Kanye West finally feels remorse for dragging the 23- month-old Sebastian into his Twitter feud with his father, Wiz Khalifa.
“I know you mad every time you look at your child that this
girl got you for 18 years,” Ye tweeted about Sebastian’s
mother, Amber Rose, adding “You own the waves??? I own
your child!!!”
In her podcast with Allegedly on Thursday, Amber Rose
explained why she commented on the Khalifa/Ye twitter
feud. “I would never talk about kids in an argument,” the
model and author said, “It just shows the type of person he
is. Even him saying stuff about my son, I still didn’t say
anything about his kids. I’m not going to. This is ridiculous.
They’re innocent babies. You don’t ever, ever talk about a
baby, ever.”
Wendy Williams, Piers Morgan and many media houses also criticised Kanye’s outburst.
“Dear Kanye, using a two-year-old kid to insult a love rival crossed a line,”
Piers Morgan wrote in Daily Mail. “Now be a man and say sorry.”
Well, Kanye finally listened because moments ago, he admonished himself on Twitter. “Never speak on kids
again,” he tweeted, “All love, all blessings.”
“God’s dream… Never speak on kids again…all love … all blessings…¨