Tuesday 19 January 2016

Naming Limbe Stadium: Nyango Na Muna Or Njalla Quan Stadium?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Limbe Stadium"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Limbe Stadium"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Limbe Stadium"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Limbe Stadium"What is in a name really? This question seems to have murdered the sleep of Limbe Chiefs as they attempted to conjure a name for the new stadium in the Ngeme neighbourhood of the coastal town. Christening the new stadium is one of the blights plaguing the sports ground.
A name, water supply, electricity, parking lot and access road; all of these have suddenly become urgent requirements to be added to the new stadium. A week ago, Southwest Governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai, urged the chiefs in Limbe to propose a name for the 20,000-seat stadium.
Okalia had told the Chiefs to conceal the proposed name for transmission to President Biya to take the final decision on what name to give the new stadium. Afterwards, names like Paul Biya Stadium, Nyango Na Mana (Sea Goddess) and Njalla Quan filtered out from the “naming” conference.
The name Paul Biya seemed to cause discomfort among some people when they considered that the Olembe stadium in Yaounde would be named after the Head of State. Then again, there are indigenous historical sentiments to take into account.
The Bakweris in Limbe revere Nyango Na Muna whom they believe offers them protection especially at sea and provides bountiful fish. Then there is late Henry Njalla Quan; a son of the soil who promoted football in Limbe and beyond. As General Manager of Cameroon Development Corporation, CDC, Njalla Quan supported local teams such as Opopo.
In 2000, he opened a football academy which he named after himself, the Njalla Quan Sports Academy, producing an elite division team.
If all these names fail to make it on the baptismal card of the new stadium, why not Oil Palm Stadium since the sports ground is sitting on a spot which used to be part of the oil palm farms of CDC? The stadium could still be named after the Bakweri’s elephant dance or after a local football icon.

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