Monday 14 March 2016

Cameroon pays hommage to Lieutenant-Colonel Beltus Kwene, Captain Emmanuel Yari and four other soldiers who died in battle (photos)

The nation has pay tribute to Lieutenant-Colonel Beltus Kwene, Captain Emmanuel Yari and four other soldiers who died in battle in different combat operations against the terrorist group Boko Haram in the Far North Region of Cameroon.

The military parade to pay hommage to fallen colleagues that ushered the cascets of the six soldiers at the esplanade of the Military Head Quarters Brigade in Yaoundeprovoked weeping and mourning amongst relatives.
Colleagues, family members, friends and sympathisers could not hold their tears as the cascat of the young and brave soldiers preceded their photographs at the esplanade.

The cascets of each of the fallen soldiers was covered with the national flag and were placed side by side infront of a waving national flag, illustrative of the recognition of their bravery in the fight against the barbaric acts of the terrorist group, Boko Haram.

The soldiers were part of the Apha and Emergence 4 operations deployed in the Far North region as Cameroon’s contribution to the Multi National Joint Task Force to weedout the terrorists.

Cameroon’s most senior officer to died died so far in the combat operations against Boko Haram, Lieutenant-Colonel Beltus Kwene was commander of the Rapid Intervention Batalion (BIR) for the south zone of operations in Kolofata in the Mayo Sava dividion. He died at the age of 39 from wounds sustained after his vehicle was hit by a land mine after a successful operation againt the terrorist.

Lieutenant-Colonel Beltus Kwene was post humously decorated with the Cross of Valour of the Cameroon Military. He was decorated by the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence on behalf of the Head of State.
Captaine Emmanuel Pipwoh Yari died on 11th february 2016 at the age of 31, during a operatiion carried out Cameroon’s special forces in Ngoshe on Nigerian territory under the auspices of the Multi National Joint Task Force to fight Boko Haram. The Captain and the other four soldiers also recieved medals of vaillance post humously.

Eulogies at the ceremony to pay hommage to the brave soldiers was read by Colonel Joseph Nouma, Commander of Operation Alpha. He presented the six brave soldiers as, “heros of modern times just like all those who at the sound of the clairon stood against the nightmarish islamist. He also promised that the sacrifices of the six men will not be in vain.

The Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, Joseph Beti Assomo who presided the ceremony in the presence of top military officers, colleagues of the soldiers parents, relatives and friends inclined infront of the cascets as a sign of honour before consoling the families.

At the rythm of the military band, the cascets were conveyed out of the court yard of the Military Head Quarters Brigade for burial in their respective villages.

Source: Elvis Teke (CRTV)

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