Thursday 18 February 2016

Germany Sets aside FCfa 3.3 billion to boost poultry farming and agriculture

Set up green innovation centres to improve the poultry, cocoa and potato production; this in order to increase small producers’ income. This is the goal targeted by a funding of FCfa 3.3 billion granted by the Federal Republic of Germany to the Cameroonian government.

The corresponding agreement was signed on 15 February 2016 in Yaoundé, the Cameroonian capital. According to the parties, the choice of products targeted by the financing was made based on their large presence in the consumption patterns (particularly in the case of potatoes) or their importance within the agricultural activity of the country. This is the case for cocoa, which is produced in seven of the ten regions of Cameroon and covers roughly 600,000 family farms.

“We hope that the support given to us will help contribute to modernise and professionalise the food sector in Cameroon, including food processing industries”, Holger Mahnicke, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cameroon, declared.

Investir au Cameroun

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