menchum I CPDM section president who was chairing the occasion for the first time following his historic victory last December.
The current rancor,animosity and internal wrangling within the party in Menchum I could not stop the event from recording a huge success as thousands of militants, men,women and the young as well braved the poor weather conditions to be a part of the event.
Hon Wallang Richard’s absence at the start of the event remained conspicuous.however the lawmaker who has come under scattering criticisms of late arrived the rally ground at the tail end of the event. Mayor Dighambong Anthony of the Wum council staged a spectacular show through out the event.
It was the YCpdm section president for Menchum I who first took to rostrum.other speakers included CPDM and WCpdm section presidents and Akwo Fabiola who is central committee member.
The massive turnout at Thursday’s rally in Wum has sent shockwaves across the town.political Commentators and observers are already of the opinion that with a strong following ,Chuo Cyprian might only be heading for Parliament. He has made several attempts in the past and speculations are rife that 2018 might just be another moment for him to proof his political prowess. It is widely whispered within political circles that Hon Wallang Richard’s days as MP might only be numbered should Chuo Cyprian be endorsed for the race in 2018 which he is no greenhorn to it. Affaire suivre…
Source :The Menchum voice