Saturday 9 January 2016

Christine Lagarde received at Unity Palace

Christine LAGARDE received at Unity Palace

The Director General of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Madam Christine LAGARDE was received in audience at Unity Palace by the Head of State His Excellency Paul BIYA and was later offered a reception by the Presidential Couple.
Speaking to the press shortly after the audience, the Director General of the IMF said she had an excellent discussion with the President of the Republic. Discussions were centred around the long and important collaboration between the IMF and Cameroon, she continued, and that President Paul BIYA thanked the financial institution for their assistance, while hoping that the fruitful cooperation will continue.
The Delegation of the Director General included Madam Antoinette SAYEH, Director of Africa Department; Mr. Gerard Thomas RICE, Director of the Communication Department; Mr. Mario De ZAMAROCZY, chief of the mission to Cameroon; Mr. Gilles BAUCHE, Adviser at the Directorate General and Mr. Kadima KALONJI, the Resident Representative of the IMF in Cameroon.
An official reception was offered in honour of Madam LAGARDE by the Presidential Couple.

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