Friday 18 March 2016

President Sergio Matterela, Paul Biya Sign Five Cooperation Agreements

President Sergio Mattarela has arrived  Cameroon, for a state visit of four days, that began March 17, 2016 noon. The President of the Republic of Italy was in the afternoon of the same day at the Palace Unit, for a tete-a-tete with his Cameroonian counterpart Paul Biya. After spending more than an hour discussing state issues, the two leaders, they were joined for an extended working session by members of both delegations. Italian President we gathered is expected to sign five cooperation agreements.
These agreements include: 
- The Agreement on exemption of visas for holders of diplomatic and service passports between Cameroon and Italy;
- The Framework Agreement of Cultural Cooperation, science and technology between Cameroon and Italy;
- The Framework Document between the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Cameroon concerning the use of resources from the cancellation of the debt of Cameroon by Italy;
- The Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Padua in Italy and the National School of Public Works;
- The Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the University of Padua in Italy for the promotion of sustainable urbanization in Cameroon.

Official Program of the State visit of the Italian President Sergio Mattarella to Cameroon
17/03/2016The President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella is presently in Cameroon for a State visit. The visit which began today Thursday 17th March 2016 ends on Sunday 20th March 2016. below is an official program of the four day visit.
Photo for: Official Program of the State visit of the Italian President Sergio Mattarella to Cameroon
Thursday, 17th March 2016
12.00noon – Touchdown of the special plane carrying H.E the President of the Italian Republic
- welcome by H.E the President of the Republic of Cameroon
- Military honours
- Presentation of Dignitaries
- Brief stop in the VIP Lounge
12:30 p.m – Departure of both heads of State from the VIP Lounge for the Hilton Hotel
1.00 p.m Arrival at the Hilton Hotel
- Installation of H.E the President of the Italian Republic
Return of the President of the Republic of Cameroon to the Unity Palace
- Free lunchtime
2:30 p.m. – Meeting between Cameroonian and Italian business leaders at the Hilton Hotel
4.00 p.m-Departure of H.E the President of the Italian Republic from the Hilton Hotel for the Unity Palace.
4.15 p.m. Arrival at the Unity Palace
- Welcome by H.E the President of the Republic of Cameroon
4:20 p.m - private discussions by the two Heads of State at the Unity Palace
- Visit to the Chantal Biya International Reference Centre by Mrs. Laura Mattarella, daughter of the of the Italian President.
5:20 p.m. - End of discussion
- Signing of cooperation agreements
- 6.00 p.m. Return of His Excellency the President of the Italian Republic to the Hilton Hotel
- Arrival at the Hilton Hotel and installation
- 7:15p.m Departure of the President of the Italian Republic from the Hilton Hotel for the Unity Palace
7:25 p.m. – Arrival at Unity Palace
- Welcome by H.E the President of the Republic of Cameroon and Mrs. Chantal Biya
- 7:30 p.m. State Dinner offered by H.E President of the Republic of Cameroon and Mrs. Chantal Biya in honour of H.E the President of the Italian Republic
9:p.m- End of dinner
- Return of H.E President of the Italian Republic to the Hilton Hotel
- Arrival at the Hilton Hotel and installation
Friday 18th March 2016
- 9:45 a.m. – Departure of H.E the President of the Republic from the Hilton Hotel for the University of Yaounde 1
- Visit to “Centre Promhandicam” by Mrs. Laura Mattarella, daughter of the Italian President
- 9.55 a.m – Arrival at the University of Yaounde
- 10.a.m Speech by H.E the President of the Italian Republic at the Amphi 700 of the University of Yaounde 1
- Discussion with Students
- End of ceremony
- 11.a.m Departure of H.E President of the Italian Republic from the University of Yaounde 1 for the Reunification Monument
- 11:10.a.m Arrival at the Reunification Monument
- Visit of the Monument
- 11.50.a.m end of Monument visit
- Departure of H.E the President of the Italian Republic from the Reunification Monument for the Hilton Hotel
- Arrival at the Hilton Hotel and installation
- Free Lunchtime

- 3:45 p.m. Departure of H.E President of the Italian Republic from the Hilton Hotel for Ferrero Entreprise (IMSOFER), Yaounde
- 3:55 p.m Arrival at Ferrero Entreprise
- 4.00 p.m Visit of Ferrero Entreprise
- 5:00 p.m. End of visit
- Departure of H.E the President of the Italian Republic from the Ferrero Entreprise for the Hilton Hotel
- Arrival at the Hilton Hotel installation
- 6:45 p.m. Departure of H.E President of the Italian Republic from the Hilton Hotel for the Italian Ambassador’s Residence
- 7:00 p.m. Arrival at the Italian Ambassador’s Residence
- Meeting with the Italian community
- 9: p.m. Departure of H.E the President of the Italian Republic from the Italian Ambassador’s Residence for the Hilton Hotel
- Arrival at the Hilton Hotel and installation

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